I ~rOfYO~D6 [~IV9 - IRA IR~flI f n..-p SPPfl ZM LAKE *~-. *~'va Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan is owned- and operated by the North Shore Area council of the Boy Scouts of Atiierica, which includes the imaîîy villages long the north shore f roni ýWilmette to Lake Forest and the inland toWns from Golf to Liberty- ville, The camp is mun on a non- profit basis fer character building and citizenship training. The fee for the boy is put at the minimum. Last year 379 boys experienceri 1,004 wéeks at the, camp. Thsvear SCOUTING CQMES OF AGE Boyhood is the period of devel- opnient. By the time he cornes of age, a boy has acquired, in body, brains and character, the tools he must use in if e. His work and play, his love of camping and kàowvledgçe of nature, his courage, his sports- mnanship, his desire to serve his fellow men, have become a part of himp of what he 'will alway.s do. So'me Outstanding Achievements of Boy Scout Groups Polîowing is a summary of o'Ut- standng achievements of the Boy Scout organization:, 1-Boy Scouts were first'-onthe scene to relieve distress when 'the cyclone struck counties in Soutbern Ilhlinois in 1925. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan Beclkornng to Scouts Summer months afford the greatest opportunity for real outdoor Scoutý,- ing activities and Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-- Wan is the center of attraction for north shore Scouting during that time. Several months before summer cornes, Scoutmasters are getting signed up for camp and start regitering their ananti ings.contruAIJLÇ w i~cit Field sea expedition and still another Let the boy go to sumni çr camp, entire Spring lalce lies withinthe 36a one of the most desirable campsites Eagle Scout of distinction was se- let him learn to live wth new com- acres comprising the campsite. Thou- in the entire country. lectecf as Commander Byrd's aide on pa'nions, let him develop and grow sans o aces f wodlnd trcch The campsite is located on Spring the Antarctic expedition. ini thegetotof-doors. i every direction, accessible fOr lake in Langlade county, Wis., seven- hikes , nature study, tracking, stalk- teen miles southwest of .Elcho and- Youth needs an enviromnment that Menl Give backto hife somre of the ing, trait building, and adventure.' twenty-thrce miles northeast' of Ait- fmakes ý appeal to its, senise o right goodyou have, gained. fromnib Nearby, is the state fish hatchery tigo,. and good. sevc oby og couti i i