Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 53

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57 FOR UENT-FURN. APv 2 APTS., ONE 3-R]&, ON] Reas. priced. Beautifully furn 502 Chestnut. Winnetka Mé4 3 RM. DîNETTEAND BATH--LIGIPr hou.mekeepiflg. 6 roomà and bath,, gar. optional. Ph. Wlnnetka, 1176. 57LTÉNàg-ltp WAXTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. Three roofm ---fUrnlshed apartinent Write A-l27 Box 40 Wilmette. 58L38-tc £0 FOR RegNT-HOUSES MVORE, AND MORE PEOPLE ARE RENTING HOUSES on the ?;ôrth Shore each season until they, feel AIn a. position ,te buy. We have an attractive list of heuses from $100 to $5Ô0 per month to rent, ln Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park. QUINLAN & TYSON. Imc.1 714 lm Street. Winnetkà, 21981 60LTN38-1te GOOD LUCK! GOOD SCHJOOL, GOOD TRANSPOR- S tatIon, good shops within, 7 minutes« -waik. Eight rofls, 2 compiete baths, ènclosed porches, hot water heat. My misfortune, your good Iuck. Wiii rent for haif the rentai value foi" immedI- ate occupancy. Look at 1324 Maple Ave., Wilmette and then ca.ll me If * nI-' jj ýV U UJ N 4.)I LKIJ rentais for short or long ternis. Aiso many attractive buys. FRANCES J. WINSCOTT 902 Spruce St. Ph. Winnetka 1267 6OLTN38-lte *CIJARMING SMALL HOUSE- BEAU- tiful s;ection eLst Giêecoe. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathis. H. W.' heat. Garage. $125 Per *..mo. 'Win ntka 1194, 60LTN38-ltc CHOI CE, NEWLY DECORATED, 5 rmns., sýun porch and garage. Liv. 'rmn. 14x27, .te Prets. ,Wiu. 1630 eves. 60LTN38-ltpj PIVE ROOU COTTAGE. ETOVE I Buyer 'and Seller, have found the Want-Ads lof WILMET LIFE of inestmable value. Many a deal, involving- bundred4s of dollars, has been the resuit, of a Classified ad which. coït but a few cents. Classified ads w.iII be acçepfed-every evening. until1'9. Phone-Wïlmette:4300. Wedn«deay before 9 P. M. for the Current Issu. 62 WAT4TED TO RENT-HOUSES HAVE CLIENTS INMTERESTED IN large and small houses for spring rentai. Wiunetka 1194. 62LTN38-lte 63 WTD. TO RENT-FURN. HSES. BY 2 ADULTS A SMALL HOUSE east of the. tracks furnished for a year. $125-$150 a month. Reliable ref- erencès! Winn. 3450. 63LTN3$-Itp 66 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES space. Low rentai. 66iLT36-tfc 72 FOR SALE-HOUSEU SOME' OINE SOMEWHERE -SURELY WANTSR this house because it offers so -much of real value. New French brick. High corner lot, large stepdowni living room, dining room, tiled kitchen with breakfast nook and electric rcfrigera- tion. Second floor-3 large famliy bcd- rooms with 2. te battis. 'Maids room. witii bath and stairs to kitchen, 2 car 86 FOR SALE-NOUSEHOL O OoB FOR SALE - ICE BOX, GREY, ena.mcied gas steve, wlcker porch fur- niture. Ph. Winnetka 1577. 86LTN38-ltc 87 WANTED 7O MUY-HBEHL. . OCOO WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other househoid goocis. Highcst prices for smre. Crost iFurni- ture Store, 1004-6 Emnerson St., Evan- ston, 111. Ph. Uni. 0189. crystai candelabra, frlsh liluen.banquet cioth and 12 napkins, eheralcl green Spanish shawi, combinatien Radla. Italian walnut cab. Ph. Wiimette 1069. 88LTN38-ltc FOR SALE,-GILS.RACCOON COAT, about, 10 yr. size, best quaiity fur, pér- fect cond. i$40. Aise 2 beautiful French col. chafrs wlth s.11k neediepoint seats and back", glassware. and. other an- tiques. ph. VWllmctte 2608:- VILLAGP> 0F WILMETTE mu WAITED P UV70UC WARDROBE TRUNKC IN GO(MD Co)N-. dition. REeasonable. Ph. Wluuetka 1577. 8sLrTN38-te WAN~2DTO BUT WARDROBE trunk, muetbe ln gool condition. Cali Wlnne'tka, 1904. S9LTS-ltp WANTIED - 10o per lb. màette. CLE-AN, wRiTE RPAOS. blanks furnlshed by sal Board' of Lo- cal imprevements, and muet be ad- dresaci to the Board of Local Ixuprove- ments of the. Village of Wllmette, Wilhette, Illinois, and endormel "Pro- posai. for. storm sewer boun.' draine in Blmwood Avenue and other streeto," and ail Oproposimlo uet be aocompanied by cash, or a certifled check payable to the order of*the President of the Board -of Local Imfprovenienti of the. Village ef WlIantte for a sum of mot Jase flwej ten (10) per centum of tue .aggrgate of the proposai and no proposai will b. eonsidered unless accompanled by such check or cash. The contracter wili be pald lu bondse auj vouchers, payable solely eut of the. asslesment for sai Improvement, when collected, In accordance wlth the pro- visions of thie Ordinance therefor, and In the manner prescribed by 1mw, whlch bonds wiIi bear interest s.t the. rate of six (6) per ce tum per annum. The contracter to whom the contraet may b. a.warded wiil b. required to fUns o hnd to* th1 %..i.4iz.z.e.Lt,...und any ai 1and smtia Board of Locaàl' in- senits reserves the right to, »ject- id ail bids. EARL E. ORNER EIRNEST C. CAZE3L WIIF'ORD W. De BERARD) CARL C. RMNNECKAR RUTH HURD SNyDER STANTON VAN INWAGEN' HANS VON. REINBEIRG Board of Local Improve- mente ef the. Village of Wllmette. L38-lto LIST TOUR HOTJSES FOR SPRING CIIINESE RUGS LIICE NEW, renting now. eral Bizes for half price. Gasj LIOKAN SON. & JENKS typewriter. ?>h. Kenllworth 3391. 930 Spanish Ct. Ph. Wllmette 2920 - 8LTN' 62LTN88-ltc FOR SALE4100 OAS $TOVE C condition for $25. Ph. Wllmette WAT>TO IIWT 5 ROOM 'HOUS9 S6LTNI on North Shore, rent flnot over $75. ÊFOR SALE - SMALL U P R 1I Ais 5 r Iwoo liUseup o $00. piano, perfect condition, fair1 Ph Gencoe 1554., OLT1(88-te Ph Glcoe .296. 8SOL *The specIics.tione for aaid Improve- IneuatiE ment. and b4ank proposale wIll be te, his Iectu niahed at the orne. of laid. Board Of! ject1 of 1 LocalImprovements lu sali Villg Pro>posai. muet" be nmade out on Work». here. iili and

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