Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 16

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Minstrel Show Is Theme of Posters inSehool Contesi Last Wednesday M1ro..Mbason, our art t0eher, said that. we would have -to work on our posters for the minstre] shown on, thé 24th and 25th -o0f Feb- ruary. There are going te be two prises foi' the tiret one to be handéd, ln and for the very best ohe. The. seve.nth and .eighth- grade boys and girls are in it;, too bad the sèIxth grades are not te makte posters tor the minstrel show. We have orne very giood artiste Jn Our room. Tjiey are Frances Rapp, Harold Palmer.and Harry Cramer. There arenorne artiste ln Mrs. Groves'l room, too. One of them le lune Sorsen. JI hope. we can beat the éigbith gradé and can. win the prises. Thé Posters are te makla etory. Al thé Posters muet be Xegroes. - Eleanor Speredes, 7B Howard. Designs of -Snowflakes Reveald s Beautiful Snowliakes are crystals of Ice formed when cloud Vapor tse cofdensed at a point beIow freezing.. These erystals do flot always reach the oarth ln the forme of snow, for somietimes they are par- tially méltéd and reaeh the earth aàs aleet, and somietinmes they are entlrely melted and descend as ramn. 1 Snowtlakes tjre elx-rayed crystals. It la lnlerestlng te eollect smofetthem on a black surface and study them under an ordinary inagnifying glass. The designe of the flakes vary greatly and are marvelously beautiful. T'he arneunt of water ln snow le much lems than ln rain, a rainfalof one inch belng equal to snowfailiof about ten -inéchs. In polar régions and on tope of hlgh mountains, snow faIRe aIl thé tine durIng the winter menthe. Snow- flakes are 1j différent shapes. Sonne are round, oblong, square and niany other siiaps.-Maiguerlte Petereon, 81B Howard. Five Basketbali Teams .. Formed ini Gym Class Thé Howard elghth grade gymnasiurn clam. la divided Into five parts,, for baïsketball teams. "HaW-» Gathérçoal chose five boys for captains. Thé* cap-, tains picked out thé boys they 'wanted 0on: their teams. They are allowed séven boys--flive boys1 for a 'téam and two substitute.. The ines ef the téams are as fejl1ows: Blackhawks, Bruine, Rýangérs, Coyotes and Wildcats. The, flUA» UW fYEAU$ AND YT Prof. Maxim was a great-brained man. He iealized it and was ready to trust hie Ilife to an Invention of, his brain. Prof. Maxin haît made, t in hie ow.n laboratory, a fiuid which 1) ho thought would leave'hlm- in a cujnatose etate for as'long as he wished. The tnie. would be varied by the amount Injected. Prof. r Maxim had experlmented with the r fluid, on amali ahimals, and it had p1ve satlsfactory. He was. now eayto put himmeif underits In-. fluence for one year. NO4VEMBlER 4! This was the. night In which. Prof.' Maxim was to have the Injection! The professor was cool and assured, but Mr. Blane, the marn who Was to gi'Ve hlm the .injec- tion, was'-very- nervous and kept kladng with Prof. Maxim flot to Prof.-Maxim, however, said, "Blanc,. 1 am. positive thgt my fiuid will be succeseful. 'Thé conditions are that' 'you take over rny house and belong- Ings, -and preside over rny household until,]I returri. Tonight at 8 o'cloclc sharp, you wIll inject the fiuid tnt'> At this point Prof. Maxim Was In- terrupIted blPthé loÙd& disordant tones of thé dlock, triking 8. "Well,- aid Prof. Maxim, "the time has corne! Here le the fiuid and the neédle !' Wlth that he sttled down in hi-, chair and wgited expéctantly. Mr. Blane filed thé needie wlth the fiuid, and polmed thé needie above Prof, Màxlm'm armn!-Jerry Born, SA, and Gordon Wells, SA. (Continued next week>, Rolli, Pease Gives Concert for School Rollin Pease gave a -concert for~ the Stolp schjqol Tuesday, January 6. Mr. Pease le a very -intéresting person andi very entertaini!lg. Hé sang sone very nîcé songs. .He always had a little Jolie. Hé told us a story that went something liké this: A long timé ago 'in one of the olden churches they askçd,,a man te make some hymn books for -thé church. This mpan sold Borne kind of pilîs for pe o ple, se of côurse the. congrégation eaid, "Mention something, about ye.ur. pille In them." When the hymn books were finished the people started to open their books and on each of thée ongs there was somnething about pills. ùOne of the songs wént like this: "«Peace on earth and mnercy niild. Two for an aduit anti one for a child. - Student Is Tkrilled by Pillsbuy Lecture Thursday, .anuary 15, I went dewn- town to the Orchestra hall to hear Mr. Pillsbury' givé a lecture. Hia talk was an Interetlng one and ho also had six roe of - fil ms and a few ilides. .Miss Stevens 'and Mrs. Groves aIse Wént, .and they liked It very rnuch. His lecture was about.the South Sea Islands.1 and downunider the watér at thé marne location. Hé had ýa big laberatory where hé made pictures of, fiowérs epening and closing. Theré !e a certain kind of fiowér that, If you have two ,différent kinds, you can maké another kind. by rubbing two cer- tain parts of thé flowérs togéther. 