Phogo 514 VIVE~EEDELIVERIS DAILY Fewury6th to FbvMr.y ith RmS ROAST OF.DE ohice cuts froin the finest corifed be r. a4nbe Tender and tasty. il. 390 EG S....... ....doz. %se Brook! eld grnranteed select f resh eggs. - LAR ..... ........... 2iba.e Swift's pure leaf lard in pound cartons. PECANS ......I ................ bo 53C Ape x extra fancy large paper-shells. ASPARAGUS tins 4.50. Pratt-Lotv No. 1 tins of al-green tips. ...........1E..... lb. %910 A merican fancy quality-r ni yellow. CATSUP ....... ............... Pt19é Richelieu finest Pure tomato catsup. ...f............2 Ibm. S'se DOILLAR DAYS FEB. '9TH 1AND 10TH MONDAY - TUESDAY DACON rs Swift, Premfiumnfehsie Ilbse. $1000, Sea Gardene in glass.jars 3 LoP $1*00V SOAP A merican Family 16 £or $1.00 CHIIPSO Large 25C cartons 19 c " w t i b SOAP - Ivory. Large 15c bars a £or 1 -00 Baby Stuart No. 1, tait tins of fancy stemmed Bartletts .5 or 10 Baby Stuart. Né~.1 tai tins 6f choicest lemon dling. 6 for 10 APRICOTS Baby Stuart No. 1 fancy Cal.ifornia fruit A£lel tait tins of phoneoSie EE~TS FSIcy quaity, $3 buSbhes CARROT f reh dmily 5 Bea ood Scout imd Supprt the B -MW -- Ma Brown pure fruit preserves. Strawberi'y, . aspbeMr, pineapple peach, blackberry and ch e rry. Pouind net glass jars, 30r san, 5for $100 Býoy: SCOUTS hlel. i3oth Miss Aron andi Mr. C-' hen live in Chicago. 0o Mrs. George Edward WaIk, 1240 Lake avenue, will be hostess to ber lunc heon clubnext Tbursday at ber borne. OnWednesday of this week Mrs. Walk entertaineéd tbe Negor hood ýclub. l LEG OF. LAM, Fan cy Sprint ,tOck. l.350 Bransoil DeCou will returfi to Wil- mette for the sixth season, February 8, to speak before the'Wilmnette Sun- day EvSening club;- this time pre- senting bis Dream Pictures of Beau- tif ul japan -, a musical travelog illustrated with masterpieces of art and photography. The program will be. as follows:, d"CharacýteristIc Japanese Landsc apes" Mugie-Fl~pgal's Cave (Mendelssohnl) "Cherry BIossom5 of Japan" Music-Symphony No. 1, in C Minor (Brahnw) End of Mirst, Movement- A trip to Kyoto. The heart of -Oid, ýJapau. An intèrestiflg week. 'Shooting the Hozu Rapids. Lake Biwa. "The JIand Sea of Japan" Music-KoiOflno Tsuki-Old Japanese Song Sung by Yoshle Fujiwara .4Exquiste, Japanese 'Gardens a nd, Flôwers" Music-Tio No. 1 InB fiat (Schubert) *(End of. the Andante Movement) "Initerestiflg Japanese Types -and. Geishas" Music (a) Japanese Native Music- Samisen, Flute. etc. (b). Selection from "Madame Butter- fiy" <(Puccini) "Nikko and Japafl's Most Gorgeons Temples! Musie-m-In a Chinese, Temple Garden (Ketelbey) "Fujlyama, Japan'a perfect Picture" Music-'Unfinîshed Symphony (Schubert) End of Second Movement' "iPalestine" 1Is Topic of Study Class Talk The Kenilworth Study class will rneet on Monday niorning, February 16, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, 234 Leicester road. Dr. Herbert Willett, who leads this group, will speak on '"Paiestine, _Îs $tory and.Its People." He.will give a. picture of the land, the early con- tact and conquests, of its people, tel of the Hebrew inàfusion . and the, cultureý patterns of Hebrew lie concluding, with an account - of 'the foreign dominations and the -fade- out of' Hebrew history.'- The talk will-begin. at 9:45 o'clock. [Gym Classes Held Each