A dramnatic and interesting view ol life as it was enjoyed two thousand years agc by Vergil,, epic poet -oi Rome, will be presented this Satur- dav night, january 24, at New Trier High school, in the play, "The Man tuant" The New Trier students and facu1ty sponsors -are working. steadily,so .as to present .afinishedý perflormance tc theý public, the night of the. play. Con- trary ýto any rumors that the play .will bie given in. Latin, it is here stated that. it wilI be in Englîsh. Admission wilI be free. It.is really a fascinating presenta- tion., Theleading character "Vergil" is portrayed, as a shy and -modest young poet.. His if e drearni s to write an epic.to glorify Rome and its won- derful past history.. in the art department of 'the school some marvelous stagepoetieî r being fashionied by Miss Olive L. Grover and*her assistants., In the domestic science se wing room on e catches. glimpses. ofregal. togas- and pictures.que tunics being fash- ioned .by Miss Irma Moschel. There have been a few changes in the cast since the Iast announcenient; thé following is. the comtplete cast, Pubiius'Ve.rgilius Maro.. .lin Sethness Cornfél1usGallu. 4iis frlend.......... David Crawford 8 .iron, head of a school of Epieurean philosophy .at Rome..David Davis Alfenus .............. George Everett Students at Siron's Aemillus. ............. John Hellmuth- L~ucius.........Ed Kurmanti Hon~orius-.....-........ Paul Gilbert 'Rem.us, Vergil's father. .Carlton Prouty Magia Paula, bis m~other. .Francees Lutz Fiaccus, bis younger brother .......... *.. Camreron Brownî Sabinai Paula, a country girl,........... Margel Small Gaius Asinlus Po1lio, Governor of transalpine Gaul. .... Allen Phllbrlck Claudjus, a. war-veteran. .Jo)xn Dernehi iBolus, another. veteran. ..,.Tom Christie Octavian (later Augustus .Caesar) i......... Philip von Amrimo Lucius Varus, a tragie voet............. HrryKInne Varlus Rufus, an epice poet ... . Fred'Llnd Cytheris, a comedian and courtesan ...Virginla Preston .Maevlus, a minor Augustan 1 ýpoet .................... Bill Healy Maecenas, a Roman knight and 1 patron of literature ... Gordon Cutier d is 8 race, wnii wass one oit.te main £events of the meet. Leading athletic -clubs front the Chicago region took r part in the competition. -HEALTH CENTER NE£WS Cooperaing withMrs. Stopka, who is in' charge o.f. the distribution of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association Welfare fond, the Health Center will conduct five extra. dental Iclinies duirng the month of Janu- *ary. ,These extra sessions- together with the régular Tuesday morning dental clinics will take care. of ap- proximately: sixteen , children each week until the extra clinics are com- pleted., "Preventive Denitistry"" teachi it, preach it, praétice il MOTOR 4,000 MILES Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond A. Kikeni returhed to their homeat 1341 Ash-r land avenue, this week after, an ex- tensive motor trip through the so>uthi- west. From Fort Worth, Texas, they, return by way of New Orleans. In three and a haif w<eks they traveled sortie 4,000 miles. * TO GIVE MUSICAL Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lechier, 210 ifhstreet, will give a dinner party and musical this evening at their home for a group of their Chicago friends. Mrs. Lechler will give sever- al piano numbers as a part of the program. Pharnaces, court physician ....E.iavid Crawford An Inikeeper at Irundisium. .......... achs Mis Wlfe..........Jean Meck A Messenger.......Paul Gilbert Sat.' Bats stop That Cold. S LIGHT coIdi are flot, generaIIydangerous in them-. selves but, most often are signais. of more sertouà ilinesflot to, be ightiy'regarded. We have many highly eçndorsed cures,' coid tablets and 'cough'medicines that wilI stop thatcoId now, and avert further sickniess. Timely Suggestionsl S &:C Tar Compound, with menthol San Tox Cold Tabiletsor Capsules Vick's Salve Vapex Blectric Vaporizers Bronchos for husky throats SPECIAL-$1.OO keduction on Nurse Brand Hot Water Botties and Fountain Syringes. Free DoIivery in WiIm.ee anad Kerilworth sutil 10 P. M. ENIDER -CAZEL Dmi170 COMPANY Servinsg Norths Shore Residesets for More Mhas. 16 Years ,Wilmette & Central Aves. Phones: WiI. 400401 Open Sandays Until 10 P. M. PromptS ervice CASH AND CARRY Econoniy Shoe Repmf W]ILNETTE, ILIL. Phone WlIMetto 1944 La jeunesse,,C WILMETTE 'l11se WILME1TE AVE. yILMETT8 mia '~~ * r' * t m