Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 16

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anniversary of theéJParent- Teacher association, special attention was given tô the celebration, with a short history of the P. T. A. by Mrs. Free- man, .and with a birthday cake. Mrs. Moodyr, accompaînied by. Mrs. Han- mond, sang ýfive lovely comipositions, two of which were written by Mr.;. Eider of Evanston.. Miss Frances Kern, of the National Coliege of Edii- cation,, spo ke on, "Social ýQualities oet Cb.ildren." The March imeeting will bring us Miss Kelty, co-worker 'of -Miss Moore, supervisor. Thismeeting wili be doubly, interesting,, as school chiid-. ren arenow usini.g the history writteni by« our Miss Moore, and> Miss Kelty. Î Save March. 10 for, Miss Keity, it is urged. The, meeting, wili "beg,î promtly at 3 p. m.'- You, as members can heip to make these mneetingsý Teadie.Piaiit Be renice Viole Studio i1i14 Third St. Wilmette i1705 Vf. BEZDEK & SONS Ratait and 17hoIesait Flerasts 2246 Wihntte Avenue Telephone WiI. lUS pie. The speakers were among the most prominent men and wornoA educators of that time. Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, wife of Senator .Hearst ,if Califot'nia, financed the first coiu- gress and carried the -association for four years. The scope of* this first -Congress bias increased to such ant extent that in .1924 the niaine was chan include-both parents and teachers. and now is known as "The National' Congress of Parents and Teachers."I The parent-teachér, movenxient ha.; grown to1 worid-wide proportions with 47 states,* Alaska and Hawvaii,. 1,500,000 strông in.the United States.., as well as associations ,io1 mosi of thé important counitries in thé, world. No buildinig can be erected on a! shallow or unitrustworthy founidation. This is equally true of organizations, and the g4eatnes§ of the congress is. the outcole of a strong and honestly built foundation. It is glorious t) contemiplate,1 that ive have never beeni able to nprové the ideals ail( purposes of thé original group. Thev founded the congress ini humility- the huntility that is a confession ot ignorance to a passionate wish. 40 learn.- They found.ed the congress oitn courage, the courage that could bhe calm under ridi cule both wvithin, and without the honte circle. They foun4ed the congress oit servis'e,ý which means absence of self seekiing or personal aggrandizemient. .-Mrs. Ernest Freeinan f 1- IL1~ JLK on Monday night at the Howard gymna.siumf. The Baptist team have been champ- ions of Wilmette for the past thrce years, and hiad neyer been defeated during their reign. But Mondaiy night's winnèrs took the lead in the first gaine, and-:from the outset the resuit was neyer in.doubt. The sec- ,e:nýld gaine was much dcoser. With Thalmani and "Jimmie" Hoff- man' outstan ding players'.for :their teamn, the florist sextet represents a well balanced game. .Besides the volleyball teain. t.1e Hoffman's Florist athietes, newiy Or- ganized, have four other groups en:- terned in Wilmette's variou s- sport activities: .the basketbali tean, .ini 1 second place; two horseshoe teams. one .ini fist, and the other ini fifi pliace - and . asubstitute voiieyball team, in sixth place. WVith ,this, comne'dahle record thus far 'in the Wilmette Recreation league, the florists expect to hold il their pace' fln the comilig hasebail league this summer. They are eyt - ing the Wiimette silver ioving C1', that goes to the year-round sport. championsý.I Biblical Travelog at English Lutheran Church A travelog. '4From Adami in Eden to St.. Paul in Rome," lI be pre- sented at the Wilmnette English Lu- tberan church, Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street, for six nights begin- iînz Tuesdav. February 24,, at 7:45 o'clock by IUr. and Mrs,. Carl D. Fales. They will show photos and films made by A. F. Futterer, thle noted Nebo- Golden Ark, explorer, during his recent two vears' e-xplor-r ation in thie' Holy Land.. Th.e publi c is invited to attend., Fo ' lowinig is' the pro'gam for the six niights:. OId Testamésit 1an. 'saitn Dawn to Death of Abra- 2. Fi'om Isaac through EgyptîanS1av- eryto Death of Mos,". 3and Ki ngs, of at. ent end of the Sec- study of its nation-wide operations, the direction of the National movement bas beeri divided among four leaders who will serve under the Chie f Scout execu- tiv-a director of program, a di.rector .of. operations, a director of personnel,, and a businessedîrector. It Ws.to the t.r.it>cf these positions that Mr. Gocid-, man bas been cailed. His field of work w .ill. encompass those phases of. Scout-. ing administration which hiave to do witli the. formation of its prograin. His st-mffi will. include the director of education, director of. publications,. re- search director,, director of volunteer training, director of professional train- ing, director of relations and director of publicity.. Mr. Goodman will take up bis new Mork at the National headquarters, 2 Park avenue, New York City,, as soon as his' successor bas >been installed, in Chicago--possibiy within the next1 two mnonths. Mrs. Goodman and the .chiidren plan te leave for the East on or about March' 1 to visit with lier parents in Wyncote. Pa., and toeniake a selection of a new residence near New York City. Reconciliation Trip to Study Italy in Chicago "Italy ini Chicago" wil be the subject of the reconciliation trip this Sunday, February 22, under the. direction of Dr., Frank 0. Beck of Evanston. Amiontg the interesting places the reconciliation party will visit are OurLady of Poin-' veui charch, Mother Cabrini's Mernorial hospital, .1200 'Gilpin place, a compîcte modern hospital cOniducted by the Italians for Italians, "Little Italy,"' the Garibaldi institute, 1208 Tavlor. street, and the Roma pavilion, 814 Polk street. -At 7 :15 o'clock ini the evening Giuseppc Castiruccio, the royal consul general of italy. to Chicago, will speak on Iitaly's F.conomic, and Social Progress Sirice 1 922." Marian Ortseifen Wil Tell Story at Library Beginning this Saturday, .Februaryv 21, Miss Marian Ortseifen of Kenil- SANTT, Pasteurized MiIk and Cream-Butter and Fggs PHONES. Hligliland .Park 1581 'and Ohio raijroad. WILMETE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. FEUIX VON DESCHWANDEN. Veteruiaran iCag IM ]Idge Rd.9 iet Forent Av'e. PhooeWIImette 880., E I Qfrncoc 606 1 -à' là-shua. theýJiidÉmpq

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