Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 26

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Ponder Problems at Inter-Club Boaird Session .At *he last meeting. of the Inter- Club board several important mattens were discussed. A report was first given by a committee consistinig of four board members whô 'discussed with the scbool board the problem of wbat ii the mitost approdpriate type of memorial to. dedicate to Mr. Clerkz. The plan seeming most to fit ini wtl the feelings of the school board is that t .h e new ,buildinig, wiceh is to l)e started soon, ,bc dedicated to Mr.' Clerk. A man wbo .was, very much interested.in acquiritig sucb an addi-. tion- to Newv Trier, in' fact .wbo vas highly instrumental in bringing about the projèctl, Mr. Clerk is undoulitedly the logical man for whomn the new buildink should. be. named. In dis- cussing the problem'N ith the stu- dents, it is apparent that the -vast majôrit'y is of the same feeliing; as the school board. Therefore, the Inter-Club board comnmittee came to the agreenient with the scbool board. that Mr. Cler's rnante be commem- orated by the -new building. For' the last two meetings tbe f ram- ing -of a suitable constitution has been a major topic for discussion. A. con- mittee was appointed to draw.a tei- porary constitution, NObicb vas al- tered and -rearranged by 'the other - board. memnbers at a special mIeeting and finally adopted at thie last meet- Thg.Ve board feels. that the consti- tution as it stands now covers thon- oughly 'ail problelns wbich will arise. uinder present conditions; h'owever, as conditions change tbe constitution w *Il undoubtedly bave to ýbe altered accordingly. The process of organi- zation lias at Iast been dealt witb. >.Lastly, it was, decided by the b oard that a special bulletin be issued stat- ing tbat each advîson room be pre- pared to express tbrough its Ti-ship or ýGirls' club) representative its feel- ings on the dedication of the new- atbletic fildk. The matter will then be brougbt up ýat the next meeting. of the board, wbere the consenus of opinion of the boys will be com-pared with that of the girls. Name Information, Desk Boys for Term T he uames of the boys wbo are to work at, the-information desk this 1new se mester have just been made known in' a bulletin aninounicemenlt byMr. Windoes, senior advisor chair- man. They are as follows: Period 1. ,Students: Alan. Fuller, Wil- liamn Freemnan; Alternate,. Gerald Par- .ker. Period 2.. Students:, Jack Durhanm, Henry. Foster ; Alternate:ý William Moi- gan. Period 3. Students: Don Nelson, Bradley- Fike , Alterntate: WIllard. ICus. Perlod 4.- Students.: George, Ogan,. J. Iverson; Aternate: Phi] i'onAmmogn. Period 5. Students: John L4aing, Ray Davis; Alterniate: -Arian Delander. Perlod 6. Students: Don Wolf, N. Bruedigamn; Alternate: Herbe!rt Otten. Perlod 1. Sttidents: H. Bender, Elliot Witt; Alternate: Jack Lampe. Perlod 8., Students: Fred Llnd, WV. Mockler; Aternate: C. KaNanagh. The information desk is situated ini the main hall. Two boys and an àli- ternate are ini charge of thie desk each ýperiod. the alternate working when onte of- the two other, boys is absent., Different boys wotrk each period, anld they are changed, eierv seni ester. The purpose of the desk is to give correctý information .. politely to strangers who corne to the scbool.. The 'boys also, if necessary,, deliver ntotes to students in classes. *Thîis method 'of hiandling visitors %vas first adopted at New Trier Iby ',r. Clerk an-d bas been commendeà v-ery higlilv by guests of New Trier. Frosh-Sopk Drama on Boards March 7 Menîbers of the cast of thie Fresh-* nian-Sophomore play bave,ý been- as- signed their respecti ve .Te play as you ill remember f rorù last week's "Flasbes," is "Sëventeen," br 'Booth Tarkingïton. Following is the list of players and parts. William Baxter ........ Williamî Doty, Mrs. .Bavter....... Florence Sçllery' Mnr. Baxter..... 1...... Sydney. Date jane Iaxter ....... Virginiia .Flannery * FAITES ATTENTION! Voyez Les Miserables t The French classes invite the New Trier student body to attend a presntation of.the movie, ."Les: Miserables," Thursday, February 19, in the auditorium. The senior classes have. just, finished reading. this fascinatingnovel by:,Victoir Hugo and are extremnely fortunate tobe able te secure this e xcellent screenadptation. "Plzelps PFieldý",Wins ai Tri-SÇhip-s Ballot In. accordance with a special bulle." tin sent to each Trî-sbîp represenita-' tive, the Boys' advisor rooms votced on what they considered te be an ap3propriate namne- for the new atli- letic field. Twenty-one advisor roon1ý 'votèd to. cail it Phelps field, fixc, voted to cail it Clerk field, and one voted to name it af ter, some- proi inentathleçte.