Phone 514 migJ44. 23 TO JAN. 29 FIVE FREZ DELIVERIES DÂILY KMR ROAST, 0F DEE Ghoice cuts of the. fine9t. Certified beef we can buy. lb. 380 a". 43eý Rit, cuts lb4 490 Jones' Farm= lb. 390, ................... do%* 490 Floridas. .Very sweet and jùicy. Good size. DUTTER................... .....lIbo 350 Bro ok iid- RESH CHURNED pure creamery butter ini country roils. We handie no storage butter. ]MOIS8..........1..............402. 290 Switt's guaranteed select and carefully, graded. J.U LT ....1.................. 4 lIm980 Welch's pure grape, crabapple, red 'currant and quinoe. The large 30c, 12-ounce jars. PEA IIS ...... .. .4'"tS 980 Baby Stuart large, No.:2V2 tins., Firn Melba, halves of extra f ancy lemon clings. PIARS ... ...............3 tits 980 Richelieu large No.* V2 tins of the finest large Pho Sie1 chusetts, later serving the CIltoI' Avenue. Congregaitional church at Blrooklyn for a: long period. He has been in the ininistry for upwards of fifty years and bas received prac- tically, every honor that the Congre- gational bod can> bestow, including bis election. as Moderator of the Na- tional council. It was only because of bis being in, tl.lis area at this fiie for the Federal .C ourcil of Churchei tbat- he couold be seured, it is x plained. "National 'Defense" is' Legion Auxiliary Themec In keeping witb patri1otic bholidays té be celebrated next month, the Amnerican Légion Auxiliary, Wilmette Post, is planning an Amnericanistn program. for the February meeting. SMes, Ada Mucklestone, second vice- presidept of the Department of Ilii-, nois' and- State National Defense chairman, will speak on "'National - Defense." Mrs. B. F. McNaughton. will be. the soloist. AU mnembers, it is pointed out, will find it well worth while to hold this date open. The meeting will be beld *Monday evening, February 9, at 9' o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. J. McArdle, 111 Broadway avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lechner, 1445 Wilmette avenue, will entertain mnembers of their evening bridge club on Saturdav. SMr*, F. A. Dt 1167 Wilmette LXPEBT WOEKNANSHIP I~utuaI Deoeraaiimg C.. Glenco. 1331 Acce ptance of appointments as vice-chairulen in the expansion cam- paign orgnizatiofl now being formed on bebaif of the Boy Scout council of the North Shore Area, announced this week by Gen. Robert E. Wood,. president, of,Sears, Roebuck and com- pany and chairman of the camipaig,' has given additional impetus to the movement to sec ure the amount be- ing ýsôught in the, effort,,$5O,OOO, ac- cording to Henry Fowler of Wil-, mette, acting president of the No-rth Shore Area Scout organizationi. Among those Who have receivcd honorary vice-'chair- mien are George B. Everitt, president of Montgomery Wrdandcompany; Qeneral John V. Clinnin, head, of tI'e state boing commission; Walter A. Strong, publisher of the. ' Chicago Daily News;. General Abel Davis, vice-president of the 'Chicago Title and Trust company; W. W., Shoe.. maker, vice-president of Armour and company; Gen.. A. O . Preus, Highi- land Parkc, former gôvernor of Min- nesota; Roy D. Keehn, commander of the 33rd Division and a. I'ake- Forest resident; Elmer F. Wieboldt, department store head; Mrs. W., A. Alexander of Highland Park;.Alvin E. Nelson, Glencoe nurseryman, Mrs. Clifford W. Ramnes, Lake Forest*, Mrs. R. W. Stevenis, Highland Park; Werner A. Wieboldt, prominent mer- chant; Mrs. Malcolm D. Vail, High- land Park; Louis B. Kuppénhieiimer, Winnetka, leading clothier. hIsullis .Treasurer Samuel Insull, Jr., is serving as carnpaign treasurer .with R. Arthur Wood, president of the Chicago Stock Exchange, as chairman of the Central committee. Dr. Samuel Harkness, pastor of the First Congregational cburch of Wjnnetka, is chairman of the'Speakers bureau. Others occupy- ing prominent positions' in the or- ganization are Henry K. Urion, Kari D. King, Dan G.. Stiles, Wilmette, an& Robert Doepel of Winnetka.. Heads of the eleven district Boyv Scout committees of, the Shore strvngth. t'