WANT AD STATION IN LOOP For the convenience of our patrons, we have a Loop office ,where you can place your Wan+ Ad., SUITE-F2-1213 TOWER'BIDG. 6NORTH. MICHIGAN. AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COR, M~ICHIGAN AT MADISON STREET PATRONIZE .OUR ADVERTISERS s:movi c.s et u'ken YO 1 take'FI-LMOatong* a nd the ski»l In yQUr haxxds b expert Hollywood cameramnan is put 6master of ail pçrspnal movie cam- '7Tn Five hundred reservations have, oiready beeni accepted for the cabaret dinner and dance whick, &turdoy'eveni*ng, Féebruary 21P, zili simultaneously b:laugurf*te the iSpring season oif social actiz4ty «t Sh.we Co0untry club and celebrote the organiz-ationt's second a.niversary. The Wanderers quart et (ab)ove) will be a featire of the affair.' -Spring colors of Pink and green will be carried out in the elàborate mural and floral decorations of theý ballroom anid dining salon and ini the table appointments. Le Second Anniversaire will- be a cabaret affair, since this type of paity-has-proved most generally pop- .bup1cF.i* .y n. -- uu Cope. Harvery's original tent-piece o ,rchestra, as well as another of lis units, Farwell's Badgers, have been engaged. for the evening. Roy M. Kirtland, _chairman of the entertairiment commnittee, bas, spared no effort nor expense to proc ure the best entertàinment features available for this aff air, the most imp ortant on the club's social calendar for the en- tire year. Humor for Le Second Aniniversaire Lansing, prima donna, who has ar- ranged a programn of semi-classic songs for the occasion, and by the. Wanderers maie quartet, a nation-. ally recognized organization of four individual artists whose voices blend together naturally and beautifully. The Chicago Woman's Aid comn- maittee for the Assisting of the Blind s ponsored a program at the Indus-. trial .Home for the 'Blind, 1900 Mar- shall boulevard, Tuesday evening,ý Feray10. Mischa- Mischakoff, violinist, concert meister of the Chi- cago Sympho>ny orchestra, and Har- old Van Horne, pianist, popular radio artist, gave programs gratis. Ail the ýblind of the entire city were invited. PRO~ OP 1645 ORRINGTON AVE.,1 UNI. b6M PRECISION MADF GLAS SE 5 E VANSTON