Thursday evening, Mardi 5, is the opening night of the production at the Wilrnette Woman's club of "Why Men Leave4f-ome", and it will be a gala affair. Officers of the club are to be present and during the green roorn party between the second and third acts Mrs. Harvey A. Bush -and, Mrs. Hayes, McKinneyr wi!l pour. An appropriate program of in- cidenitaI music is beig- donated by Chui'k* Tesar and bis Original N.. U., Vagaboônds,, the accomplished north shore oQrchestra wbose niembers are Chuck Tesar, Bill Morocco, Daniel, Bull, John Ouse ,, Jack Welfer, Boib Robinson.: Mrs. Ernst Von. Ammon is «Ioaning exquisite pieces of furni- ture and art' objects' to make the stage interesting as well as beauti- fuI, while other scenery is being con- structed especially for this play. De- ightful cartoon posters appearing in ni .anv windows indicate that. xuch fiîn -is, anticipated. Fred V. Lippen was appearêd as Rugged Darebanks in "Close-Jp~ plays the part of Barber, the biterr i tlie bouse wbere s0 many star- tling things happen. Mr. Lippen is active in the Wiltnette post of,.the Anerican Legion. * Billy Reynolds, the yôung lover * ihserions ideas on matriiony, is port rayed by John Oren Weaver, who is a senior at the Western Theo- logical seminary, Evanston, and is* assistant director of tbe Western Survey of the Ilpiscopal ,cburchl. Whiile a student at the University "of Illinois, Mr. Weaver appeared in camipus dramatics, -and i the first prize play "Meet thei Wif e." Hie lias also played in, the operettas "'Iikdo," "L~ove Pirates Qf Hawaii" and, "Piniafore." John Grahaàm ornes frorn the Up- town Players of the People's church with' whom hee bas been associated for thËee years.. The diffciult part of, Tom Morgan, the. long suffering bus- band of, Fifi, requires an actor of exp erience. 1Mr. Gr abam bû asplayed in contests at the. Goodman theatre and went on the road for the entire ruix of the priîze play "The Smoke Screen" witb the .original cast. "Lien1 people have b.., able t. combin ICONOMY wfh à pleesant CHANGE, by closing thoir residenc.s -on the. Norith Shore durng the. WINTER months,. and, making their homneta the EDCEWATER B«ýACH HOTEL 5300 BLOCK SHIERIDAN ROAD- CHICAGO Februery, Marck and April are the - months when- our Iowest rates are in eff oct-W. wilI be glad of- an . oportinity t show you whea. we. have. t. off or, and to quote rates for the. viole, or any part of that: period. Telephone LONgbeach 6000-Managoes Offie." SALES REPRSENTATIVE WANTED The Home. Stoker Company,- dealers ln, autoniatie .dôme9tié coal stokers for use ln homes and smali apartMeuts, want a capable sales repre- sentative iman or firm) in this territory.. An excellent opportunity for the right party. Must be experienced salesman with good personal1ty and should have some niechanical ability or a knowledge of hea.ting *applances. Write' for further. informa tion, glvlng. fuit details as to presenit con- nectiona, sefllng experlence and genéral qualifications. HOME STOKERCol. (Sa le& Repreaentative) IOÇ W. Barl11îgton Avenue Photo bY Mathew Francis M1r. and Mrs. H. G. Bsrrett, 822 Lmtden& avenue, announce thse en- gagement of their daughter, Doro- thy Charlotte, f0 Evard Uqyden, soit of Mr. and Mrs. Doid Frank Hayden of Gib'bs, Mo. 0F being weiI GRO0MEP js achieved THROUGH ýregular ATTENTION. PERSON by TRAINED in La Gra.nge, ID. 16 Q.uality Far_ 'Beyond 'Price Complete with .;Tubes Regularly Sold for .o your experts the art TRIPLE Screen A of an aunt. Shne is expecteci oa today (Friday). During her abser the afternoon kindergarten at t Howard scbool was conducted Miss Annette Kelly of the Log scliool, while the morning kindt gartn ,w~sin,charge of.,Miss H riet Beers,i.. ,Hess's assistant. Tern*x 411I Linden Ave. Wilmette, Ill. i x67 à ai Harwar Phone WiI. 2843 Grid with