nor il ',ii-aè--o- -,-13V-- . b.-àu ist, singing one humber wit'b the or- chestra, and appearing with a group of solos withý piano acconiniment&. Miss ýMason, who is still in -ber teens, has had a numbêr of appea- ances with orchestras. On March 6 she will play. the Grieg A-niinor con- Ç erto for piano and orchestra, and, also the:.Chopin E-minor. concerto.; A year ago, at- tbe commencement exercises of the Chicago Musical col- lege, she playedthe Grieg concerto witb memibers of the Chicago Symni- pbony orchestra, coiiduÉted,,Iy..Reck- zeb, and ini February, 1929, she played the Chopin concerto 'with thé Peo- ple's Symphony orchestra, tinder P. Marinus Paulsen, at the Eighth street theater. She also bas played the Grieg con- certo With the Littie 'Sympbony or- chestra of Chidaugo under George Dasch, over radio station WLS,, and once she played it at. tbe Medinab temple accompanied by the membersi of the Chicago Sympbony orchestra, ini a 'programn,, given by a German chortis. Thec Haas,' Heinrv Mergeî N .1 ANNOUNCE TROTH engagement of Miss Gertrude daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Hlaas of Evanston. to George, 10Wuqç trI 11theDBil: ,xGod is 'a Spirit: and they that worship bum must ýworship ii in spirit andý in truth" (John. 4-24). The lesson-sermon âlso included the following passages from! the Christian Science,,textbook, "Science: and, Heàlth with Key to the Scrlp-, turcs,"? by Mary Bakier Eddy:i "Spirit being, God, thee is *but one Spirit for there, can be but' one infinite and, therefore one God" (p. 334)., Evanston Sh rine to' Give Minstrel Show The White Shrine of .1vanstôn ýis sponsoring.a Minstrel show to be given at the Masonic temple, Evans-. ton, on theevening of February '12. The general chairman' of the per.- formance is Mrs. Mary Morris Kin- der of vanston, and W. John flig- gins is directing the show. The cast, wbich is composed Of many nortb shore residents, includes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wheatley andi Mrs. , Luella Newton of Winnetka, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopkins, Melvern Jrumphryes, and Charles Hosken of Wilmette. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Soul" willi be the subject iat the services in the Tirs.t C'hirh of C'hrist. momie Capeme Char. of: AU ChUreM for BendaU Thr.e$50 ýe etchins Rejgul<w Prci$100 BERNIE--STUDIOl. "Better Pictures--Baeir Valu&?' 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanstori' CLUB MEETrS The Alpha Phi 'Mothers' club lield its- motithly meeting and tea on Tbursday at the chapter bouse in Ev- anston. Hostesses were Mrs. J. K. Farlcy,- jr., and Mrs. William F. Freudenireich both of Kenilwortb, Announcement is made. by Mr. and 1 Ars. Rolland A. P-utt, of 1231 Greg- ory avenue, Wilniette, of the recent marriage of theîr daugbter,.Mercelia Charlotte, to Don Scboemaker, 'of, Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scboemaker of Wee.sp; Holland. HESA!4E THRILL. 1. Cle9ners to the Di8criinatin#g 1 152 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones-320-321 Evanston;: Greenleaf 6660 Tel. UNI. 8998 I