Slogan Applieci to Motors Service, hIn. "Neyer Closeci" is tbe slogan of Motors Service, Inc., 721 Main street, ,Wiltnette. Motors Service opened its present, location .October 1j, 1922, -and bas neyer closed since-days, nights, Sundays, hôlidays or any other tiine. A. B3. VanDeusen and J.* C. Slown are the heads of the firm. Onet-of these owners may be .found at Mo. tors Service at al.- timfes,- so, that cus- tomers bave no difficulty in dealing directly with the beadsof tht institu- tion--a difficulty often experienced. in larger service stations. Mtors Service, mc.,, is equipp ed to do ail kinds of automobile work, with ýtbe exception ofpainting and clotb ok Mechanical, electrical. tire, and boédy> repairing, -as well as glass work, washing,. and, Simon izing are done by Motors Service. The corporation employs-, an av- erage cof twelve to fifteen men, who are trained to give prompt, courte- oua and efficient service. It has con- centrated on repair service oniy, but in the present market had made a busines4 of selling ali makes of,"dis- tressed" new cars on which it can save. its customers f rom 15 to 25 percent. For the past year Motors Service bas been selling Hart oil burners and bas placed them 'in some of -the fnest homes on the north shore. The' coumpany pow bas thrëe men capa- ble of giving efficient oil hurer serv- icand plans to work the entire force' into a- position where it will, be able to take care of oul burners the samne as automobiles,. AI Rodenkirk Vêteran in Auto, Repaîr Work AI, Rodenkirk,,. manager of tbe Fourth Street Auto service,- 516 Fourth treet, Wilmette, bas been- in business in Wilmette for eight years. AI carne to Wilmette from Randon Lake-, Wis.. where hie was also in the Lalesi Chevrolet models attràct many visitors daily to this new show room and serzice station of the North Shore Chevrolet Sales, 611 Main sircet,. WiI- metite. Lasi Saturday .marked the formai opening of the business. Del A. Thorsen Now' With Skokie Motor Cg De~l A. Thorsen. snn of C. A. Tbc a stoclcfolcitr and *ecretary ot the firmn. Ht started his duties this week, . Mr. Thorsen is wellknown on the north short. He was born in Kenil- worth and bas, spent bus entire if e- time 01n the north shore. From 1919 until thet1tim e he became associated wth tht Skokie Motor company he was conn ected with the Kenilworth Motor companyr, and was manager of tht sales and service department ,of the latter concern when he accept- Good Main street, Wilmette, enjoyed one of tht best years in its history, ac;- çorcling to D. W. Leonord, Forcd deal- er and- owner and manager of the company. "We are looking forward, te a mlich better year in 1931," Mr. Leonard said. "Tht 'tightening Up' of money in general only tends to increase the purchase of Ford cars bv the thought- A. coumplete line of new Chevrolet models was on display last Sa!turday when the North Sho re Chevrolet, Sales in Wilmette held is formai, opening.. This new authorizedCe- rolet dealer, the only one, on the nPortb sbore between,,Evanston, and Highland- Park,.islocated at 611 Main street,, directly across tbe street front the Chicago and'North Western .sta- tion in Wilmette. Its new show roüm, which bas been remodeled and enlarged, bas an -Antreetive gray stone, front, and is illuminated by aàstandard Chevro let sign iwhich greatly 'enhances, àthe appearance of" Main street in :the business section of Wilmette. Walter ]Egan,' formerly a -dealer a t 5145 Milwaukce-avenue, Chicago, is president of the North Shore Chevrolet Soles., Mr. Egan statea tast the cdncern considers itself a Wii- mette institution and. will.give resi- dents of the community and of the north shore the best of Chevrolet service. With a $5000 parts inventory in stock at ail times, includiig parts for ail models of Chevrolet cars for the last ten years, anid with ail the tool equipment necessary to « lacilitate quick service, the North Shore Chev- rolet Sales, is prepared -to give its, patrons the best of service. rate LaIpr scale, the universal forum of operation in ail Chevrotet service de- partuments. There is 5 000 feet of floor space ËI - the No#th ghore Chevrolet Sales and ample equipment and work- mpen, te, take. care of every type of service work. "Bob 'n Mac" Operate Wilmette's Oi 1Weil 1UU51 tour years since Tom starteu cation. .1 11F U1iJL8B wL was J W u- Ç L IÇ-* * *IMJ - ----t--!Ç, b lÇt bis business on the north shore, and ciated with him in tht garage . busi- a sumaîl sbop at. the reor' of. thé Bob and Mac guarautet that with he's a sticker. And a Scotcbmen, too, ness until about sevein years ago> is Wilmette State bank building. Since every purchase made at the O(M as most everyone knows. Tom has now a meat cutter.. then they. have nioved across the Well, whether it be gas, oil, tires or been in bis present location ever The. Herbon garage bas storage street to their present new and very what have you tht customer wIll since coeing ýte Wilmette from the facilities for about forty cars. It sella much enlarged location. They came receive not only the best that Mim- soth sotnChcg.Hsbsiness gos and oil as well astr. to Wilmette from Chicago. Electrical1 ey con buy 1but also thot pleU4 Ii. has Mrw yearly. bandit tires and batteries. wprk- is their specialty,. and they1 gredient, "peromal service..