Service for the Automobile CLOSED The Shop, WaImette I OUI ?POLICY It bas boen our Policy to .1fer the publié, the.boit possible service that one can render. lnaccordace with this policy wo oan pnaih so that we rMay t*e.cure of any orner-. g-e celse thet ono rMay have. ýW. winl wsh, tow your car during, the. night, or cgre for sny tire trouble that nîight occur. Until twelvo oü'clock we wldobtrywksrnall mechanioel, ropairsend eny other .light jobs. During the. day we-will rendorý any work desirsd. 12I1 MAINSBTREET J. C. SIPN A. B. VAN DEUSEN P ACKAR A Safe -Place, to Buy a Used Car I CriI th# 1Jt.d Car Domtarnnnd W4A77P1* lfer*aDemuuuaron 1~#OPR MOORCURCOMPANY 0F CHICAGO 90 LXNDEN'AVENUEB- HUBBARD WOODS Wsïotîra MJ - -Gro.nle.f603 George. and Lee are. the boys wbo operate the Miller and Miller garage and. repair servi ce shop at 732 Twelfth street, Wilmette. George, the older ýof the two, served two years as a ecnic n the United States air forces, in France during the World war.. After the war tbe Miller boys were' in business for five, years at Springfield, later coming to Wil- mette, wbhere they bave been for the past sixc years. When George and Lee opened their business in Wilmette they adopted the firm name, "Miller and, Milter,"' since there was alreàdy at, that time a garage using the name "'M ier Brothers." Mil ler and Miller have featuredup- New- Ckrysler Sixes in Four Body Styles' An eitirely new line o f Chrysier sixes ini four body styles, bas been: pJacéd n themarket this year and is offered in Evanston by the North Sul- urban Sales, 1840 Ridge avenue, Évans-, ton. These are offered in addition to the Chrysier eight and Impérial eigbt lunes. .The new six carnies a slanting. V-type radiator. Wheelbase. is 116 inches Hoods are long,,and low. Bodies,'pro- viding ample head and leg rootu, are of safety ail-stéel construction and are insulated around the co*l,, dash and wU,Uw miles ot nardc-surxaced arteries to the. nation's system of roacis, set- ting a highway building record. As a resuit of the year's activity the surf aced highway mileage of th. United States is more -than. 6W,000 out of a total of 3,100,00 miles, in vai-. ous istagçs of development. to-date -equipment ever since entening the garage business in Wilmette,, and 1they ar e prepared to1 repair any, malie of car. Their service truck ýwith pow1 er crane, sbown abpve,. is always available, as Miller and Miller give 24-hour service. Both the Miller boys feel that the service they. give is -always satisfàc- tory, for man.y of 'their 'customers have been with thein since they ený- tered .business in Wilmette. These customers are always willing to say. a good word for the boys. , .The Miller and Miller mechanies have beenwith, the firm practically since it opened for business in WiI-, mette, and' their- work is: as reliable. as if it were done by one -of, the Miller boys. New Graham Cars Soon to be Seen" at Hanson Rooms The 1931 niodeils. f the new Grahani cars willI be on display in Winnetka within a few days, 'according to the Hanson Motor company, 557 Chestnut street, Winnetk.a, local dealers. "These7 cars,"' says, the company. .44were one of the cetr of interest at the New York automobile show- where the new models and new body Styles were first shown at their new low prices, fonming a cornprehensive Approximately $2,200l,000,000 were expended in the United States in 1930 for street and highway putp6ses. Mo-tor vehicles in the United States cosucd310,000,000 barrels ' so- line 1930. U0 SDars offered by Packard have been. I drivn ýby discriminating. owners or they would flot have been turned in on such a distinguished car as a new Packard. You areý cordially invited to inspect our stock at any timfe.