Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 48

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m.-Becond service aud sermon . Chriot the Healer" MEETINGS Meuday at 7:45-Choir rehearoas Weduesdsy-st 4-Classes for childreu Ssturday at 9 a. m.--Claases for children S3uuday, "FebruarY, 1. st 10 :45--Contes- sional service for communicants 1iReulr service sud>,Hely Com- It la a matter etf ared, record that Christ healed many people fromn their. bodilY;jaicknemmes. These cures vere hot hmnary %hbut. real. The. akeptic doubte thel.Th Chriatian believes thern. Do cures of thia .klnd occur* today?7 In wha.t relation does aickneaa stand te sin? Dostalth eliminate physicail ll? Why do vwo otten fid the greateat faith ln Christ lu those vho hbave long been aftllted phyalcally? ohse sud other, questions of a sliilarcharacter wii be deait vith :lni thesermon at, St. .Joh'a. on Sunday mornlng next. Everyône la oordlily, iuvited te corne. At the meeting held s t St. Philip'a Lutheran Parish, Hous lunthe intereat of Valparieuniversity It vas de-~ *clded to endeavor to double the Val- paralso uniVeraity memberahip wîthin the boit year. T'fbe èare at Ifresent.810 meuiberahips lu the North Shore area. *These membershipa .may be had at a minimum ef 85 the rear. [Il ediatey after the Lenten season theWednesda.y evening gatherînga ot the congregatien wlll becentinued for a penlod of six veeks lu erder to give the entire cougregation an oppertunlty tÔ hear an Illustrated course ot lectures on Biblcal hlstory et which three will be on the Old and three on the NW Testament. Sometiines we get rustZ on these matters. Here la a chance to bruah up The yeung people ef St. John's an- nounce a. play~ to be given under their auspices on Thuraday and fflday eve- nMug, January 29 and 30,st the Howard School aud~itorium. The., play la entltled ."Eyeo ot Love." Yen viii be agreeably aupr9uised vhen you sec the play. The next meeting of the North Shore zone of the Walther league viii pro»- abiy be held at Redeemer Lutheran, *church, Waukegan, Sunday atternooni and eveulng. Webruary 22. Tlie Lord'. Supper will be celebrated lu the il o'clock service Suuday, Feb-. ruary' 1 Those vho wlsh te receive the Sacrement 'are requested te an- art In the nhapa n'ave, soe English Lutizeran Greenleaf avenue st Sev cth.stre Wimette Carl 1. Empson, paster' Sundsy, Janusry 25, 1931 FPOIEIQN IV SikON BAT 9:45 4. m. ......... Sunday achool Arthur Stark, superintendent il a. M -...Foreign Mission service Address--Robert H. Daube, who la a misslonsry on furlougli frein. our South Amiericani Field ln British Gulana. At ils meeting Tuosdayý evenlug, the, n ewl" lected éouncil orgauized, as fol- lova: v "ce-president, Clarence Lîne- berger, 1437..Asbury avenue, Hubbard, ,Wooôda; secretu.ry, Theodore Peterson, Jr., 458 Winnetlca avenue, Wlnnetka; treasurer, Charles P. Brandt, W. Lakte avenue, Wilmette; financial secretary, J.H E ipp,166Lake avenue, Wijpette. Arhurl?. Stark,20 sabella street, Eyýgpaten, vas eiected Sunday school superntendent. Theodore Peterson, Jr., vas elected assistant auperintendeut. The followiug commîttees vere- ap- poiuted by the councîl: Chireh Pr9perty Ceammuttee William Melbye, Sr., chairman, 244 Laurel avenue, Wllmette, Mr. Melbyýe viii iect hie own committe. Comittee oni Maie and Lîterature Arthur R. Doîbeer, chaiEfflan, 1500q Forest avenue, Wlmette; Walter Relu- uer, 1020 Miami road, *lmette; lire. Winifred Nelson, 1614 Sherman avenue, Evanston; lira. H. W, Bilas, 940 Seneca road, Wilmette: J. H. Hopp, Wiloiette. Pluas. Coimmite P. W. trube, 216 G~olf Terrace, Wil- mette; eL B. Knudtson, 1141 Cheat- nut avenue, Wllmette; Scott S. Smith,à Sr., 525 Lakte avenue, Wilmette. Comuute. on Benêvoiene Walter Reisuer chairman. The treasuren and finariciai secretary are membens ex-officie etfflhc last two committees. The Luther league viii meet at the home et the vlce-presldent-elect,, Miss, Luilîle Dahlberg, 419 Gregory avenue,- Wilmette,* FrIday evéuing, Tanuary 23. The Churoh council viii hold a speclal meeting Tuesdsy evenlng, January 27, at théehurch. b liIJrvz. ijTePUDIIv AlaJ&cAomai *y ivie At 4 o'cleck Sunday aiternloon, Janu- ary 25, there will be read s t the Second »Preabyterian 'chu>'rch, Evausten,: the Presbyteriai ,CommunIon 'service fer tliu section. Preebyterlan Old People'a Hoôme auxillary mnemberahips reoelved during the month et January, by lire. R. W. 