Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 56

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of- chansons mimées, or acted songs. which show him to be an actor-a tragedian and 'a comedian of highesl order-a. dancer, and an appealing sisnger. Sponitaneity, sympathy, and à bubblinq sense of humor are char- actrisiesof thiÈ delightful yc'ung anan who laughs at humfan foibleq. and understands. A. flash f ront his. eye, and a lift of-bis eyebrow convey hisclever interprétations as muchas hîs songor bis dance or bis spoken word.' His program.aIllws bhis talent fuit Play at the same time that il offers a iglinipse of manners and custom aid* dres of old England, old France, or a fittie of modern America. &egin, Reblding9 of Wilmette Club Hlouse Work wasstarted last wcek on the rébuidiug of that portioni of the clubhouse of the Wilmette Golf club which was destroyed by fire last Thanksgiving day. Haîf of tbe club- house was burned, inèludiing thle locker rooms and Pro sbop. Plans for the new section of the clubhouse do not contemplate any material change in tbe size or equip- mient of that part of the building whicli was burned, althougb the newV Pro shop will be,.somewbat larger- than the old one. An improvement ini the new building will be a large teunging room on the second floor. The Zander Construction conmpany of Glenview has the contract for thé job. ýThe rebuilt clubhouse will be ready for use, wben the 1931 golfing season opens5. A new caddy house, forty-tbree feet long and twenty-five feet wide, is also being built at the Wilmette Golf club. Marion Eckhart -Bride Of Ja~mes Stevenson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs., Percv B. Eckharti the speakcer ot the atternoofi. ler subject was "New Methods in Child Study." D~r. 1Farwell gave a summar.y of the different work shops wbere cbild study is carried on. Prom these work- shops or laboratories information is found wbich necessitates progre ssive training and teaching of cbildren, up- to-date curriculummaterial,, and newv and different metbods in, school and home. To.'be a successful parent is to. be as informed as a teacher. Somle ofi 'he best known workshops are ta be found at Teachers' coilege, Iowa, Yale,' Harvard, and Chicago universi- ties,, Institute of Juvenile Research in 'Chicago, and the Washington Cbild Research. center ,at Washinfg- ton,. D. C. Miss Helen Smith sang. and the afternoon, ended. with appetizing open-face sandwiches~.,and, coffee. Mr. Davis announces that the sev-' enth and eighth grade boys are free for dancing classes Monday and Fri- day afternoons. Tbe dancing classes are held at the Woman's club. It is, not too late ta enter. There are to be .tbree parties giyen tbis' ter. If yon did not get a January Par- ent-Týeacher association bulletin ask for one. There is. information in it for aIl parents. Bulletins are iss.ued at every meeting which are held the second Tuesday of eacb month. Parent Education Class Begins'Second Semester "The Cbild and His Learning" bas- been cbosen as the subject for tbe class in Parent Education at the Na- tional College of Educatiodn next se'- mester. The school arts as well. as Cultural subjects are to be consid- e red by speciaiists in thë-Childrent's scbool.and on the college faculty, and members of the class will bave the opporturlity of observing in the Chil- dren's scbool. The regular meeting of the class at 10 o'clock on Mna ie morning session. n presidedover the The following women were elected to serve on the nominating committee: Mesdames J. K.. Fanley, ]Frank Qdl- erich, J. M. Massie, D. B. Davies and William .Gourley. Dr. Lon W. Morrey, chief of the bureau' of dental hygiene of the -Clhi- cago department of health, ,spoke on the economic .value of good, dental health. He advocated a scbool systeni. calling for the services. of a dentist and. regular dental inspection. By concentrating on young cbildren, cavities' would be treated early, and thus- infection would be. avoided iin later life. Dr. Morrey pointed, out- that- many cases of hecart disease are due, to. infected teeth. Dr. H. E. St. Antoine of 11be Unit.ed States Veteran's hospital number 105 in North Chicago, told of what i1S be- ing done to make the veterans hap- pier and more cheerful.' Since he bas, been in charge, a littie over a year, a' number oi drastic changes have been made. The patients, all'of whom are mentally ill, are given more active exercise-they are kept working ail day long in the bospital or out on, the grounds. They do farm work, and at present a factory is being built wbere high , grade hair niattresses will be made for the hospital beds. Last month it was not necessary to give one hypodermic of narcotics to induce sleep, whicb is a great thing, said Dr. St. Antoine. S$tro.. Arts uiad Cwafts The.arts and crafts department is stilI maintaied, but no more sui1all articles are miade. This department serves as a kindergarten for new patients. An athietic director bas been en- gaged, who takes ail of the patients, .out for, bikes -and. calistbenics twice> a, day. He Supervises their co mpetitive games, during, the summer. The recreational department i.s mnt- aged'by the Red Cross..Two picture sliows-talkies-are given each wek,. and there are dances, and parties ,for Mrs. tiowes was flostess to the chapter at a buffet luncheon whichi was attended by about forty memn- 1bers. The luncheon was followed by' a business meeting of interest an~d, a 1delightful program on "EarlyArt in Amneriéa,» by Mrs. Alfred Lee, Burke* -Reports given by chairmen. of 'the different. committees, of the organiza- ition were most interesting. Mrs. Wil- 1liamn Durgin, speaking for the: corn- Mattee on the "Correct Use of the FIag" call.ed attention .to the Flag Code, now, universally used as a guide for the display of the flag, and added. that wbile there were nlanv abuses of, this. code,. it was, because people.generally did plot understand wbat was expected of tbem. The flag should be regarded as a living symbol of Arnerica, sometbing to be loved and revered. Just as we, ourselves, do..not wish to appear in tattered garments so it is becoming of ciiesto see. that the symbol of their citizeaiship, the garmnent of their p«Itriotism, is clean and in good con- dition, that the colors are brigbt and that tbey are flying on the days set- aside by our nation for remembrance, wi.tb the "Stars and Stipes" in tort- rect position. The patriotic education prograni is. marked by attendance at the meet- ings beld by the fourth -division ini Chicago, also by contributions to the schools supported by the D. A. I. tbroughout these United States, lby interest shown ini home projects and by contributions to a Student Loan f und. Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., chairman of the national defense committee, out- lined the talk by Colonel Story of Chicago,- in, the, "M erchant MarineI" and reported on the, varions bis ta be presented at thé present session. of Congress whicb are of interest to members of this ogaiztion. Shé read Hamilton Fîsh's definition' fi û Commun ism" as include d in bis re- cent report to Congress. The reports of the work beiîîg1 done in the varions departmnents of the D. A. R. are always interestinut OLUF - Ibe Orderc cof 304 'Mcl- the home of rth, entertained Maple avenue, Monday night at 1.;30 ô'clocl rs. Richard 01- its egular se, Y-# as speciai interested in ti is ,cordially i rs. Y'. J. lKOza, 627 Enfd club. Monday, Januiry 26, in the afternoon for A surprise party was given in bonor ng meeting. Anyone of Mrs. Joe Engel of 1939 Birchwood work for the mission avenue last Friday afternoon by hem cd, to corne. sisters in.celebration of her birthday.. artists were illustrtd with photo- graphs. The Skokie Valley chapter meets on the fourth Monday, of eachi month. Mrs. Faune Cope was -organizer -of this chapter,and was the regeât dur- ing its first years.

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