Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 5

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M.soiE5uvtemnple adopted the rece~m- mendation made by its civic comrnitte that the Village of Wilmette retain its present major street plan as adopted, providing a further study of the neces- sities of major streets to be>made by the Plan commission. The recommnexdation in f ull as pre- sented by Alder R. Tigbe, representing, S the civic comrnittee as chairman, fol- lows: "We the civic committee of .tbe Wil- mette. Chamber, of, Commerce, recorn- mend that-the V illage retain the pres- e.nt Wilrnette Plan as adopted, provid- ing a, further study of -the necessities ,of major streets to be made lly the Plan commission whicb will confer witb owners of abutting properties, with'con- sideration for the entire,.Village and our obligation to contiguous territories =ad througb traffic." "Can Correct Faults" The attitude of the Wilmette Cbam-. ber' of-Comrnerce toward the plan was sunimarized by J. E. Worthen, presi- dent, Wbo sàid, "The pla ' is gton .new to us, too big f or us to condemn or S affirm. We&ve got to look forward to the future..We admit tbat there muit be -a plan. We have a plan, but it. is possibly not tbe best plan. "Though the pl an, bas its f aults, these can be corrected. .Bjyits rcpeal we would lose more than we.would gain. Repeal would mean losing a connec- tion with and control over 'No Man's Land,' that we might not be able to regain. "We are not asldng for the adoption of tbe plan. We are mrerely asking that the plan be beld and studied carefully." On Monday,. January 5, the major street plan of .80-foot andi 100-foot thoroughfares bad been brougbt f orce- fully to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday, January 6, a delegation 'of property owners attended the meeting of the, Wilrnette Village board and presénted a petition asking tbat Michigan-avenue be lef t out of bthe major street plan. On tbe same' evening the Village board -instructed tle village attorney to draft an ordin- ance for the repeal of this major street, plan. Mms John, Oleson of Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth and ber daugli- ters, Marjorie and Frances, left on Sunday to motor to Sarasota, Fia., *bere they will join M.r. Oleson and spend two monthË. Mr. Olesnn left tbe, Tbursday '-prececlng. water pipes and storni sewer bouse drains in most of the streets north of Lake avenue between Ridge road and the Indian Hill Estates were op- ened at. a meeting of the Wilmette board of local improvernents. N ine1 construction comipanies bid on the tbree jobs.. Santucciwas.low on the sanitary sewer bouse drains. and water: service pipes, witb figures. of $19,147.50 and $12,457.90 respectively. Collins was loW on'tbe storrn water sewer bouse drains .wiitb a bid of $16,560. No contracts were let, but tbis probably will be cone at the next meeting Of the board of local im.provements. Streets where the improvernen ts are contemplated are: Elmwood, 'Ashland, Thornwood, Chestnut, Kenilworth and Beecbwood- avenues between Ridge road and Twenty-tbird street; Ashland avenue between Twenty-third' street and Grant street; Kenilwortb Avenue be- 'ween- Twentyý-tbird street and Locust rôbad; Grant street, Twentyr-sixfh street and Cleveland street between Asbland avenue and the nortbi limits of tbe Village; Tiventy-fifth street, Dartmoutb 'street, 'Iwenty-fourth street and Colgate street between As'hland avenue and Kenilworth ave- n ue, and Twenty-thfrd street be- tween Lake avenue and Kenilworth avenue. Four, New Members Join -Chaftibeir Ranks Acceptance of Fred M. Coxon, P. C. Lang and A. 'E. Gebert as civic niembers, and of Max Fine as a reg- ular member was announced by B. T. Clark, seçretary of tbe Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, at the regular meeting on Monday nigbt. in the Masonic temple. in addition to tbese new members, the f ollowing men b ave been, wel- corned into the Wilmette Chamber of' Commerce in tbe last two months: F. W. Vodoz, S. M. Singleton, M. E. J3urns, F. J. Olerich, C. F. Weil, P. H. Butler, J. C. Blaylock, R. N. Wade, home this week. The dinner dance and masquerade. to be given by George and Bobby. McCloud. at- the Skokle club- necessarily bas been postponied. The Zoning commission has been. working for several months on provisions desigfied , to modern- ize tezoning ordinance, %vhicb' was adopted in 1922 and bas in, rnany respects become obsolete. A copy of the amending ordi- nneis on- file iïn the Village offices for public inspection. Instali Ear Phones at Teatro del Lago Persons -experiencing difnculty in hearlng are receiving special considera- tion at tbe Teatro del Lago, motion pic- ture boüse in Spanish court, where Sam, Meyers, directing manager, bas 'pro-, vrided ear, phones. -The ar'ranigemnent bas proved entirely satisfactory, accord- ing to Mr. Meyers,1 and arrangements are being.made to ilcrease the iuupber of instruments. There is no extra charge for this f acility, Mr. Meyers ex- plains. Montenaro, Motorcycle Policeman, Back on Job Motorcycle Policeman Anthony Mon- tenaro of the Kenilworth Police de- partment returned to duty Monday of this week after a three rnonth's absence necessitated by injuries received in a collision with an automobile while lie was riding bi.s motorcycle. Twoother' members of the Kenilworth police force, W. R. Sumner, day patrohiian, and J. O. Wilkinson, night patrolman, are absent because of illness. INVITES TO MEETING The Babies' Friendly will have an! Al day meeting Tbursday, February 12, at tbe borne of Mrs. Daniel Mickey, 1523 Walnut* avenue. This group mýakes layettes.for tbe mothers wbo are -unable to provide clotbing for the new baby. Anyone interested is invited to corne and bring ber own box luncheon and sewing kit. mufl FU. 2 01ko.. -10 seneols and Itrans. Pr1Ce $21,000,. Win- netka 3450. wnen it voteci on Monday nigftt that Aider R. Tigbe. chairman of the civic comfmittee, appoint a commnittee to work witb other local organizations toward the realization of the projeet. ,Tbe following is thie recommenda- lion on wbicb the Chamber 61Com»-' meérce acted: "We :the 'civic committee of, the Wilm ette Chamber of Commerce rec-, ornmend that immediate' action be taken towards the. laying out of. defi- nite plans for the erection arid location of a Wilniette domrnunity House.>We furtber sukggt tbat tbe Chamber ask tbe cooperation of' the Wilrn ette: ,Woman's club, Wilmette Civic league, and other like Wilmette organizations in tihis matter." Coll for Action J. E. Wortben;. president of thç chamber of commerce, observing that the need for a community bouse in Wilmýette bhas been dscussed at great' lengtb, said be believed that sucb a social center would probably. bring the citizens of Wilmette into dloser union than any other thing in the community. "We've -got to start some action if, we ever expect to finish tbis projeet," was bis concluding tbought. The great need for a commnunityý bouse was the theme of a short talk by Hoyt King, civie committee mlem- ber, Who pointed out that Winnetka is deriving great benefit from the use of its cÔnmmunity bouse. F. A. Wilson~ reiterated President Wortben's ernpbasis that a commu- nity bouse will bind tbe citizens of .Wilmette into a real union. Cites Various Needs Desirability of a community bouse as a recreational and social center was brougbt out in a.talk by Daniel M. Davis, Wilmette's *recreation di rector, Who stated that the local gym- nasiums are used to capacity on week days from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m., the only luil being between 6 p. nm. and 7 p. mn. He added that a comnmunity TEN CENTS PER COPY Tbe news-stand sale price of WIL- meZTTeLUPE is now ten cents per copy. The subscription price of the publication rernains at $2 aà year.-"* The Publisher.

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