'Yeung, 922 Ashlaud avenue. Bapotist Cuc Wllmette and. Ferest avenues George D. Allison, Minîster *,A Church that Cares" The Sunday church Progaim bewins with the: session ef the Church aichool at 9ý:30 o'clock. Classes lu each depart- ment sud for ail agea malte It possible for every member et the tamlly te at- tend. Whlle the aduits are gathered for a discussion of th subjIect, "Path- 'Ways te .Cërtàintyrl'under thc leader- ship et the paster, the thildren are ca'red for lu the nursery, kindergarten sud prlmary departinents. The Nursery departuient, in charge etflira. AE. Gebert, cares fer the children three years et Mge and utnIer. The Bc- ginners departmeut 18 for cildren four aud tivé years ef age. lira. A. V. Gruhu la the superinteudent. Miss Hazel Green Tu the superin tendent ef the Primary departinent vhich, cares for beys and girls six, seven sud eight years old. Older beys sud girls meet lu the JunIOr,% lutermediate and Senior departinents. 1 The morning vorship service et the i church la at il o'ciock. Next Sunday DÉ. Alliapir viii complete a series ef sermons baaed upon difficuitaylugs of Jesus. this ene to bcentitled, Jésus the Troublemaker, Luke 12, 49-53. 1'here la a story for the childYeu after. vhleh the 1 smnaller beys sud girls adjourn for a( kîndergarten peniod lu charge of Miss Nettle Kaufinan. Older beys sud girls i are expected te remain with their fami- I lies through the church'sérvîce. THE BLOOINGTON UPASSION PLAT A Schoel-vide conteat vil! begin.'be- à tween departinents ou February 1. The tiret' tventy pupIls lu the',Senior del'c ,partÈment; Intermediate'departie n eà1i,ý.i epes.oit.woeuat éisu The followlug inukslu the Woman's society wiii meet tôday, Frlday, Janu- ary 23:0 Llak '!R-Mrs. B. 0. Anderso), chairmawu; lra. C. H. Coppel 1634 Washington avenue, hosteu.Dessert and coffe at 1:30. ILiuk. "N"-Mra. S. C. Bennett, chair,ý .mnu; lMra.Edward Meler, 910 Elmwood avenue,* honteas; 1 o'clock luncheon. Llnk "a. Harry Kerr, chair- mn; lMra. Emer Cliir, 1301 Cheatnut avenue,ý hoatea. Meeting, at 1:45. Tea to be aerved. Llnk "H"-ra. . .LYnch, chair- man; lira. Frederick Leason, 1312 Greg- ory avenue, hoateas; 1 o'clock luRncheon. Evenlng Link ""MiaHelen -WeI- don, chairman; Misa Dorthea Smith, 324 Cumuor.road, Keuilwor-th,, hosteau. Meet- ingà S Wociock. Scout meetings lu thia church a!re scheduied, as, follova: Monday st 4 o1cieck, Cuba, Mr. H. U. Beach, leader. Tuesday at' 3:80. Girl Scout Troop 5, Mra. Percy Arden, captain;- Tuesday st 7:30, Ses Scout Troop 43 Percy Ar- den, Sgkipper; *ThUrsday "it 3:30,. Girl Scout Troop 3, Pearl A. Hoose, captain;- Thursday st 7:30, Boy Scout' Trroop 8, J. C. Blaylock, oaitain. Friday P'ebruary 6, the anembers of ýthe Womari'a club of Wilmette viii sew for the Baptiat Old People'a Home lu Maywood. lira. Harry Burnalde la chair- masu and lira, G. D. Conlce la the lunchon chairman. It viii be au ail- day meeting, with luncheon st 12:30. In the atternoon lira. Lillian Hyatt, super- Intendent of the home, viii apeak. Choir 'rehearals are being atressed n0w as preparation for the Naster music begins. The Senior choir viii broa.dcast again this year. Methodiçt Chturch The pastor'a sermon toplc for next Sunday morning viii be "Thinking' of God.Y The choir vii i nig "There.Shall Be, No More Night TIiere"' by Wood, and "Hark! Hlark, My Boul !"1 by $hel- The High School league viai meet- Sun - lay iý,icht.at 5:30 st the home of , Mr. Lud âËWa Weat, '123 Ashlaànd',avenue... 1jeaguereare Invited to gather st, the church. Margaret Wegner vili tell of her*trnp to Europe, and lMr. West wll show movlng pîcturea of church lite. The Young People's department will: meet Suuday eveuing at 5:30 iu the Gir) Scout roorn. vg.Th t Ù.,4 la Tu eulauuj met or the I~ B. p L. MIy n bnquet NO rthe r l1nlcWo.= o l i evonwg of n«t WC wmou Win ove

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