ý It was brought out duringý thé Ti-. ship meeting that while Mr. Cleri, took a great.interest in New Trier'sý athletics, the new annex.:was, planniec mostly by Mr. 'Clerk and that it Wva-ý largely due to bis efforts that Nev'% Trier was able to get' it, and therc- fQre it would be more approl)riatc, to naine the annex for hùn. Depression Dance Next Tri- Ship Enterprise The Tri-ship club's -second 'annual dance will be hield Satturdlay, FebruË- ary 21, in the mess hall. TÉhe dance is to *be called the Depression 'dance and the tickets are béing, sold o only 98 cents. It- is plannied to have two orches-. tras to enable CotiflUQtus dancing f rom 8 to Il. Tickets went on s ale C last Tuesday, and, according fo JO!, Laing, who is in charge of the dance, the first sale reports indicate that it will be one of the best dances of Tour to Capital- Affords Numerous Interesting Stops Time bas again rolled around te the, timi1e for the fou.rth trip to Wasb- iington, ýD. C., and other points east., This p)rivilege was. first. presented te New Trier students,, teachers, and Parents in 1925, ând since tbeni thé trip has been taken every two >yearsý. Travel. bas always played an un- portant part ini the life. of main, tak- ing himi afield in. quest of necessities, kniowliedge, and pleasure. Tbe Spning Vacation tour, of, New Trier Hiigb school lias a, Very definite educational value , the. advantages to. be gained l)y the student. cannot be overesti- rnated. The Nelýw Trier. Special takes us through the great. states of Indiana and Ohio, tbrough t .he Allegbeny niouintains, and, in the hilis of Penn- slvaîiia we stop at Yo rk, on ou r first niorning ont, to see the Gettvsburg Battlefield. "the bhighi water mark of the Rebellion," the turning poin t of the Civil war. Here1 government guides will point out the. locations of the armies of.-the North and So-utb and recouint t le stirring scenes that here .,took place,' iminortalized for aIl time -by Lincoln's,,etty-sburg ad- dress. . Standing « on, Little Round Top mouintain xwe realize thie co st of- 1 LUnited States. "F~rom Gettysburg our way is by bus down thie beautiful vallev of the Shen- andoah. if spring iîý kin'dly and corne, ea.rly to the Valley, we shall arrJie when. the thousantis of apple irees r in bloon-a truly beautiful sight. Fianked on the east side by the Blue h1d,e mountains andi on the west by the. Alleghanies, the Valle'y, in, addition tô .aforin amost.charming scenie trip. ' rals sone, of the hietory of the iili war, for rnany engatgemiEnts were fou ght in ov-er fortv different places ýin this ibeautifulvaley. -We visi t char notteville, Univers ity of Virgi.nia, and Richmond, the capital of the .Confederacy. fr in 1861-186-5, durinig ,%vthich timne it waRs the main point'of at- tack byr the Federal armi'es of the eàst. ,We also go, to monticello, the home of Thomas .Jefferson, and to çSt.- Johin's church where Patriek Henry deliverefl hisfamusoration. From there we go to Tidewater, Virginia; to Williamsburg. to Jamestown,. to Yorktown and ta. OId ýo be uised )ther higli ,ck and white oft193 *ty dusty and worn te that they> did-the ;d to Iast longer th d white we're on i't forget that the et art in tcct.thi8, tout-but it's Mr. Johnson, this indexer makes pos- and Secretary-treasurer, Jane Orr. y're not sup- sible detailed organization of a note- As a result of the Iast two plays han one year. book and in this way insures quicker there are many new members to be the subject, and more efficient work. LIt sells for admitted to theDramatic club. Every- same diviniglIonly ten cents and is a real :help iii one.looks forward to-a year of fine- semester. Idôing, school wOrk. programns. -Uyb u annunced ts annual. boxing tournament to be held. in the near future. The 'preliminaries witl be mun off as soon as possible; the finals are to be held later in the year. The events will pnobably be held in the afternoon and, spectators a&- mittd fee.Oakley Jenks is to mani- age the tournnment.

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