'He also showved white ante destroying the woed.and thîngs which theyr had eaten.1 He had two rééle ef under water film. taken by a wvatérproof camera hé built. heiseof. Anther Interésting thlng was a curlous ' dance whlch waîs doné over réd hot stones witbeut lnjuring thé natives' feét.* The natives' feet wéîré baré. I aIse hope te sec Commander MacDonald next month.-Robert Tur-_ geon', SB Howard. Asseiubly Hears. News Figure Tel of Trip to Alaska t Thé seventh grades from Howard echeol gave, a candy sale, Friday aftér- noon, January .16. Thé moey that they kot fromi thé candy s'ale will go te thé fund to buy News Reviéw, paper for thé echool. Thé ascérnbly programn was0 very interestinL alec, thé speakers be- Ing fromn thé News Reviéw paper. Thé first one to spéak read a few poèesand toRd Borné Jokes. Thé othery man was also veryý interésting. He toldd us about hic son and sorne of hic funny sayings. but hie nÇaàin point was hie trip te -Alaska, wheré hé had to walk one hiindred miles to the canip of Moosé Factory. If you wan to cee sornieof his pic- ture, ook at 'thé News Review datéd January 20. Wé closed the program. by singing "The Battie Hymn nof thé RePublic." We were then dîsmlssed by Bill Schara.-Herrnan Meyer, 8B1 How- ard. a ci ti Bob Matthews Writes tc o.,f Experience in We t ti Thé moeming we bad to go te San tt Diego, we had te. bc131 Los AngeIe., by SI 7:30 o'clock. We wére there on tim-e 1 and got te go. ight in the bus wA_ Varied Activities Keep Pupils Busy, at Howard School We at .Howard echool are -very .busy. We are >having tests-and making many, différent thinga. ,Soeé.of thé things wé are doinig for Instance, ln art, are looking for picturée. 0f negroes. We are te. have .Ideas of. our own by Monday. Tjine éare golng .te make posters te advertis a minstrel show te beé givén by thé P. T. A. men. -Meanwhile we are flxigg our 4rt aWreciation bocks. We mUst harve themn finished by Feb- ruary 25. We had a test ln musie recéntly. We, only got half «. It c4pe, 50 Wé plannéd te finish It latér. We turned -ln Our green munie appréciation books, ton. In gyn» we are very busy .passing, athlétic- tests. In thé baSketbaîll throw wé. see how many baskets you can make out of eight trials. Then. we had thé, basketball distance. throw.. aise. In socitl ciejice we added, up Our scores on thé. chapter iln oun work book and turned them ln. The points that you had made out et class counted, tee. In spelling, thosé who rnised oee or wo, ors récefved an E. We had a writing test teday. We had te write. thé alphabet Wlth srnall and large let- ters and aftér that thée numérale. Thé average for seventh gradé was about' 64 lettérs a minute. SWe had a test -in science, last ýiveekZ and we recelved our papers, Tuesday. ,The highést possible score was 50. The hJghéet made in our rooni was 47, but if you had 41 or aboyé, you. got an E- on Your test. TRière wéeré six in Oui, roomn that had aboyé' 100 points in théir Projéct work. That méans an -E. But if you didn't gét a very high grade -11 yeur class work, it brings your gradt, down. Next Weék wé are expecting report cands. W. are waitlng eagerly to see what our gradés will be. --Ellené Weakly, 7B1 Howard. Sto1p Beats Howard 7A for Titie in VolieybaiI X.ýast Monday, 7A girls of lHoward had avolleyball garné with Stolp. They, came oer to eur echool te play. . In. the first tén iminutés, the sepore was 17 te 16 ini StolP's favor. Thonthéy rejýsted and anothér team playéd. Whén théir mmre wae up théeévénth grades ýplayed th last ton Minutes. At thé end of.' th game thé score was 42 te 18 ini StôlP's favor.. Théy eurély did trni 7A. 1den't' think théy are geing to get another chance te trini 7A or 7B1. Thée Oventh and. eighth grades lQst. The sixthI, grade -won. Wé are going to ptart playingbasket- àaIl Monday. We have , three -tearns. TH POIL WWTEî r of 7D Stolp han gone wlnter. .She wlll tay W. hope 51t0 han *a [ce._'omurian3.IStolp, t 7n tht mIé l t mewell v'a4es -Martha BoU, Om. e ara Hennon' Shave a do and bis narne ln Duke. stays in tJe yard when it In warm In gur basenient when It Is cold. MII eat what we give hlm. I dance Duke and my brother plays wlth on thé flier.' John pute Duke id hlm neck.and catrnes hlm al id. Duke likes it. Hé e la net ,a Watchdg shé e -i tee frlendly: erie Aks third gradeb Mre. taihiod on t 0ornoy luoh me d i l f!

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