Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 44

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Although the Nortfr Shore Area couticil is stili young it noýw raiiks eighth in the .United States for the total number of Sea Scouts. Where there are only 117 Sea Scouts regis- tered now. there will be nearly twice that niany by the end of the year..In January , 1931,' an additional man, S, JDeniorest, was de to the Coun- clstaff towrk, rain ad promnoting Sea Scout and Cub, j Scout ships are nearly ready to register. J f the seven Sea ;Scout ships, registered, two are in Wilmette, one in Kenilworth, one in Winnetka, one in Highland Park, and one ini Lake Forest', and one. in Glencoe.' The S. S. S.,Argo of Wilmette"own their own suf-boat which they use under. oar and for sailing. S.- S. -S. -Aiba- tross of Winnetka donated an 18' cat boat to 'the Council camp, Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan. -There it was, repaired by the Sea Scouts and used extens-ý *îve ly by themlast stmmer.' Follôwing is -the list of Sea Scouts S antd Leaders in each of the sevéh' ships: 4S. S. S. KEWADIN Wilrnette Congregqatiotal Chtirch Ship committee-Edward H. Burge, chairman, M. Hl. West and Louis N. Brenner; Skipper-Kenneth H. Bor- gen; Mates-Philip A. Born, Jr., and James E. Baker; Sea Scouts--Oeorge Bersch, John Brenner, Theodore Buck, Hugh Carrington, Henry Fos- ter, Martin. Herberholz, Royal Mar- j tin, Oldér, Grenfel, John Shank, John W.arren. and George Wood. S. S. S. ARGO Wilinette Baptist Church Shîp comimittee-George B. Wil- lams, chairman, Edward A. Kunz and George S. Fox; Skipper-Percy H. Arden; Sea Scouts-Edward R. Arden, Foster Bennett, Lee Blaylock, aosd B aon. oer eane, Sheldon Fox, Donald Hall, Robert - Hall, Walter Haas, Wilbert eu nz adFred Leaon S.8 NUMBER 29) Kenilwortk Sears School Ship cotnmittee-Robert M. Burns, chairman, W. H. Williams_. Williami Hecketsweier I-'hi>t> One of the finest Sea Scout Shipi iof the,' north shore Es thc A-llrol-ss conranded by Skipper R. M. Jaeger. At their nieeting place in the 11Win- >etka Christ church they have rigged 'a land ship, part of which cait bc seen in the' aboz'e picture. Those in the' picture are: Back row (left to righ t): Poster Ilannaford, Philip Swabaker, Ewing Johansen, Tom Johpnsen, Frank HilPert, Bill Kidd, Barton Smnith. Front row, seated (left to right): Charles Meicher, Williamt Pavey, Skip-. per R. M. Jaeger, Mate John Roos, Arthur He;ingir, Roy Davis. Alfred Meyers,ý Morton Traub and Peter White. S. S. S. LIGHfl4ING Lake Forest Young Men's Club Ship comnittee-Roger Bronson, chairman, with A. M. Fellows, W. P. Wanebolt, and Harold, Ambler as members; Skipper-Benjamin Car- penter; Sea Scouts-John Fellows, Richard Fellows, Robert Pellows, Lawrenice Freeman, Arthur Gourlev, Richard Griffis, Victor Linderboîi,' John Martin, Ian McPherson and William Stewart. S.-S. S. BLUE NOSE Bocs Drive bird- life, the- hikes, the sense of con- tact with nature, and the good çQm- radeship that is certain to resuit from such activities are to be ini every way commended. This is a substitute for other types of boy associations which are not so wholesomeè, and under right direction it, cap be made of the great- est value to- the, boys of any coin- munit" Clirko Washburàe, president, Win- netka State, baak: '.My observation of the Boyv Scout movenient since its inception ba$ given me a, most favorable opinion of the purposes and activities: of this grou p. It futnishes a -well-diréécted medium for the. inter- ests of the boyQ and the results ob-_ tained, cannoêt be, other: than good. i afi a strong believer ini the -Boy Scouts of Amierica and hope that. their excellent pgît .record may be only a promise for a future of ii-, creasing value and influence.". Rev. E. Ash1ipy Gerhard, rector, Christ church, Winnetka: "The: Boy Scouts of America long ago justifled the confidence imposed ini theni by the commiunities throughout the na- tion in which they operate. Th,--, contribute to the hîghest ideals of American 'boyhood and manhood; and they ,are definitely and wisely constructive in their methods. No> main or woman of the North Shore who cherishes the full development of- our boys can fail to regard as a privilege any anc every opportuflity to assisf in this fine movement. I am delighited to bave this chance f0 send you this endorsement." Rev. Carl I. Empou, pastor, Wil- mette English Evangelical Lutherami ehurch.- 'An~y movement that can mold and direct the natural gang spirit of grovwing boys into channels at once self -educational. and, helpful to others is of 'influite value to the homne, the community, and theý state. The BOY Scout movemnent- is such an, agency. As such, it merits the whole- hearted support of. every thinking man and women. I heartQly endorse John Horn Leonard Keas- ing" Scouting loornts large, both i nKraft,,George Kreuskamp, the grlpping of the Boy interest, and Lowenstei,1)David McCaila, in administering to boy needs. irr-beume >-l,'/uu J WflU drive the first cent ralized financial: effort on behaif of -north s,,hort Scouting. mà gelesi cLnJ1iDIuLiUII il! uiiaUiLA character. Nothi.ng comrnends 'the movement to the. support .Of the com!- munity- more, than the 'good Scout' cquality of its graduates"

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