Quai ity Remains When it cornes froiu 'Pearson'a" it's the. beat. ISpoolals fo sm udaI 300 28e .24e .210 ~5,o .29e W. Deliver to Wilmette, Winnetka, Hiubbard Woods snd Glencoe AN EXTRA, I ROOM ltime of the accident were Stanlev Kasper, 18, and John Jaschelski, 19, both of 946 Glencoe road; .Glencoe. According to the Wilmette police report, jaschelski suffered a possible skull fracture. He was taken tothe Evanston hospital. Currie was' charged' with assault with a deadly. wevapon and released' on $5,000 bonds. His case is to corne up before Judge D. M. Mickey in Wilmiette this Sat- urday afternoon,, February 14, at, 4:30 KI, *1 Look Your Lovel> At the Party 'Ts, incl..d, a time to' first thougbt to one's boa The hair . . . the bonds the features . .. who, Cayr-Leen, can brng thelir fuit Iovein.ss?.. "L rA- ning after that kinc of:diversion. The party will be informai and i,; planned for boys and girls froin Il to 17 years of age, inclusive. The gueqts; wilI assemble. in the ballroom for diii- ner.at 7:30 o'clock and dancing wil! be in.order fronli 8:30 to,12 o'clock to the ,music of George ,Konchat's or-- chestra. Tables will be ..res erv'cd throughout the entire evcning. H4elen Steinmiann, dancer, who. vil! include arnonig er numnbers a toe. dance,. "The Doll's Serenade," and Rtobert,,Lotz, who' will present a cos- turned prograni of- legerdemain. in-, cluding the welI-known cigaret-light- ing 'trick, are the entertainers eii-. gaged for the affair. Miss Steinrnann. appeared last Sun- day as. soloist at the Shawl pageant staged 'in. the Cordon club auditoriumi of the Fine Arts building, Chicago,' r, by the Illinois Wom en's Press assoc ia- tion. Mr. Lotz, who requ ires volunteer V assistants'f rom h'is audience in per- forîning bis various tricks,, has ap - perled before numerous north shore organizations and is -a nember of the Anerican Society of Magicians. Phoebe Hedrick, Mary Caniian and A. R. Carman, Jr.,,have planned the je* t decorations, which will ýadd color to St the affair. The entire ballroom i il he paneled ini red. and hlite streamers and red Jiearts and the Valent ine nio- tif will be ýcarried, outii the table appointtnents. give The followijng young people ý\ho are in charge of this initial partv a 'auty. la cabaret for their own group, 111- clude: Frances Wallis, Ruth' Burch- * more, Dor'othy Holway, Josephiiie but Baîhatchiet, Emily Pribble, Jeanne * KuhI, Lois Wolfe, Georgia Betting- haus, Betty Ellis, Betty Fuernialn, Katherine Wenter and Janice Cîn.h-, ridge:r World Day of Prae * - for Womnen Is Feb.'20 WVilrnette..isý to have a World Day of Prayer -for Wornen Friday, FeLi- * ' f yi L . J LL.20- 2fLIIC di L CI II;nUII at the Wilmettc Methodist church. Ail wornen .of the village are .in- vited to attend as it. is , an observ- ance for mienibers of aIl churches. A special program bas been. ar-, ranged. Mrs. Helen Rannev. asist- HOFFMANN BROTHERS US' Cuirai Ave.,Fiins: ,Wimette 13 1and 190, For More ThauF-orty. Years &> ta->4a rïe» Hosiery, Gloves and Undergarments 1139 ýCentral Ave.Wete47 BIl Da t here for Iess Butter Brick or Roli Legs oLmb Per lb............. B. f Pot Roast- (Best Cuts) perl. .. .. . . Porlc Loin Roast Per IL....... Fresh Pork TenderIoims perILb.............. Veal Shoulcier Roast per l....... wilmette 4370