REPA.IRS. LABOR Until March lst N 0W i the time to have your motor. over-, h.auled .., . Valves Grounid . t.Get it ready for the, big,'mileage months",ahead.. We wil test an~d examine your, car free of charge and quote FLAT RATE PRICES in advance for the needed repairs ...No obl igation to buy. Try Our Lubrication Ser'vice- Chnassis (Less 10%Y Until March.ls4) Tiiese Barifains Are for Cash Ozulv Car Washing .... Regular Price.. $1.0O0 Thora Mgh .....First cGlass Painting .. ..Simonizing< . . Mdem E'quiment.,,, Satisfaction COMPLETE Storage- Skilled..Meëhanics Guarani'eed ALL ,CARS 21. Years, in Winnetka 562 Linicoln- Avenue Wnek 6 Cmplet e.. Winnetka 165