Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 40

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bas been designated "contest nig ht"1 for the Aero club members and air races will be conducted for every1 type of plane, Glen W. Gathercoal,8 recreation assistant * supervising the ctub announces..- Inl races wbere there are as mnaiiy as t*enty contestants priges, will. be aWarded the winners 'of first, second, and third places and no races will be conducted where there are less thau five entrants. Boyrs flying indoor tractors, baby RL O. G's, and commrercial plane models will be allowed to enter the races on contest night." The -con- tests will bc-in at 6:45 o'clock and will rua until 8 o'clock, and wiil be held at the Stolp gymnasium, where the regular meetin.gs of ýthe club are held. The. gymnasiumn will b e open moér trial fIligbt:each Friday 'night asfia.; been the custom heretoiore and tht Iights wiil be followed by the regular supervised construction of sbips at the Central schooi manuial training. rooni. Kenilworth Boys Go to Cary for Big Ski Hike A large group of boys f rom the joseph Sears scbool ini Kenilworth went by .'motor bus last Saturday t-o Cary for a ski hike. Included in the group wbo made the trip were: Maurice Bosley, Staniey' Hiliman, Cy MaèKinnon, John Sinding, - Tom Cruttenden, Donald Cooke, Tom Hil- debrandt, Donald Friend, George McMullen, Bob Cutler, Jim Fitz- gerald, Fred Workman, jack Fitz- gerald,, Russell Cooke, Bert' Smith, Donald Vail,, Arthur Carlson, Billy Stebbins, Johnny Weese, Val Smith, Carleton Ross, PÉaul Corneli, Richard Holmes, Benjamin MacKinnon, Mer- * ritt Cqx, Howard .Fuchs, Stanley. Knight, Bruce Granstrorn, Frank Car nenter. John Sprenger, Billy ii vs. kSV*L**40*O . -ar xin flasiun. 7:30 p. rn. Men's volleyball. Methodists vs. Biackhn.ws. Howard gymflnasium. 8:15 p. mn. Women's basketball. Fresh- mien Il vs. Wjsconsin. Stolp gym- nasium. . 16 p. nm.' Men's volleybali. Baptist vs. HôiTniang Il., Howard'gynasium. 8:15 p. nm. Men's volleyball. Howard P. T. A. vs. Gym Ciass'I. IHoward gymnaistuni. 9:05 p.n. Wonien's basketbali. SOM vs.. DODs. Stolp gyninasium. Tiiesduy, Fobrumary à 7 p. M. Junior chess tournament.ý Stolp school libra.ry. 7 p. mi. Gramhmar ,sehool girls' gymj- nasiuni ciass. Howard..gyminasiuni. 7:30 p.ni. Senior cheas touirnament. Stolp. ;chool library. 7:30 P. nm.e Women's basketball. Village Cleaners vs. TNT. Stoipe gyninasinni. 7:30 p. mi. Men's horseshoes. Howard school attie. 8P. ni. Grammar schooi gymainni clans' Howard gymnasium.. 8 :15 p. mi., Wonien's basketbaii.. XYZ vs. Chicago. Stolp gymnasium. Op. n. Businesns girls' gymnÀsumn clans. Howard gymnnasium. :05 p. m. Women's basketbali. Schultz & Nord v8. Rrown4es. Stolp gyni- nasiuhi. Wednesday, February 4 7 p. n. Men's basketball. State Banik vs. Shamroeks. Howard gymnasifr. 7P. mi. Men's basketball. Schultz & Nord vm. Woiff-Griffis. Stolp gym- Iiasium. 8 p. mi. Men's basketbali. St. F'rancis vs. K of C. Howard gymniasiumn.. 8 p. in. Men's basketbali. East Siders vs. Hoffmans. Stolp gymnasium. 9 p.mn. Men's basketball. Methodists vs. Blackhawks. Howard gymuasiuni. 9 p. m. Men's basketbali. Elites vs. Lyman's. Stolp gyrnnasium. Thursd1ay, February à 7 p. mi. Granimai- school girls' gym- iasinni clasa. Howard gymnaslum. 7 p. mi. Junior boys' basketball. Junior A. C. vs. Blackhawks. Stolp gyln- nasiurr. 7:30 p.mn. Men's horseshoes. Hoffian Fiorlst vs. Ridge Confectioniery. How- ârd schooi attie. 7:30 p. mi. Men's horseshoes. HBF"s vs. Lyman'.s Texacos. Howard school attic. 7,:30 P. nm. Men's horseshoes. Optimists vs. Hornes. Howa.rd sehool attie. 7:.30 P. nm. Men's hor4eshoes. Bruins vs.e .DPW's. Howard "choe'l attic. 9 p. ni. Ladies' gyninasiumn class. How- ard gyfmfasium. 8 p. mi. Junior boys' basketball. Frèsh- Smen vs. Elites. Stolp gyrnnasiuni. 9 p. mi. Junior boys' basketbali.'Bruins IV vs. N. 