uin e? Ifyou've put i back fo normal with: a ýsmat ,incurve, this mussons adôrably, feminin. clothes willI look their b.st on You.. Just ANYý new Corset ,-won't do:' if m'ust b. ýd.sig n.d for your figur-a-nd fitt.dl to, it cars-. fully 'and expert ly. Thon'-ià wiII mould your hips into uI.nderness, nip in your waist- lino the. important bit that's. necessary this year, and give the. youthful upeurve to your bust line.. Theon you're ready for your new froctw. And remember, a prop.rly- ftted corset, even though it is boned a littie more, gives' yopu perfect, relaxed comfort. Tii Frnoe-AComplote Foundation Model eting openecivý -colors, and ;p o> the flag. Mr companied by ton, s;tng "The nt-. There was a short business meet- ai- ing, and then Miss Pearl Hoose sang A. "Children of Men" and To a Hilltop," F. accompanied by Edith Ray' Young. er- Auxiliary. memibers are greatly in- 1Ili Final, Februâ 1ry: Clearance Mens Suits Jverco atsý pi le Co.ats That. SoId Up to $65 ~29~9 EVANSTON SHOP-Orrington anid Churoh Evausion SA.> Open Tu rsday, Tharsday andE Saturday Evemings No Toli Charge-Phone Winnetka 188 id sequences of war > without prepara- tion. Our peace time nii!itary estab- lishment is sinail compared .with that of other countries and we are nfot fighting for an increase in this estab-, lishment, but to prevènt curtailment. and are demnanding the buildin1gtif., our, navy, up to*th.e strengtb author-. ized by the Lonidon- Naval. Treatv. We are for naval disarmament.wheii the nat-ions of the wo rld disarm. Mrs.. Mucklesiône a.lso spoke brief - ly on the growth and danger of coin- mutnismn in this country. Credit is due Mrs., George Stoneý, progrm chairinan, and her, committee for th ie programs we are haig at our meetings. Her comnmittee uis as follows: Mrs. E.- H. Myrland, Mrs. E. V. Cul.lisoni, Mrs. A.. W.* Bersch. Mrs. B. P. McNaughton, Mrs. W. J. Benner ýand Mrs. S. Vankîiwagen . The patriotic features of this. meet- ing, were'arran-ged be. Mrs. A. W. Bersch, Americanismi chairman. On ý Tuesday afternoon of this week, the rehabilitation comnittee made its bi-weekly visit to our wvard. at Great Lakes. Iis announiced by, Mrs. T. I.D Hall, Junior Membership chairman, that there wiil be Washington's birth- day party for junior mmebers* and, ail elgbejunior mnembers- on Febru A bracelet lions of paluul Ulstal-Uuat's Our JeweI.r and Optida.. 1166 Wilanette Avenue Phono Wilmett.l1u6 Waist IN QUR EVANSTON. SHOP