,,eague VILLAGE CAUCUS, PLAN OUTLINED i Civic Loague .Political Acti on Commiittee Explains- Nom- ination Procedure Emniphasizing, that Wilmnette Village officers should be select- ed and elections. conducted in. a fricndly and, cooperative mfai- ner and that political bickerings and mnud slinging' should have no place ini local e çlectionis, Ar- thur Seibolci* chairnian of the Political Action committee of the .Wilniettc- Civic league. Tuesday 'é'vening' outIiined the procedure which the,,league is to follow ini securing the best 'qualified citizens to.conduct the governmental affairs of the nitunicipality. S..ik HAmrOny Mr. Seibold, in bis rep)ort to the league at its dinner meeting ini the Shawnmee Country club, explained the operation of' the Village caucus along lines worked out by bis com- mittee and the' board of directors of the league., *'Whe'n we began to study the situ- ation (concerning the Village eau- eus), be said, "we were.hopeful of securing harrnony aniong factions and as. to issues." Mr. Seiboki then .made reference to the Major Street Plan, question, which ini reçent weýeks provoked con- .si'dçrable discussion and some .bitter- ness among ci.tizens, citing it as an example of possible sources of dissen- sion which usually are based upon misunderstanding. He predicted that. the Street Plan matter ."will' be îironed out or corrected to tbe satis- (Continued, on pag!e Join Civie League!- Appeal to Citizens The dinner tmeeting.of the Wil- mette Civic league Tuesday: night at, the Shawnee Country. club aroused much, interest 'tbroughout the village in the aims. and activi- ties of the league. For, the conve- nience: of citizens wisbing, to join the leagu e, Elmner D. Becker, chair- man of* the organization's mnember- ship comnuttee, states that. anyone interested 'in ,beconiing a mnember müay do so merely by, callinghim at Wabash 2008 or by.geting in toucb, with anyý of the fol lowing officers or directors of the.league: Dr. -Don- ald M. 'Gallie, president;- Hector Dodds, vice-president; George E. Iliff,* secretary; E. B. Knudtson, treasurer, or Dr. N. P. Colwell,' T. Hellnwth. Herbert B Mulforu,* Hayes McKinney, - A. B. Seibold, Hojrt King, Henry Fowler, Enoch Steen, C. Miles McDonald, Lloyd C. Ayres, and J.' E. Worthen, direc- ' tors. The membership. f ee is $2 a, year. Duncan-Clark Lauds Civic League Tenets in his address before the gathering of Wilmette citizens at the dinner meeting of the Wilniette Civic league Tuesday night S. J. Duncan-Clark, promineiit. Wilmette resident, en- dorsed practi.cally without reserva- tions, the tenets of the league as an- nounced at the meeting. In bis 'opinion the organization of tbe Wilmette Civic league. promises to be the. beginning *of: a new era in Wilmette, for, be saidl here bas been need. for- an organization open to ail and comprehenisivýe in its scope -an -organization to which nothing that affects the welfare of thée village will be foreign. My tomt is G cal hed rai. -Edgar Frank. t A transcript of Mr. D'uncan-Clark's 1address before the Civic league will be 1published in full in next wéek's. issue of WxiLMam Liviz. ADO1PT COMPREHENSWVE PROGRAM LOQKING .TOGREATER .WILME'ITE Dinner Meeting of Civic League Hears Propos!ai for Harmnjos Slection of Villag Officers; Duncan-Clark in Address Two. hundred representative citizenis acdlained the ýmos.t comprehensive an<1 far-visioned -program for' agreater Wilniette ever devised, as..couched. in a set of tenets, or prograni of purposes, fornîulated and adopt- ed by thé board- of directors of the Wilmette Civic league and read at the dinner m-eeting of the league held in the Sham-nee Country club last Tulesday eve- ning. The docment. presented by George Ilîif, secretary of th e league, was haileci as a reniark- ably effective community bet- termient guide.,îîot only. for the Civic league, but for ail cîvic- conscioùs groups and individ-' uals in the village..1 In it the Civic league dis- claimed any intention of 'being .a "reform" organization or of constituting a political party. URter,9? thie tenets emphasi.., "are we Simply mn ogrganied, gromp of Wilmetto citimens bent upon thie careful mand delberat. study of the. civie problemns of Our conunity. W. expect frequently t. mamie rec- omnmnudtlons on matters of publie Mu LiPE. It ryill com i itemns that may b. for one dollar ly cost iuch mor. pur- that intereet mand .we lisp. hy cregtiPf wiea publc opinioU n onSncb mnttoes te ot in luthe.ët'vicprogr»saof, ou The teniets, among. other things, propose a Village Plan;,Village Man- ager plan of g9vernment administra- tion; definite financial. and improve- m1.]ent. program by Village officiais;- administrative ope ration 011 a defin-e itely balancedf budget and planned prograin for any given year; caref ul Village planning and immediate at- tention to very important problems Df railroad,. grade separationl, adequate water supply, intelligent. zonilg, con- trol of "No Man's Landà"; abolitiôO of payment to office- holders of a percentage of fees collected by them; strict enforcement of building and zoning ordinances; establishment of à, Village Forestry department to pr e- serve Wilmette's beautiful trees; ap= pointment of a Village Art, commis- sion, wlthout compensation, to study plans for new buildings in business arta before approved by building commissioner "so that our business area may take'on a decent and sym- metrical architectural appearance"; prompt study of additional parks and. recreation grounds; unification' of' .chool districts; formation of -a non"' partisan village-wide caucus to nom-ý; inate. candidates for public ofice. at the approaching Village elections*; definite' and intelligently constructive platforins that will appeal to ail resi- dents of Wilmette; pujilicity by pub- lic officiaIs to th.eir periodic reports and to ail important issues up for Outiai .Progrois t King, chairman of the Civid, 's programn committee, nex~t tot4 e league's, plat to hold ubi ' (.Contlnued on page 49)