%owloqi tirui Wu w"uIliulu U uV - - -West of and Opposite Indien Hill Station cyme, U RIVATE PARKING SPACE Now Is ýthe Véry Time If Yom wish the best Price, the best work and promPt redelivery To Take Inventory of Needed Fuirniture Repairs Wlay longer endure the loose chair armn, that shaky Piece. o!f urniture, the drawer that 'sticks, and, Jams, or the marred table top? Ask for an Estimate and Compare Our Prices With'Others Tel.»... Winuetka 3470 A beautiful collat ion Of LAMPS and S HA DES,,., Materials and Wallpaper. credin stock for imÉmediate use 156 Center Fabric Shop Miss Cornelison, hac. Street HOOKED RUGS! ON THEINNRR COURT Il t 'ii WINNETKA> MRs. GuvSTUARTBaRLY. I v h 'Special 1 M 1