Is Pleased to Announce. That They, Have Join ed the Famous Fam ily The comýplet e Firestone fine' contain .s: FIRESTONE SUPREME-A -tire buit without regard to cost, but reasonably priced, neveriheless. FIRESTONE HI-SPEED BALLOON Facfory Equipment on* n out of every three cars in 1930. FIRESTONE SUPER HEAVY DUTY ANCHOR-A 6-ply tire buili for supeÉ service at a reasonable price. FIRESýTONE OLDFIELD-A quality tire priced to fit LOOK AT THESE PRICES WILL MY CAR DO 75?- :YOU have:often asked yourself the question: WiII my car do 75? 'The road. may be smooth, open. and bectconing for speed, but before your fbot presses on -the gas, you Must ask .our- self wbat every racing driver asks: Will my car stand the. pace? At. any speed above 40 miles an hour a tire failure ii.serious and dangerous. If the motor fails to make the speed, notliing happens. If the tire fails, eèverything happens., Reserve engine power is perilous there is reserve tire power. Firestone Gum.dipped Tires always have reserve power because Pires ton. designs and builds them weII in advance of Sales- Service Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 721 MAIN ,Wilmette, Illinoisi J. C. Slown A. B.Van Deusen any