ade Tat is sur.e to Satisfy! 1yO.. plae your car la 0-oUr bande, w J ilt ein.luperfect condltloei R.Od Cr'ownEthyt l, .k Gs-Plaie- s-i Pr PolAtlas Tires Hugh Pressre Greusi. THEOILWELLi Mai. St. et LI.d.n Ave. Bb' a HERBON GARAGE. Ph... Wi1mtte 3334 HERBON wuLMETTE 21Cç" VO. New CliassisLubrication One Packard feattire which has claimed much attention is a complétely' au tomatic, chassis lubrication systeni which' keeps in condition spring boi.ts, and other pats to 'which lubrication' is'important. In the new system oul is distributed automatically to the many moving chassis pairts,.whiëh otherwise would receivel lubrication only by the hand application of grease at ïntervals depending on the thoughtfulness of the owner. While the car is running the points needing lubrication are kept sup- plied constantly with o1 f rom a reser- voir. under the hood, a pumap,. actuated by vacuum, from the motor, sending the lubricant through a complete distribut- ing'systeniý built into -the chassis. -1 The Standard Eigbt five passenger car, Packard's biggest seilifig modeL. occupiCs one ofi the chiêf {poiunts of interest in this year's shows and bas been claiming much attenti 1on. WATCH YOUR LUC NUTS e ont wait until your automobile ha% 'd a fiat tire before inspecting the condi- tion Of the lug nuts. A littie occasional ir I attention to these seenmingIy insignificani P( I parts may save a lot of wear and tear st I on tires and rims. M eral Motors. Questioned at the New York show, lie voiced the general opini- ion of the. leaders of the automotive industry that "the trade" always waius for the Chicago show to see the publie interest in the new offerings of car before deterimining ont plroduction and sales methods for the year. "The, Chi. cago exrhibition," said Mr. 'Sloan al- ways draws the largest throngs of mdi. vidual motorists. of ill shows in the count ry, atd this year should be no .exceptionf." If Chicago is -to, maintain its ecr inthis respect.,western motorists wil bave to step lively, accordinig to S. A. Miles, general maniager of the show. wvho .reporied that -a record.crowd of, 25,000 persions, visited the New York event on. its second day recentl.y. To Display 54 MWakes The Chicago show, which, willrunil through Jan. 31, wiIl have on display. 54 makes of cars, trucks and taxicabs. .which is nine more than were shown last year. In i Mtioe the 300 or more models to be exhîbited by auto- mobile conipanies there will be over 100 ,xbibits of accessories, parts and shop equipnient at the local shows, and the: entire balcony of the Coliseum i wll-be levoted, te these accessorjes. Inherent strength of the automobile: industry is pointed out because of the* policy of manufacturees to spend record uns in engineering and design for the 931.. cars. 732 Twèlfth Street GAO OIL Phone 20.21 Wilmette GARAGE HERBON GAPAGE II Q 8< 0< Q GARAGE' Il w Q 'I j