Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 56

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DUs, manaigmg oirector of the prop- erty owners' division of the Chicago Real Estate 'board, outlined cam- paign plans for the enroîlment. of 10,000 iew niembers in the property owners' division. George F. Nixon, president, of the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards, spoke With ýreference to a general raliy. of ail boards in' thée state assoeiation in. the furtberance of ail imatters pertaining to real estate tax relief. Raîpli Field outlined such legisia- tive mhatter now before, the state Ieg-. isature at Springfeld as affects real estate. There ýis .a bill before the legis- lature to-. remove township tax as- sessors and place this respofisibulitv: in, a central body, a bill to ýrewrite the mortgage law and an amendment toI the brokers', license law, which, anaong other things, will establislh a competency test designed to protect the public aga inst an influx of un- scrupulous real estatte brokers dur- img the World's fair. The guest speaker was Attor.ney George F. Anderson. Questiôns ini- volving real est ate, law .were .sub- mitted by those present and ansiwered by Attorney Anderson., Chr istine Kaspar Weds Harvey Harloff Feb. 14 Miss Christine Kaspar, daughter of Mrs. Gustav Kaspar of 215 Fifteenth street, whose niarriage to Harvey C. Harloff of Evanston wil take place tomorrow evening at, 8:30 at St. John's Evangetîcal' Lutheran church, has asked hler sister, M~iss' Elizabçth Kaspar, to lie her maid of honor, and Mrs. Edwin C. Harloiff of Evanston tolie matron of honor. Uer brides- maids, will be Miss Ethel Harloif, sis- ter of the groomi-to-be. and Mrs Dewey PihI o Wlmtte. Winifred'c Coker Benson and Hairrv Harloif, a4 nephew, wil libe.flower girl. and ringi bearer. . ' 1 : 11 Irwin C * Harloif will serve as best ' nman for bis brother, and .the usliersr wjhl lie George Cramer and Dewey1 Pihi of Wilmette, and MoleOw-1 ings of Chicago. aiug the party. Charles Holmes of "Warwickc KenýtWth entertained ber sC&lwsbj"nday Mthis week. wiiat it is ail about. A TRE.AT FOR SATURDAY The iext. meeting of the Forum Sat- urday, February J4 is tolie an inspiring one. Disarmament, 15 the question to lie discussed, and Harry D. Gideonise of the University of Chicago 'and. Salvador de MVadarigo, famous Spanish educator and authority on international questions are the speakers. The Floren- tine room of the Congress hotel is the place,, and the time is 10:30 o'coclc in the morning and 2 o'clock in the -after- noon. Go and get the advantage of yeur .Membership. Rememiber 'aIl of us are Forum members since the raise in dues. EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMMENT The primary interest-of the Eficîency in Government commnittee so, far a s the present session of the State Legis- lature h vconcerned is in the office gfôuij ballot bill (Massachusets ballot). Ex- actiy similar bis have.been introduced in the office and Senate as H. B. '68 and S: B. 50 and in botb bousesý they have been, referred to the Election -coin-, ILegion AuxiliaryI (Peter J. Huerter Post) The regular meeting of Peter J Huerter 'atxiliarj was beld Monday night, February 9 at the home of the auxiiiary's oldest member, Mrs. Mary .Loutsch on Glenview road. Dedicatiôn of the 'colors took. place, followed by, the regular business meeting. Thirty-four members were present, four of whom were new triembers. One ofthe four wvas a Gold 'star mother. The auxiiiary.now lias three Gold star moth ers, Mrs. Henry Herbon, Mrs. Paul Kroschel and Mrs. John Huerter. The.auxiliary is proud- to bhave these mthers as members. The social hour *was spent. with Mrs. Mary Loutsch, the' hostess. at home for the hoiidays last Christmas season. 'Hoping you wiil accept our thanks as heartfelt and humble, and with best regards to you, one of which'is approved by the league. 