A-Rductio n InOur. Dry Cleaning Prices In common with the Iawer price trend in many commadities, we are *pIeased to annaunce a substantial- reduction in our, dry cteaning prices effective at one. It is scarcely necessary ta say that, the Iower prices will in no way affect the quality*af aur warkmanshîp or service. Garments entrusted. ta us wiII always receive the same painstaking care with speciai em- phasis on the finer deails. Ail pre ssing wiII continue fo b. performed by aur tailors, whose pride in. thefr profession is most certainly Mani- fested in superior resuits. Our success and aur reputation a "Cleane'rsta the discriminating" has been buit upan .this solid platform andifi is upan this basis that we solicit the patronage of ail those who appreciate the finer things. QUR'NEW LOW. PRICES. MEN'S SUITS............................ $.00 MENS OVERCOATS..............$1 .00 LADIES' DRESSES ....... $1 .00 LADIES' SUITS ............1 $ 1 .00 LADIES' COATS ........... ........ $.00