Outstanding Fecfures of.Our Iii;__Jnuairy Ciearaonce_i has ever been hee. Chicago is the center of more gar- den club activity than any other cil-y in the world, ýwith 105 active clubs affiliated with the state federationt Flower shows held in other cities'ol this, country. are enterprises of flor- ists, and commercial borticuilturists. Nowher.e in tbe world is an exhibi- tion of the first class promoted and managed solely by garden clubs. Space,in the exhibition hallof, the Merchandise Mart, covegring thesec- ond floor, of that immense building, lias. been almost alallotted. In- addi- tion to promnoting and managing the show, gardien clubs wiil furnish the majority of exhibits,, including life size garden exhibits, miade from liv- ing flowers and plants. Fortyý gardiens. haire alrëady been entered by garden clubs. Eight of these will be fuli ,size,,complete gar- dens. The clubs entering the largeI feature gardéns 'are Aurora Garden club, Kenilworth Gardeni club, Wil-, mette Garden club, Flossmoor Gar- dAen club, Oak Park Garden club, Ehnhurst Garden club, Windsor Park Garden club, and Beverly Huis Wom- an's club. Tbirtv-two gardiens exhibited by clubs will be l0x20 feet in size, and will llustrate the following schools of. designi: Moderne, Énglisb, Dutcb, japanese, and Italian; water garden, gardien retreat and old fashioned gar- der., In, .addition to, the club gardiens, raulson, secretary, tme North >hoIre Horticultural Society of Lake For- e st, in which. north shore estate -own- ers ýare. members, stated that they will make a. garden uising rare flowers aidý plants from 'private conserva- tories. Commercial ex.hibitors wi ùmake, large garden' exhibits in the follow- ing styles: Rock garden, tulip gar- den, spring garden and' modernistic garden. The Most DrasticReductionsin4Yer OVE RCAT-S Thot SoId up. to $75 At ,One Sensa-tionalIly' Low Price Added lo Ma ke a Great Sale Even Greater CUSTOM FABSRUC S'PRIlNG extent of the full face value during the year 1931 of the Adjusted. Cotu- pensation certificates issued on janu- ary 1, 1925, to vterans of the World war, a certjfied copy of which reso- - lution was forwarded to il the.1111- n nois senators and -congressmen at Orrinigton and Church-EVANSTONlý SUITS The score ý to - ýa