portation purposes, no matter flow lux- urious that car may be for those who are well.. A properly equipped ambulance is the only suitable conveyance. Our splendidly designed, cornfortable, limousine ambulance and gkilled,. uniw- formed aitendants are alw.1ays at your, disposai. Your doctor wilI recommend' this course., UNDERTAKER on 64The House of Personal Ser'vice", 1118 Greenleaf Ave.,, Wilmette Wil. 654' 554 Cne St., Winnetka -Winn 404'* DeLuxe, Funeral Service. Oldest Established Undertakers the, Immediate North Shbore'. Superior, Ambulance Service, Licensed Lady Assistant il Il Keep Your Car SAPE f rom Wint"rg. Perils. DAY and NIGHT STORAGE SIMONIZING WASHING POLISHING'ý GREASING REPAIRING TOWING SE~RVICE~ &Pacer,. Ou Complète Garage Service, in'eluding Expert Mechanical DAY &1 andpaei t O Repairs, c an b e h ad here a t moderate rates. w.uyunodt*No matter 'what thejob may be you can trust us to do it thorou ghly ~~~Linden Creat ar ageZIIII 33»LINDEN AVE. See Tomi for Conrnete CGaa R*uerieba wuvrr --- ~ SKQKIIE MOTOR coe 435 Main Street SERVICE' SALES- WiImtte955 NIGIT. WVA8âD5KAUM.477 -,Amie