Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 44

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THE NEW EL1 NCO L N OÔUR,.SHOW, ROOM e I u = = E *1 E E 'I i E i i. E E = = = i .1 Ei. *1 E E E = L PACKAR .ASafeç Place' to Buy a Used We have Revised Prices On our entire stock, of, car, January's production coin.parcs witb' an output of 64,»19 in, December, the largest December month in the coin- pany's history. The montb just ended is the third in 'succession to establish new higb production marks over previous mionths since Chevrolet brought out its. new uine, of cars in November. when 45,000 cars were maàde. setting a. new output record for that mnonth in, any year. Accorçing to President Knud!sen, output i ebruary ikely wiI1 ex-. ceed -tentative scbedules now set and eacli montb during theremainder of the ear is expected- to show an in- crease over the:preceding one. .Clievrolet factory employ-nient as of Satürday, January 24, totaled 34,- 447, an increasé of more than 2000 over the, corresponding date in De- cenber and 8000 more. tban 'wben the compai'y commenced production of ifs nlew .c ars in early November. Durin3é tbe current month etnployment is ex- pected io reach 40,000, Chevrolet's inormnal 'operatlig force. Provide Distinctive Badge for State Cops Chiief Walter L. Moody of the state highwav police bas designed a distinctive badge of office to be worn by. A highway policemen so tbat thev mia-v îot be mistaken for anN other law enforcemnent officiais. After February 1.5, each highway policemnan in Illinois will wear, on bis righit Hshoulder, this insiignia: A hiaek felt, rugniwa rPolice," inigold Jetters. -It .wili be unlawfui for any other forces to dispiav this insignia. DECORATINO We pride oxirselves on ont ability thatdo expert work - decoratingm thtstanids tbe test of years and *gives complete satisfaction. "'The Unes closely follow tlIose of the sedan and the car was designeci for safe, speedy delivery of f ragile. and other merchaxidise," officiais said. "The body is built of ýsteel, wbiclh is finishied, on,.the outside with the saine' high gloss as the passenger automobile. Seats in the driving corn- partment ýare of theý folding chair type and permit access into the rear section. "The rear door is ve ry wideade is fitted> with, a plate glass panel 'wi il- dow which gives -the driver rear vis- ion, atý the same timeadding smart- ness. The car is obtainaible ini varions colar combinations.. "Dark cross cobra grain artificial leather is used for upbolstering the seats. On the floor in the rear coni- partment are raised! metal siats for protection, of the floor and also to facilitate, the handiing of heavy packages. "Trhe rustless steel radiator Shell, lamips and cowl strip give a dash of brightness to the exterior. A spareè wheei is mounted on the lef t front fender. Altogether tbe De Luxe de- livery car, bas. that degree, of. smart- ness wanted by merchants who desire to make a good impression on thtir. customers and the general public as; well. Handsome delivery equipmieii- is a fille advertisement for aniv buisi- Uess. 1930 Gas Tax Hits $28,612,268 Total Gas tax collections for 1930 tý- taled $28,612,268.66, of wbîch $S27.- 582,579.16 ispet income for state aii( county road funds, Director Garrett. DeF. Kinney of the departinent oi, finance, bals reported to, Gov. I.oi- L. Emmersoil. Refunds of tax pay - ments made on gasolineutiiized fo~r purposes otber than higbw-ay tran.,- portation, principally to farmers, ami the operation of expenses of coilec - tion, the iowest among ail states th:if, tax, niotor fuel, make lup the dliffer-~ ence o abou onei meillion. The statu .s Cad ## he Ud Car D.rtum W Aou rrsgr fer a Dm.uatr.#. P.ACKARD MOTOR CUR COMPANY 0F CHIiicoe M 5 IMêDEN AVENUR9 HURBARD WOODS iWhugks 8m0Greenîsef 6m30 TRI -OIL lob 'n Ma. WL M enSt t Linden Ave. P~ jmt. The. -nw Lincoln is. a distinguished motor crlnlwhn chas ith, a wh.lbase Of 145 inch-a -short turning radius-- higMhy r.fined. pow.rfut enginse > dev.lops 120 H. P.--new braking ystm-niw fre.-wheling transmission wkich ass'ures rem& àb.cae ndriving-ow, o cndrive'.and relax. Such are efà of the. outstanding features, of the. new Lincoln motor cars. sp You aecordially ivt oi nspe the'r.ow models now on1 display. Demonstraflons arranged at your r.quest CHENEY &KIMBARK, IN C. 1822 RIDGE AVENUE, EVANSTON EXCLUSIVE NORTH SHORE DEALERS DONALD R.KIMBARK. Pr.sid.s*

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