Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 55

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- - - -----J--. The course is planned to be -f p)ractical value to the homemaker, stressiflg the big. foundational priti- cil)ies which govern work in this field, ilustrated by histérical. data; clli)l)ings, and, illustrations, papers, textiles,. and, rugs. The first talk on january 28,. will alp)roach the subject as a whole and will include the discussion of.conimi problems which confront: the homüe- -waker in decorating, causes of su -1 cess and failure, and. wayis -in whichi to lelp herseif. The second lecture will be given over entirely to the su',- pect'of historical background evi- denced in furni.turep aper, and dra- peries,. and. approached through the four great channels of inspiration, England, France, -Spain, and Italy. The third in the series will ]end it- self entirely to *the phase of color. aîîalysis, combinations, and general liarmionv. The. fourth talk will cou- sider wall, window, and flortra- in eets, the fifth wili inclucle roomn compiiositioni and the last and, per- j haps. the niost helpful of ail, willl deal with the history, developmen.t. and )racticai use of textiles. Mrs. Taylor is well knowni to ini-> hiabitants of. the north shore, being à, résident of. Wilmette and an ac- tive nember o f many art ôrganiza- tÎins on the north shore and- ini Chicago. She bas. been teaching the, P art structure course and that of in- terior decoration for six years. at the Natonai College of Educationi anid for two years bas'been a prac- si ticing decorator. th So abso>-bed ili tle stoirieés thcy were hearing froni. the lipsç of Miss J3etty Geshuwind zuere these children ttt no oete disturbed their intcrest to ask their isames. Such groups as this. littie sons ai*nd daughters of membe rs, gather int the liln-arv Cach -lthursdav. evening between'7:10 and 7:30 to liste,. to story-lore told by candie light. -Handicraft periods also are arranged by Miss Geshzî4nd for* boils, and girls during the iiiisicales Surnday af ternoons. >resbyterian Spoke o'ciock' and refreshments 'following jon1 the afternoon program. OnI Meetings Announced Mr. Walter Clarke Roberts is at D1gnq The meetings of the various divi- ,,- -- -11 Mr - 2 Announce Meetings of Baptist Links Today ..The ;Friendship links of the Wom-, anSsociety of the Wilmette, Baptist -churchi are meeting today as follows: âMembers of Link "R"e wili ýnote the change >in I place of meeting. Link "R," Mrs. F. O. Anderson, chairman, will nieet in the home of Mlrs. C. H. Coppel, 1534 Washington. avenue. Dessert and coffee are to be served 2t i1:30. Spoke 1 will meet on Tuesday, Janý- uarv 27, with Mrs. I.owell Snorf,, 717,Elmwood avenue. ýpýSpoke 6 wil meet at the home of Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes. 911 Lake ave- nue, on Tuesday.at 1:30. Spoke 8 is' to. meet on 'Tuesday, with Mrs. William O0. Morris, 112 Ninth street~ There wiil be an. ail day meeting with luncheon at 1 o'clock. .Spoke 10 will meet ivith Mrs. E. L. Stone, 1624 Highland avenVe. 0221. ViorstaodelayLagotEins SportaNowel ay Parts The Club Vista del Lago announces a formai dinner ç1gnce for Saturday evening, J'anuary'24, the special event of its kind for this month. Monday's bridge luncheon will have as its hostesses Mrs. Phil C,. Barber nn M- W TP invitations were iven for. bridge. ,After the guests assembled they were invited into the basement of the Kenney home which recently had beeni converted into a ballroom, and there, to the strains of "Chuck" East- man's orchestra they danced and wer e entertained hy Miss Helena Roth, a former member of the Fol- lies cast, whQ Ianced three numbers.. Tables were set for niidnight supper whichwas served set 12 n'rlnk The~ iMiss Constance Casey -of Watseka, *was the weekl-end guest of Mrs* George B. Maàrtinï, 1046 !Khnwood av- enle. cast repeats the playyinot "-' ocaii members and tneir flusDands. Firances and 1-arriet Anne, and Miss ties. 0 Latham arc spending the winter. The Eva.nston performance is al- Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Power of 336 --. ways a Valentine event. Two per- Raleigh road have sold their home in Mrs. William H. Smith of Ran- formances will be given Februgry 14, Keniiworth anj purchased a house soin, Ill., is spending several weekrs at 10:30 in the môrning and at 2:15 on a. twenty-two acre tract' near with her son and, daugter-i.4aw, in the -afternoon. A Valentine lunch- Waukegan, which theY expect to oc- the--lev. Dr. and Mrs. Horaceî con 'wiiI be served from 12 toý 2 cupy soon. Sitho 01 c vn e

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