'T. B's. Howard gyminasiuni. Methodist basketball team for the past two years and in the tourna- ment last year was playing a very_ closely 'fought game. In order to give al the- players on his ý squad' equal playing time, he always' took himseif Qut of the gamne 'and'let' the substitute, player bave his place., Now there is a rule that a baskelbaii player may enter a gameolagvn number of, times.. In, the insistence on f air play, Chuck forgot'ail about. this rule and kept taking hiniseif out of the game only fo go back again to relieve some other player. The referees, asý referees do, saw that be had- made too. many such-subsitutions and put bim out -of the gam e1 and at the sanie time caiiing, "'lTechnic.al foui, you." Chuck, disgustedly, picked Up h15s sweat shirt muttering, "Yeah. Trecbnicai bonehead, me." There was also the instance when one of the leading basketball teams shç>.wed up with four players and drafted a seventb grade grammar school 'boy to make Up the fifth player. The opposing, side never bothered* to guard him so, the first teani stationed the ycpungster, right under the goal and threw the bal to hin and hie leisurely threw, the bal irîto the basket, running Up'ait eighit point lead bef ore the opponents Iearned what was happening. Later. in the game the youngster managed to get hiniself. fouleci and made a free throw, winning the game by a single point. The Hoffman Florists basketball team hbas been dealing in bard luck Iately. They matched a game *with Kenilworth and during the evening George Huclk, who was playing 'bis first game silice hie sustaiped an in -' jury in the football season, suffered a'tomn ligamient in the-leg and drop- ped f romi the squad temporariiy. In the return game With Kenilwortb, "Nutch," Ray Hoffman also suffered a tomn ligament and is still absent froin the squad. Theni to put the final games after the games i uesdaY, evening at the Stolp school librar.y.* Losers ini ail the contests up tothe senii-finals wére placed ini a "ladder" tournament which will be played off at the time of the final gamne* scbhed- uled for a week f rom Tuesday eve- ning," February 10. P.3irings for last Tuesday evening's play ýwere: ýRichard Wrightson vs. Martin Shara, Thorne Edwards vs. Buif Williams, and Eugene Hilde- brand vs. John Boddie. e In the consolation, tournament the pairirmgs, were Sumner Mason vs.v'in- ner of gamne between john Moore and E. P. Haim, which had not been 'reported at time of press, Tues-, day, Hunter King vs. James Lamb, Miss Elizabeth McCanu* vs. John Dernehi, and Ed Kurman vs. Solo- mon Jones. Winners of the first places in- each tournament, Junior, Senior, and con - solation tournament wiil be awarded gold medais. The pewee team from Howard'and the team from Stoip Played a prac- tiçe gaine iast Weclnesday evening. Choosing of teais hbas beeni post- poned until after a meeting of gram- Mar school coaches of iEvanston,, Kenilworth and> Wilmette schools when scheëdules ýare to be made' andI announced.: One of the most evenly matched leagues in ail the recreation activi- ties is the present volleyball Ieague meeting on Monday evenings at Howard school. None of the eight teains enroiied ini the -league possessi-s more than one "spiker," or key mian wbo can leap into the air quickly enough to return a bail just.. as it crosses the: net into bis territory. Dewey Anderson serves. 1in- this capacity for the Methodist.teamn, AI Gruhn for the Baptist.,team, Carl Gep- pert for the Gym Class I team, and' Jimmie Hofftman-,for.,, Hoffuman Fiorists. Sundy at2, 3and o'cock Receatin deartmnt. t -u lpc in meLWO games. The defeat takes the $udy t2,3an ocOCC-Rceaidéearmnt Ut of this North Shore basketbail. league was Brownie team froni a tied first, place 7-7-7--7conference" grew the ide~ for this called forý last Saturday mornihg. to third place. Mary Lauer is cap- DUDtLEY RecrEat1o9 sI - coiumn and 'onseqùently ai periodic Four teans wili conipete in the tain ofthBrnisadAnKi- UIIICYC. tc>e, illappar.on ht agu, twopewees, boys under 90 toff of the SOM teani.The. Wis- matla 11 wth ia.Claue 1111is Rcretio page, various tidbits of pounds,' one ligitwveigbt teain, boy-% consin tea sth onlytemnte .uiui.for bim in, tJe intramural gossi whicb are iîtended to .explain under 115 pounds, and one beavy- Women's league remnaining. unde- -...to t2e public wby the, "other haif" weight teain,- boys ovr150,ns etd

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