Girls' Cage Teams at Howard School Battie for Honors MO=ay January 26, we badl a ached- ùled IneIn bask.etball with the Whip- pets, the firat teani. We are havIng tthre teama. Our captains are, Helena MIckey, Shirley Garnies and Elsie Jane INago.. Mré. FIanckboiier sëaid thereare to be three torWards, tbree guards, oe forward. Jumpint conter. In. l the 1fit toni minutes the Whippets made twe baskets te make the score 4teo 0lu the Whlpp>eta' favor.. When our ton minutes were up, « we went off the floor and auotbeY team would fin- ish their 'gaine. là about tweuty min- utes we tarted te play. MarJorle Stà.ubltz made a basket. Thon tho score was 4 te 2 atfili la the Whlppet' favor. Then Marierie iget a froe throw and made another point. uiakiug the score 4 te 3. Thore were only two more minutes left to play. The Whippets nearly made a basket.. It.was a protty excting gaine Al of e a auddcu MarJorie made an- other -basket uaaking the score 6 tei 4 ln theoGrayboutudel favor. That, was a protty close gaine. Weêuesday, our sec- j - 011 team playcd the Firecrackers. We teganie waa bvé', the ascore Vas 8 te 2 lu the Skyrockets' favor.7 We startod eut by winuing our first game. We have won one, lest noue. Our sec- ond- tean bas donc the saine. ,Wirit teain, A, won noue, leat oee ; sad the saine wlth the second teain. Our.,thurd teain will play Monda-y. 1 lhope they will wiki, to.-Eleafler Speredes, 7B Howard. Fox. Terrier D efies O eF ec ul g'W.hen Jerry wet luto the house slie - * Ithé. fiidentea muse~ nna a t neulszi80 1 No sooner thought et than done, ànd Mickey was eut en the readway bebiud the bouse. Spying a large bull dog, whildh was called- Jake, lie ran up to hlm, and lu a ver>' pîsyfui mauiner iuuiped àt lI. Now Jake, who was a snarly, cross dog, reseuted the mauner et the lîttle foxterrier, and lu anythingi but à playful matner made ýa lunge at hlm. tw cedMikythga In about toscnsMcete a littlie tex terrier was flgtlng- for al ho waa worth. Jýake beiug niuch larger bad a better chane et chewiug MIckey up- than Mickey had of. eveu gettlugr away. - __ ,.«xIe.--&. otto.esg Raw Silk Produced by Lndustrious Worm The -alikworm - conies from eggs that are laid by a, iuoth. The littie worni teeds ou mulberry leaves and grows ver>' rapidly. Whou the ,worm la full grown It la three luches-long. It then begîns te spmi ta cocoon whicb It tas- -tenuste twlgs.. As It, moves Its head back and,,forth It throws out 'twe tIny, streazns et thick sticky fluid, eue froni each aide of its head. As the fiuid coine Into the air It hardeus and ce- mointsý the silk fAber et the coceen. It. takes tbree daya fer'the worm te coi-. plate the ceceenp. Attr the, first day ho caunot bo eeacc but can be heardl working wlthin.. Iu order to produce. aIl the raw silk ueeded, silk werms are grown ln nur- series wblch are espeially bulit for this purpose.. Some slik la miade froin the 1Iber obtained.froni the cocoon of the wIld silkwortn -andla callcd wild silk. Durlng the fifteen te tweuty day' ater the sllkwerm lias made Its cecoon It changes frorn a worm te a. moth. This meth then moîstena the end of the ceceon and breaks lits: way eut. Iu or- der te kreep the metb t rom coming through the -end of the cocon, thus breaklng the sllk flber, the côceons are beated sotiiat the motb .is killed. A. certain number are allowed to corne eut, bowever, se that tbey can lay the eggs tg produce a new lot of silkwornis. Atter th Ia beating- preceas the silk la ready for reellug. This Is the proces ot wlnding the liber frem the cocoon., The cocoons are piaced lu a basin ot bot water te soften the gummy sub- stance on the fiber. Then- four or five ends of fiber arc started from as mauY coceons and are rceled or wouud- off together. This miust be donc very care- tully. The silk fibe'r as it cohies f roui thc cocoon la 300 te 1,400 yards lu length and la very strange.- The iber -as UIJ lareeled from-*thp meno Is na,.,,,as «,,Iraw ilk." TIhe John Smnith Is Center of New Unit in History We are studylng a new unit lu lus- tory. It ia about John Smithi. We saw a movlng picture et it. It gave. us an Idea for otfr frIeze.. We are making, a frleze on our blackboard. We m rade five scenes,. differeut childreù making varlous parts. 