talents at tneh e ieencatre mis Week iant impressive and thrilling arr ay of pictures. including."The Big Trail," ý"Up the River," "~The Lottery Bride," "Renegades" and "Passion .Flower." Among the stars w-hosc abilitiies -distinguish these -phon6plays Are:, John Wayne, Marguerite Chîurchill, El :Brendel, Spencer:Tracy', jeanette. MacDonald, John 'Garrick Joe E Brown, Warner Baxter. Mfyrjna Loy, Charles Bickf ord. and KavFr ancis. Theni there's that young rascal, Tonm Sawyer, who keeps hollering to Huckleberry Finn and. interrupts,,us while we try to reel off a ist of stars. \e,since Tom .just won't.keep stfl, %ve'Il have to quiet him by annou ncingr that the Wilmette theatre will pre- sent Mark, Twain's classic, "Tom Samvyer,jY on Saturday,, February 14,. with Jackie Coo gan, Junior Durkin. Mitzi Green and others providing * plentv of fun to ainuse childre n and hundreds nmore who used to be chil- dren. Western Epc r ? têud Tonight,_ Friday, February 6, and ptomforrow, Saturday, the Wil-ette presents the Western epic, "The Big. Trrail," romntic story of a nation l exodus to -the promised land of the, West,.-The production mioves withý hrcathless sweep, and highlights iin- 'cuea buffalo hunt, cross ing a swolien river, and an Indian attack., 0iie cati hear the creaking of prairie schooners and the blood-curdling * shicksof Indians. Th'lere ar e' fine characterizations bý John W\ayne, Marguerite Churchiil*,i. El Brendel and Tulv Marshall 1'Photographyv is excellenit. "The *ig Triti" will also be shown at the Saitnrdiv -niat >inee performance. 13 te ~a~,on Safurday, Febnarv 7the- doors of the Xilniette thea- rewi . he open. at i p. ni ., and the first natinee show -wili start at 1:15 p.n.This matinee schieduleis'to be ini effect on Sattîrdays, Sundays and hoiidays. "Up, the' River" is the Xiimétte ~theaire's laugh riot for Sunday, Feb- * mary 8. Spencer Tracy is grand irn his screen de.but as the St. Louis wisecratker an'd escape artist who i$ ahwavs in1 the inidst. of the rnjrthfu! hulbbulb that makes this j*icture of Peniten tiatry antics such a deiight. Love Set to Music- Theres. heart break -'and also Moinderful nsc-zheitthese two loyers, Jeaitette MacDonald apid John Garrick, are parted in the Artilur Hatnmerstcmn dra.maic .aop- eretta, "'The Lottery Bride.". But happiness is just arounid the cor- ~ners of the eath-afd also . just around the corner at the Wilmette. thecatre where "The Lottery -Bride" woill be prescnted on Ifonda v and Tuiesday,, Fcbruiary, 9 and 10. To Hear Dennis King .,at Comm unity House .Two \\alioping good reasons are' presented by Commiunity 1-buse, for atte.nding its shows today and to- iorrow, Frirlav . and Saturday, Feb- riarv, 6-and 7. The irsi: reason is a anexetid one-haîf percent reduc- tion iii the price of admission, effec- tive Felbmuarv.6: the second is 'Thie. \-agabond King," done in idi techii color andsnn to :teil the story of Francois Villon,, Paris poet-vagabon cl w~îo~as k~in(yg*(f France for a da\. M agificenit color w-ork,, gorgeous IPrinil nmusic and soine' first-rate act- iga( ingillg niae '4The Vaga- bond Kiing," niemorable in the life oK the picture-gocr. Wti t the flash ai( clan of w 1rd N.ayan(dth thuîidier Norsflore theater, -Howard near Clark, on Saturclay night, February 7. Sun Docigers who. attend the spe- cial midnight show. at the Norshore on Saturday will see, in addition to the regular performante 'of 'Thé Virtuons Sin"- starting at 9:45 p. m.,, a preview showing of joan Crawford, in "Paid,"' starting at il1:45 p. m. Mid- night previews 'will be held regularly every Saturday bereafter. Kay Francis. and Walter Huston are grand in The Virtuous Sin," -a picture of torrid love in'f rigid Rus- sia. As for the theme of Joan Craw- ford's starring vehicle, "Paid,"-tbat's for the Sun -Dodgers to learn. On Sunday, Monday anidTuesda;y, February 8, 9 -and, 10, "Paid" will be the feature1 attraction at the "Nor- shore." Dick, Barthelmess1 will give one of his finest performances in "The. Lash" .at the Norshore on Wednesday and Thursday, Febru ary il antd' 12., Spicing its shows*with the snappi est of short screen subjects. the- Norshore enhance - the ieasuîre of the evening by providing free parking at ail times. ISun D:d:.r TONIGHT and TOMORROW "TE1VE 8IG10 TAIL" wth JOHN WAYNE also Lo.y fun.cartoon Sunday, . b. 8, SPENCER TRACY "UP lm IVER" Mon., TueFb. 9-10 LOTTEPY BRIDE', W.d. Only,, Feb. I I WARNER' BAXTER in SIirn Summerville Comedy Thurs., Fri., F.b. 12-13 In addition ta the regular OuGagn"TchrPt perf ormance of "THJE OurGangin_____________t VIRTUOUS SIN". start- SaturdayF.b. 14 ing at 9:45 P. M. you will see a preview showing of JACKIE COOGAN in'. JOA""TON SAWYER" Sun.. 16-17 ,, n eery at the Wilmette on W'edniesday only, February Il. "ýPassion Flower" at the Wilmette Thursday and Friday, February 12 and 13, has a distinguished cast, ini- cluding Lewis, Stone, Charles Bick- ford, Ka- Hl' ad-a Francis, to interpr t ~hleen Norris' novel for the pproal of niovie-goers. LRedaced Admission - Veningsf, AdUitSlits .... 35Ç ývatI lCO A d u lt . . . . . . . . MO C h ild w e Ii l i c at ail tinies. .PUBLIX..BALABAN & KATZ Howard near Clark "Tol'able David"- Richard Cromwell "Paid"--Joan CrAwford, I