Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 48

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rROOP 1 Wvilmette Congregatioftal Chu rch Troop 1 of the Winette Congre- gational church, organized in Decem- ber, 1910, is> the oldest Boy Scout, tioop in the North. Shore Area coun-. ýCil and one of the first troops or- ganized west of the Alleghenies. The Scoutmnaster,' Kari, D. King, Jr., was- for seven years a Scout of this troop and bas served three years as a coutmaster. ýArthur Pearson is. As- sistant Sotase.On the troop committee headed by Herman E. Lersch are George R. H4arbaugh, vreteran Scoutmnaster of Troop 1 with over; ten years of. Scouting service; Fred S. Rye, once'a Scout of Troop> 1 and V.- L. Brown and George A. Colton'r, fathers of- present members of the troop. Following is the-list of Scouts in the troop. as it starts on its twenty-first, year:. Edwin Andrews, Jarvis Brown, Vernon Brown, Stan- ley Cochrasi, Wayne Cochrah, George Colton, Franklin. Grinneil, Paul Hoff - man, Robert Knepper, jack Lersch, James Simpson Luke, John Arthur Ltike, Donald Lynch, Carl. Mic-helsen, John Pearson, Bill Shearer, adGr don Schuber. ROOSEVELT TROOP 2 Wilmette Congregationol Church Frank, A. Wilson, wbo for over eight years bas been active on. the *cnniittee of Troop 2..j ast fall be- *year. i<ast ,eCember i h uuuop iu its annual "Old Timers Dinner." Nearly- sixty were present, including members representiflg every year of the troop's existence.. At Camp Ma- *Ka4Ja-Wan, 1930, Mr. Wilson at-, tended witb twelve boys. Robert C. King and Jamfes Baker -are -assist- auts to Mr. Wilson. Both King and Baker were, staff officers at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wàn in 1929 and 1930. Botb are Eagle Scouts. Below are listed the twçnty-eight activeScouts nnd t he five ,trnnn ennimitteemefl: Moran, 1-erbert Meyer, J erome ±Nev- ins,, John Osborne, RaymndPeer son, Howard .ýRuf, Ernest Schaper, Martin E. Schara, William ýScbara, Gerard Scbilbackc, Theron Smith, Harrison Stor ms,- and Robert ID. Tur- geon. TROOP 4 St. A ugustine's I9piscoPal Chtirch, 19-31 is the tenth year f or Troop 4 of Si. Augustine's, Episcopal cburch, Wilmettew The troop was -the first one of the counicil tO regiîster for 1931 and sbowed a fine growth,,witb vèeryfew dropped Scouts. This troop lias been unusual in holding- the older boys. The. Scoutmaster, D., C. Leach, has been with the tr oop practically ail thr tiwe since thetroop originated in 1922. George W. flerscb and John Fowler, both 1Ragle Scouts from the troop, bave become Assistant Scout- imasters to Mr. Leacb. Rev. Hubert Carleton is chairman of the troop- committee, the other members being: Henry Fowler, Jarrett Lake, Carl E~. Sterner and O. H. Bersch. Here are the forty-three registered Scouts: William Akley, Carl Anderson, Wil- liam Bersch, Bill Boddie, Jerry. Born, Larec B Rtkmaster, Hugli Car- derson, Billjenucuns, Daniel i,.4u- meyer, Jarrett Lake, Herbert tilly, Ray Man.n, Herman Meyer, Daniel Mickey, Charles Moreau, Artbur Merf, Ray Nelson, Harold Palmer, Walter Robinson, John Slayton, Ed- ward Snyder, Robert Specht, Gerald Spinner, Paul Sterner, Craig Stod- dard, Mark Stod~dard, Homer Stocks, ElImer Stone, Robert Tansill, Paul Urion, Bill Wade and .Robert Willis., (Under.wo od & Underwood) G'eorge B. .Everitt of Wiprnetka, presidetit of Montgomery Ward and, company, is a vice-chai r»M of the $50,000 Boy Scout cam- paign z'hicls gets under way this. îvreknd. TROOP 8 * Wilmette Baptist Church Although flot, a large troop, Troop 8 of ýthe Wilmette Baptîst church iE, > n 1930. About a year ago f rom this troop went about ten olderl Scouts to start the Sea Scout Ship 43 in the' churcb. The Scouts, who stayed in Troop 8 bave continued to show' progress and development. The troop is, sponsored by the church, with Rev. George D. Altison ,as. comnmit-. tee chairman and S. C. Bennett and Henry N. lowen as committeemen. Scouits active i the troon nnow are » Chas. F. Minor as members. IK.UU rt G. Watts is the, Scoutmaster'and Vic- tor Joyce is' Assistant Scoutmaster. The troop has access to a cabin on the Despiaines river and bas been able to do a lot of hiking and camping. The, troop will be three Yeats old in Mairch, ý- 1931. Followirig is, the.list of registered Scouts: John I. Beam, Robert..Blan-. Chard, Richard W. Born,. Grant :Erlich. Foster Gilgis, John Gleason, Stepheni Johnson, E. M. Joyce, Harry Minor, Donald Rogers, David Weinstock. T1ROOP'.13 Sears Sèhool, -Keytilworth Scoutmaster ýRobet, W. Townlev of Troop 13, Joseph Sears, school. Kenilworth, has been a Scout leader since the, faîl of 1910, the y ear. Sc out - ing was first organized. 1Hî 3ervice as an. active. Scouter is among thv longest in- the -couincil. Mr, Townlev bas a large well-organiîzed troop and, has shown few dropped Scouts. This shows that he made Scouting inter- esting enough to attraçt a very large percentage of the boys in Kenilworth., The troop is sponsored by a group of fathers representing the school..They are: Robert J. Hildebrandt, Clyde" Ross, flert Crowe, Louis D. Jones, and Hugli G. Peterson. Thére are 52 boys regiStt red on the 1931 roster: Robert. Barrett, R u s s e 1l Baker. Charles Be m us, George Benson. Maurice Bosley, Laury Bottbof, Don Cooke. Russell Cooke, Arthur Çarl- ton, jim itzgerald, tBiy. r owler. Howard Fuchs, Paul Gilbert, Peter. Gilbert, Bruce Granstrom, Joe Har- rison, Stanley H i Im a n, Defrees Holmes,, Richard Hoinies, .DeWitt Jones,, Sanley Knight Shope Kriet. Cy McKinnon,, Gilbert- 'Mclntoshi. John Mathison-; Robert .McCIoud.. Ben Matthews, Robert M u r r a y. Hugh -Peterson, jack Sinding, Dal Smith, John Sprenger, Billy Robert- son, Don Vail, George Woodland, Fred Workman, Billy Wolf e, To 'me Hildebrandt, Carleton, Ross, David ,Weinmer and' George Joues. room in the, church. It is equipped Grahlam Bturke, Tom inlayson, Her with a cozy. fireplace and decorated ry Poster, Billy F'reelman, Willial in Scout-lilce fashion by the boys. Katz, Jack McCotýnell, William Mel Bach patrol has its own corner .wbicb choir, David Miller, -Fred Robinsol 4sa aranged, witb its.Patrol chest and Ian Stevens, Dick Torrey,. Walte 4qament. The troop bas a veryac- VonReinsperg, and RussellWyle, . S teeni, and , chwall, Kenneth iJohn Speredes,, rald 2opp. [on. Kollar, Antom Krause, Carl Mountain, th, Edmond Mountaîn, LekoyMountainP rd Roy Tolman, William Winter,ý Ray Kollar and Williamù Hagland. I ' i ~1,

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