Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 38

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t=acnventinclsil gare ntgaeday afternoon, on' tbe occasion of àveyconetoa casclgadngv the bridge tea and fashioni show a tond, that was unusual to the wed- given by the junior auxiliary of the Aing of Miss Bethany jane Crowe and Woman's club and attesting its sue- taurené Thornpson Knott of Newcless. York city Êàturday evening, February The charities upon wbich the girls 14.In armny it th sugesedfocus their interest will receive the 9ardàb*m, werç tht gowns of the brid proceeds from. the event. Nearly an< IjiL "tt&idants, -Which were fasb- one-hundred tables were sold. These ioned along Grecian linies, carrying out were arranged witb white covers and funther thet simpîicity -and symmetry red hearts for markens and tallies and. stately dignty of, classical> design end the nefresfiments served aet the adadding ta its beauty aniprs close. of thet gamne gave furtbe rrc- siveness. agnition to St. Valentine's day *ith. The churcb; was entinely ini green their beart-sbape cakes and ned and andwhîe. îtte pras o tu ~ wbite. candies whichi were. served tretwer mase ogeher a formw.ith tbe coffet. tre wet ,maséd tûethr t f rm A n attractive fashion show illus- higb Walls simulating formai r hedges, trating the' last Word- in curret, at the. entranoe* into -tbe *chu"ch and along the front. of ,tbe chancel wbere, styles, preceded by a littît talk 'on' et ieach" side, two slender, clipped boxthne mode,, was sitaged.,withmei- tres roe tt rrgulriy f the. line. bers of the junior auxiliarjy and the At, each end of the cboir stalls two Womnan's club as manequins. high pyramids of calla lilies were placed and the alter rail was bidden behind a Eloise Smith Becomes, low hedge. Calla Miies atnd white tapers graced the altar itself. Bride of Robet Howu s Six high standards, each bearing its Last Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock circle of lighted tapers and the base the marn.iage of Missý Eloise Smitbý of each covered with box, were placed Mand Robrt Dicas eg Howsen f along tht aisie and cbancel, garlands Mr n r.RcadGog os of smtilax decorated thé walls of tî,'*- of Evanston,; took place at the borne church and white tapers burned ini each of thé bridé's parents, 'Mr., and Mrs., window. Ropes of. smilax mnarked off. Julian C. Smith, 1170 Michigan ave- tht aisie for the procession of the wed- nue, Wilmette. Miss Betty Aider ding party. Dr. Hubert Carleton, rec- of WVilmette was the bride's only at- tor of the churcb, read the service at tendant and William Cleveland of 8:30 a'clock,,, assisted by the Rev. Evanston served Mr. Howse as beFt Leland oartDanforthi of enil- man. The ceremony was *performed worth. Tht vested choir, carrying the by Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Augu.- rec! music boo~ks with large red tassels tine's, .cburch, Wilmette, before just f especially made for the occasion, sang tht immédiate familles. A wedding the Bridai Chorus, selected wedding supper followed the service, music, and the "Amens" during the The bride and -groomn,- who bave ceremony. now gone on a motor journ.ey to: Thebrie ws gwne infleb clorBiloxi, Miss., will niake their homle, satin, of long; straight limes, with long, in Binghamtoii; N. Y. Grecian sîteves, and a. very long, three-1 point train. Pink, péarls were used to baskets filled with- cyclamen, rose embroierthë train and pink pearîs leaves adpupe as1s and rhinestones trimmed tht neck 'of Mrs. CroWe- was, -in Pink silk. lace, gown,lits deep.cifs, and f ormed a bow-- and tbe bridegroom's mnother,, Mes. knot at tht waist. - Tht headdress Elleîî T. Knott of Boston, wàs in bluie which held her' long tulle veil in place crepe embroidered in silver. Botti also wiLs of P'ink pearis, and she wone mwore shoulder buquets of orchids. a strand of pearis, the bridegroom's George Crafts of New York City performed at 10:30 at St.. Itàs church in Chicago, tht Rev. Fr. Scbevlin of St. Francis Xavieî' s church officiating. A wedding break- fast was served a h rk hotel afttr tht ceremony The bride, wore an unusual frock of blue satin witb a blue tulle veil. that feil into a train. Her siiers of blue satin înatched. ber gown, and she carried a bouquet of1 calla ii. Attending the bride as Illaidl ut honior vasMiss, Dorothy lHofftiait whio, was, in a dress of (élep rose crepe made, in. 1poiuces .s fashion.