'The five senea wérc: The Arrival, Building Jamestowu, Poca- boutas Savlug Jebn Smith,, and Ex- plorlug sud Trading 'witb the Indians. -Betty Haley, Fourth Grade,- Miss, W.ank's rooni. Galileo discovered man.y interesting tacts and observed the motintains on the moon, spots on the sun, 'and phases ef Venus and noticed that Satura pre- sented an oblong &ppearance. His most famous work, . owever, was the discov- ery of the satellites of Jupiter. .GaIlle thôughit that the earth moved around the sun, but'lu thosàe days most ef the people believed that the opposite, was 'the case and that the earth was; the center ef the universe.; *After Gallleo's death ln 1642 his work was8 carried on byr another astronomer who promised Galileo- on bis, death bed that he. would continue the investiga-' tions and observations which liadt been made with se much self-sacrifice.. Xepler, an astronomer *ho lived'fromi 1571 te 1630, won fame by publlshing certain papers In reference to the move-, ments'et the'heavenly bodies. He wap theý lirst te foreteli the 't'ransit ot a planet la front of the sun, annouucing la. 1629, that Mercury and.Venus would croÉss the sun's, dlsc on 'certain dates, flu 1631. Sir Isaac Nyewton la England Invented a uew kind of telescope called "the re- feti"-Galileo'.9 type is onae offlise known as the "refiector," and It now toiok a back place. Âstronomy has never leoked back, but lias .steadlly progressed step by step to that higli place which It oc-cupies among the. sciences at the présent day. Not enly has the perfection of the telescope and other- Instruments been lncreased, but se too bas thé accuracy of observations. Observations are nowý scattered over the world, and work ls. steadily prog'ressing year la and year eout, The value of systernatie and regu - lar work Is now fully compreheuded and astronomners realize that it la better to, engage ln. regulàr~ observations withi List'of Projeets Is Announced as New * Term Opens ýWe' have started a- new system oet werk outside, et clasa. This-teri we bave an enitirely uew liat of projects. Last term we. liad te baud. lafiteen popts evel'>'wcek lu proljectsansd If we dldn't wei would bave te sta>' atter school ln a make up .class. - The outlue et our uew liat ef prejects ila as fol-, lows: -- to H-oward School Thursday, Jauuary 29, the flftli, sixth, seventh and eighth -grades of ýHoward. heard and aaw - a very interesting talk wlth.llutratlono. 1Mr. Morgan, allas «*Uncie*- Chàrlie," was the erater and we enjeyed it very mucli. He Juat flew back from Nei York. that inoruing and we' certainlyN appreciaté thé -quickncss wltb whicliMi Mo'rgan and the time fie spenz on us. .- He drcw severai pictures ef somne klnd. of pastel colors and. made the bligli liglits and shadotys stand eut. The firet picture. "Uncle Charlie" drew was, IlUncle Charle the Horse," which we> named a horse at 'Our sicigli ride last f'ridayr. He then rmade pîctures of 9 muÏle- and tipplng It sldewýays it showed a qucer soe of e bird. In another- picture hé drew a littie doîl and turning thie upsiqdedew*n It was a picture. et au old, sait mariner. Thon lie drew an- Idea ot bis, own for a city la 1980 showling the cel-umus, as the apartinents and.-the top a therougb- tare for cars. The apartinent bouse was lu ferin et a bridge. Afte'r It was over, -TUneie Charle'" was surrtiundetl by "klds" wautlug one et bis pîctures, or lits autograph. As luck would bavfe it, 1 didn't get one,-.datherlne Reyý- ueld-, Howard 8B., Story of Jamestomn 15 T/zrilli*ng Pupils- We are studylng about Jamnestowa ln our lister>'. We saw ver>' lntereatlug movlug picturea lu the auditorium about the ea'rly settIers. 0f Jamestown. Tbeý Indian chef geènt eut three Iudian bravesi to trnde-with *the whif,,mn. laidiana. attacking the 'white mcxi. Tliey eliargred but when» the white inna flred theîr guns and kllled au Indian, tliey rctreatcd. We also saw pictu'res et the différent ways the>' lad ef punisbiag People at that tirni for Just deing little thîngas. We eujoyed thèse pictures ývery mucli and -tbey belped us with our bis- tory lèssons-Ernest Bal, Miss Frank'r, Red Streaks Win Cage. Game From Monkeyduds mces ho had ms SB owtd I (Contlnued. next e) Itheas Iver>': have -sIdes -and we -telli------- lin tbing lu this paper. TWO :TEACIQiRs ILETURN hlng about China la the Lait week Mra. Joues and Miss Wy- recelve s0 many marks mn were absent. and Miss Davls'part e add ecdi ides' up and et tic week. Thbis week Mrs. Joues and moat marks wlna. It isa Miss Wymnau are baek, but Miss Davis ii- Helen Schaeffer,: BA la ati lîl. We wcre ail glad te sec .tbem - -bock-Jean Ana Monlding, le Stolp.