wth 1..e frc. fuis 1 I GROUP 111 SWEATERS From ifancy to ttie- juinior Mss tken from "sr regular stock end 1 pric.d, et $1.1 tup.. «' GROUP V 1HATS Hend bIotked of Fnenchr Fur felf. Many sultebi. for spring -Wear..$ 11I168 WILMETTE AVE, A D A Y s; Low.st price ever of- f.red (to our knowl. e.dg.) on tii.. na.- tlionolly .àdverWis»d WILMETTE 312 $1 GROUP IV WASH DRESSES from one.y.ur fo four-. teen, alfrorn our regu- là 'r stock., pic.d one-'$ haif and, leuo ...s SPECIAL COATS AND ýDRESSES Ev.ry germ4ent ýin toci up to $ 10.95. The first aât the orig- inal price -. end>,the.second et NO REFIJNDS OR EXCHANGES $1 gins is polishing off ail ofthe tcnorus nuimbers, the jolçes and solo work of the End Men, and feels that it is going to be a mighty fine perform- ance. How those black boys* will prance and "dance, and shake «their tamborines 1 And. wait until you see the dainity littie coloréd ladiegs step. a long behind'thefoot-lights I The specialty numfibers should bring everybody .out.: Here are' some ýof tliem: Lorraine Haigh, a Howard schooil graduate, now a, professional dancer, will put on a solo dance number, and with. her partner, Billy Walker, will give a -Rhytbm Buck numnber. There will be, numbers bya trio of close. harmonists, V i c t o r Joyce, George Bersch -and John Betak. You ail knowhow good these boys are. Who wouIdn't go miles to hear Bobby James d .o bis specialty sonig number? He'll beý there. Do yu know the "Famished Five?" W. B. Robinson, John J. Schneider, A. C. Pearson, Jr.,~ Phîl HolYman and E. H. Kerr? Do you know them? We'll say you do! Their fame bas; spread far and wide about..Chicago- land, and you will hear themn at the Logan-Howard P., T., A. Minstrels Eebruary 19. and 20. Hurry -and get your tickets f rom any board mem- ber, room mother, or at the Patty Shope.er grammar school 'chil- drnare to be admitted to the dress] ware store, another vviimeiie eniry, ini a bard fought gaine at the Boit- wood gymnasium in Evanston Sunday afternoon, 26 to 17. . The Spencers, an Evanston teain, routed the J.arvis,.Atbletic club, 31 to 9, the same affernooni thereby es-i tablisbing a clear élaim to second place ini the league standing at the end of the first round. WoIff-Griffis took the lead in the game. with Schultz and Nord, but Bob McLean, -the tailors' sharpshoot-, er,, soon found the hoop and by the time the game was over had scored no fewer than fourteen points;- ten of tbemn on field,,goals and the re- mainder on freéthtrows. Schultz and Nord led at -haîf time, 13 to 9. MèLean, was aided.. by Nelson anci, Olsen, whose floor. work was- a big factor in, the victory of Schultz and, Nord. George Speyers was leading scorer for Wolf-Griffis with *a total of iline points. M\,rs. Samuel H. Darst of 831 Cen- tral , avenue entertairied a bridge foursomne at Shawnee Country club last Monday. rehearsal February l8, at 'a . greatly reduced price 1 AIl in line now for, tickets There are just '80 many sea ts in the How- ard auditorium, and when they are. sold out, you will be out of luck. Monday-edy February,9-10 DOL-LAR DAY' Popular* SHEET MUSIC Ail 35c numIbers IPLAY-A-SAX., Musical Toy $2.50 value Rtn§tnç CanE SOPs SPECIALS Reg* Prc. "Puri j . ~ y - WILMETTE MUSIC SHOP Carleton Kaumeyer 1'179 %Wilim.fe Avenue Tolephone, Wilmoit. 3006 opposite th. Village ildi, Order hy phone 1 135 Central Avenu,. Wilm.tt. Illinois- .. $1.25 -We deliver Phone LA JEUNESSE, INC. Junyiors' andGrl'Wear WILMETTE