.AN DY" T HAT clever lad knows the way fo a woman's heari. So wise ,young mon ar e.talkg a hinf and kieing tfhem to th. Ridgce Avenue «Phiar- macy -for 1h. Valent me offeroiin; -, a delicious and handsomne box of assortod' chocolates. S$1.Oto $20 RIDGE ýAVIENUIE PHARHACY Phone WImette 316 I .1 I -,I» H Elel'is, president of the. Junior ati.iliar" of the Womi- ais cilub of WIiciete. ait ex-off ico ilnelllber. of the conittee of the l2.aeiiiie's "day bridge tea and. stylt' show. that the aitxiliary is sponlsorinig f0 raise lmoitey wth which to carry on ifs charitY work. Both îeimpbèrs. Pfile auxiliary and tlic Woinan's clufb will be inaine- qulins for tile occasion. O. E. S. CIRCLE- TO MEET The Sewilig circle of the Wilmette chapter of the, Order of Eastern Star .will hold an ail-dav meeting at the homne of 'Mrs. Caroline Coliverseý 1610 HizhIand Iavenfue. Mrs. Earl G. WVhitakcer, 1440 Lut avenue, Chicago, district chairman of literature, bas secured Ethel Colson Brazelton to speak on "Illinois Writ- ers," and Mable Oppenheitu will dis- cuss "What Shall We Read?"' Mrs. A. Star r Best w.il, speak on, the topic. "Wbat Does Our Dramia Offer?" andý Mrs. Canmpbell Collins will give read-' ings of poetry including. the thrce judgéd best in the contçst whiélh lias been conductedý by Mrs. Whitaker throughout the district., A feature of the musical prograîn arranged by Mrs. Williamù J.-Pigott, 7066 N. Paulitia street, Chicago, thé district chairrmat *of music, will he the large massed chorus foried f rom clubs of the district. They will.open and close the program %vith sele.c- tions bv Illinois composers.1 Othe 1r nmeson the prograni %vill be a- tývo-I)iaflo feature. for cighit hands and a vocal sextet. juniors of. the district,. wibl be rel*>- resented by, the glee club of ci Young Xoman's auxiliary of th'e Wonan 's club of Evanston and hy Miss Tessie Peta, violinist of the Roger *s Park Woan's club jutniors.. Juniors wvill also serve as ushers. AHl cl.ubwoxnien aye invited to ýattend. Mliss Dorothv Gough, who is a stu- (lent. at Lawrence college, Appletoi.. \Vis.. spent last week-end witl I ier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gougli, 019 'Maffle avenue. *.the New- Haïrf HodeS JUST hair as qukk as'aý style is origine Th.e.Wilsoan I 1162 Wilmette Avenue on stormu d<g. 09w defiiuecysuivice jà ýN DUERHMis. IBeauty Salon- 1133%k Central. AVenue Phone 414 purticularlg handy I C. C. Renneckar OPposite St. Josep.h ScAooI p. 'q. atrntinr1 Party Delicacies, new