* Suc carnied, talisman roses and 1)111e freesia., Tht bridesinaids, Miss Maxinie Baker and Miss. Ruth,1lan-ý agan, ere -in pale pink crepe an(. carriedpink roses. Each -wore strawv afternoon bats witb a' touch -of bine. Tht best m'an was ,Ned Kelley, the bidesgrooff's. brothens, and the usbers included Frank Morrisoii, Lawrence Rotb, Edward Schiager,. adjoseph' O'Donnell, brother of the bride. After a mnotor trip through tliî South, sPending niuch:.of their t'ime ini Florida, Mn.,.and Mrs,. Kèlley will make their home in.Deerfield. Wilmette and KenilWorth Girls Set Wedding Dates *Miss Jane Ridgway of Keiilworth. and Miss Margaret Wbiteett of ý\Vil- mette bave set tht dates for their wed- dings which will take place early this spning. 1 Miss Ridgway, the daugbter of Mn. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, has chosen Friday, March 21, for ber coming man- niage ta William B. Plumerof Brook- Une, Mass., which will tic solemnized in tht Ridgway home. Miss Whitsett, Who is the daugbter 'of Mn. and Mns.-RaIphiWbitsett of 830 Oakwood avenue, will become the h)r*dc of :Robent Arthur MacNeille, son of iieClarence T. MacNeillès of Glencoe., Saturday, Apnil 4, 'in the W.lm et 1te Methodist E piscopal church. Guest of Honor at Bridge -ditctium' and the louniz.e. ]est ý, bàtuýt-. - Virginia and Charlotte Huck, twin Crowe's marner and sisten, airs. W. daug ters of the Carl Marshall Hucks Lee Crowe and Miss Addie Cnowe, and of * niworth, wore f rocks af flemh Mns. Crowt's sister, Mns. Fred B. «d«. net .caught wîth littie bows~ of Wood4ard, ail of Owosso, Mich., Mr. velvet nlbbon, with long skirts, ànd and Mrs. John Bropkçins of Ovid, witli nrrow velvét ibbon sashes ,and Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. Carletan baaa M, lwi~ 1ai. Tcycarried Huiskamp of Seattle,, Wash.- Mrf s. 'RoyalM. Buckman. of 1034 Linden avenue,.Wilmettte, announces Host at Shawnee the marriage of her daughten, Edna Stu art Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Horton, ta John Layng of 'New Charles H. Lake, 217 Third Street, York, which toak place on Saturday,. was hast to a group' of friends last Febmuary 14. Mn. and Mrs. Layng Saturday at Shawnee Cauntry club are now oni-aweddingjun'i eath aÉ inrnddnc:fo South. gjureui hta ttrgedneraddac o of Winnetka, are thte artists Wnowmi give the next Sunday afternopn musi- cale at the Club Vista del Lago Febru- ary 22. *Mrs. Pick will be at the Vista del Lago f or the first time. Sbhe is known. as the artist ýpupil of -Glenn Dillard Gunn. She cornes f rom Portland, Ore., and is well known f or her Con-ft cert work. in the West. At, the 1 age of 13 she played with the San Francisco Symphony orchestra under the direction of Henry Hadley, and she apjpeared in Chicago with the, Ameri- can Symphony. orchestra. - er splen- did training-and innate talent make ber one 'of the outstanding young pianlists o f the West. Mrs. Pick will play the, Concerto il] G Minor byr Saint-Saens, assisted by .Mrs.. McAdams at the second, piano. Mrs. McAdams, -who has appeared at the Vista del Lago and other .north shore clubs.,before, is well known for hér concert- work as wvell as for. her- ability as an* accomnpanist. Not- only .will she assist Mrs. Pick, but she will ~play accompanirnen.ts for Mrs. Kree-r. She is a talented pianist. Mrs., Rreer also was one of the soloists at the club last- season. ,lI her, prograrn. Sunday she will include among other numbers a, solo,"Spring Life," written for. ber. especially h]y Grant Schaef er, withli whomr she1 is studying. Mr. Scha fer himseff will accompany Mrs. Kreer in bis own comn-. position. Mrs. Kreer bas. appeared be- fore a number of north shore clubs and next week will sing on the pro-, gram of the Milwaukee Spring musi- cale of the D. A. R. Mrs. Kreer, wvho is f rom Pittsburgh, is well know'vn there, as she is ini other, cities. The musicale Sunday 'will commence at 4 :30' and supper Will be served in the club for those Who wish to reman.1 Friday evening, Ftbruary 20. the club is giving girls and boys of, the sixth, seventb, and eightb grades, a costume party, for whicb jmizes will 1 bc given for. thc most attractive girl's costume and. for the most attractive hoy's at- tire. The party wlll be-iii session f romi 7 to 10. Rtf reshments wil hé served. for the juniors and their little guests. Mrs. R. W. Clark and Mrs. W. ýT. Jones will be bostesses for tbe bridge

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