SERVICE S ~ IIf '7 ' Imm CAREFR-EE, .CLEAN. ECON OMI CAL- EFFI CI ENT UNIFORM 121 M.IN±ettTRET A. B. VAN, DEUSEN PACKRD01 ASafe Place- to Buy aUsed ,Car USED cars offered by Packard have beeà. tdriven by discriminating ýowners or they would flot have been turned ini on such a distinguished car as a new Packard. You are cordially invitd to inspect our stock at -ny time. than ordinary rubber. It is a pca compound of pure. new rubbèr an various Tubber 'preservatives so coin- bined and moulded as to retain 'its original resilience over long periods; according to Wersted Motor coin-. pany, SU2 Lincoln avenue, Winfietka local Oakland-Pontîac deàlers.' Neéw Route Wil Enhance Travel into Michigan Seven, miles will be lopped. off the motor route between 'Chicago and,* Michigan resort1 centers north. of South Haven witb the rerouting.this year of US-31, according to the.tour- ing bureau ofI the, Chicago Motor club. Themotor club lias received a re- port :from the Michigan state high- way cepartinent aninouncing that the road w1IL be reroutedhetween Ben- fton Harbor and-Sôuth Haven to fol- ,low the shore lune of La~ke Michigan, instead of swinging inland and run- ning through Colonia and Watervliet, as at present. Thus ini addition to the saving of seven miles, the elim- ination of the two towns will, reduce still furthe.r the running turne. ."Safety" Designed in Graham Sixes, Eigh ts "Sa fet y" is la part of thje design and construction of the niew Grabai» sixes and eîghts, according, to the. Hanson Motor comp4ny, 557 Chest- nut street, Winnetka, local dealers. Among the more imlportant safety, mneasures referred to are the olw Shatter-proof plate' glaSs in1 every window as well as in the windshieid; prismaiic glass in the tail liglbts.' Which gleami in the light of, other cars, protectinig the c ar if. the ,bulb' or the fuse sbould burn out; positive control tbrough a synchro-s ilent gearshift, which insures instantan- eous gear changing; a mnaster braie cylinder that autornatically maintains the self -equahizing hvdrauîic four The average cost of 'an automobile license fee inIi llinois is $10.57, with $8 as a minimum. Tbe -proposed 5e<,, reduction, it is pointed out, would effect an annual svn to thé auto- ists of, the state. of approxiimate!% $9,000,000, and at the samne tinie leave the highway departient with more tban enough funds with which to carry out the road b)uilding prograni for nany years to corne. In at least teix States, the. peiitioti sets forth, a. lower average cost of license fees -obtains, ranging froni $5.31 in California to $9.80 in Kansas, and few of these states, if is emfpha- sized, have tbe bon4-issuing powers that are, vested in- Illinois, wbiclî witbini the last few yçars 'bas floated issues to the amount of $160,000,000, with ample provision made for, the retirement of the bonds. In calling for tbis reductioni in fees, thé Automobile Club .of I llinois, through its chief executive, Si Mayer, miarshaling an impressive array >of figures,. cites estimates to show tbat by deducting the total 'amount of expenditures for nRew road building and maintenance and retirement 'of principal and interest c i outstanding bonds frorn the anticipated revenues for the next two years, there will be, at the end of 1932, a surplus in the state treasury of over ',61,500,00.ini road funds alone. State License Fees. 1Bring Big Revenue The State o! Illinois hias collected $146,027,102 froin the sale of autonlo- bile license plates since the inotor vehicle law becanie effective in 1911,- according to figures announ'ced this week by Secretary of State Williami J..Stratton. The licen .se'.plate sale in 1911 ,realized $105,344 and, not until 1916 was the: million doll-ar. mark reached.* Last year's. total, was $18,.- 447,246, a mill ion dovllars more than was collected in 1929-, The total for the two years William J. Stratton ,bas been secretarv of state is $35,534- Cati tii Uu4 Car D#Partmmd m- Arrmg fer a Demus.utr.iln PAGCA8D MOTOR CaU COMPANY OFCHICAGO 9M LINDEN AVBNUB UHUBBARD WOODS Wlud3m . .G.n.f60»' TEEOIL WExLLj U~ 'g Ma. Mai. Se. se Lieds.. Ave. P..WU.eet. 314 SALES 1i ý J. C. SLOWN