'to Italy;- They were ail introduced by' Mr. He spoke of the early Roman oc- Schnackenberg, but lie is flot SPOflsOring cupation of Trier, as evidenced by the one supported liy the leauge, hav- well preserved ruine, and of the e*k- ing, introduced that .at the request Of cavation work uiow living, carried on certain men 1s organizations which are which continues to. reveal the re- responsilile for this bill which is, knowii7 mains of Romnan liaths. anid other as 'House Bill No. 2K. buildings. MOTOR DRIVERS' LICENSE 0f. secondary înterest. in the -ptesent session Of State Legisiature is the Motor Drivers' License'bih ,introduced in hoth the.Senate and Ho0use as.S. B. iand H. B. 38, boih being referred 'toa the ýJudiciary committee. Our senator. Mr. Hueliscli, is on this comniittee iii the Senate. ý1 1 ACORRECTION In Mrs. Kendrick', article on the Wilmette League of. Women Voters iast. week Mrs. Kendrick is reportied to havé said: "Just what, then, do you, get for the $12?" The number should have been $2. Ainther sentence read: "Very f ew women living in Wilnîette today know their civics." The line should have read "Very f ew, wornc living in Wjlmette today do fot know their civics." WFî.- METTE LIVEregrets. these errors. Scout President A nswers Qu estion Edltor's note: Henry Fowbeer of Wil- mette, acting president of the North Shore Area councili Boy Scouts of Amnerica, now engàged in a $50,000 fund drive, this, week, addressed the follow- Itxg letter to residents of the north shore In reply tothe question of why the Boy Scout councli needs $50,000 at this time. 'ro North Shore Residents: Answering the question of whiv the. North Shore Boy 'Scout council needs $50,000 at this tinie, I would.say, that two vea rs ' ago,. we committed ourý- selves to the task of providing this cýamp. Had it. not been. for this ,we would not initiate ýsucb a prograni1 at this tinie. We 'owe, for borrowed monev on construction and equipmnent of Camp Ma-Ra-Ja-Wan, $IS,OOO--we need for Your eecuivecommittee as O>UY money. wleély, ta are autdited by chartered 8, and their findinge uare pub- ýh local papers of the area re executive board. te u ,, States emphatîeanly that Xext week theWilmette Optimîist club, wiii hear. a talk, by Benjamin Sanmuel Varjaliedîan,. graduate. of Robert college, Constantinople, Tur- key, on "*Turkey 'in Transition." He will touch' on thechange now tak- ~ing place ini Turkey ini its, religions,: economic a nd politicai life. AT NORTHRIDGE CLUB5 The Northridge Womnan's Club had as its speaker for its regular mopthly meeting hast Monday evening, Lloyd Hollistr, vho gave an interesti ng talk on "The Relation of- the Nemspaper: to the 'Community." The meeting' of"' ilhe board wiil take place Tuesdav, February 24, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. Van Deursen, 2114 Ash- TO BE MARRIED MONDAY The marriage.of Miss, Eloise Smith,, daughter of Mr. anid'Mrs.. julianl C. Smith, 1170 Michigan: avenue, and Rober t Davis Howse,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Richiard-George Howse of Ev- anston, is to take place next Mn day. The ceremony will lie performed at the Smith home lbefore only the inînediate families. MNrs. 'Mark Cresap of Woodley road'. \Viniietka, entertainied hier luncheon and bridge club oit Tuesday' of this week.' She lef t Wednesday for a few days'ý iii New Vork where she will visit M>rs.. Smuel Comly (Relen -Crsapý) who*i' moving from,,New Yorkto Sewicklev, Iittle David Proctor of Seattle, soli of Dr.;'and Mrs. Oscar Proctor, who has been the guest of his grandmôther. Mrs. Oliver Barrett of Abbottsford road, Keiiilwortli, since August, re- turnied home last weelc. '4 every dollar asked for la vlta.ily neces- sary, and we ask our North, Shore Ara citîzens te hiveet ln It as the Lord, hea prompered thern. .Thelr diviendeg wilî b. the knowledge that by their ervico they.are building boys and flot naending me.,~ -Henry Fowier, Acting. Presideait,

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