Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 32

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cthey arc planning for Valen- -rse a day a greater success than éver. U'Tmebiidge party with its fashion sho isthesecond annual affair of its kind the group has given.. The hour is 2, the place the Wom- an$s club, and the after-bridge attrac- tdon wilI be ýa revue of carly spring fashions as interpreted by an Evans- ton modiste.ý Reservatiôns may be made earlyr with -Miss Florence Branson for the table s along the run-way down which the mannequins wlll stcp, their way. Miss Marie Flentye and Miss'Vir- glnia Bjxbiy are co-chairnien of the ehtire event. Miss Mary Mack Is in charge of arrangements for the fash- ion show. Miss Betty Hunit is chair-. mean of prizes. Miss Betty Marshall is dispensing the. publicity.. Miss Miss Frances Bredin Will: direct the am-angement of card tables. Miss Marian Melbye is chairman of the ticket counittee. ,Mis -Flornce. Eranson, chairman of finance, and Miss Helen Ellis, president of the auxiliary, is an ex-officio member of the. general committee. * If this season's benefit follows the precedent established 'for it b y its predecessor, it will be one of the hhlights in Wilmette's social sea- Shtiwnè. Ho is Tru -O uts - aria a.i zmawnee .%FI4AKLA ciuD mon-A1 day evening. The production* is a, three-act farce witli.týut fourteen cluaratcrs particPIeg. Miss Peggy Devis, wbo diects the Sha iePlayers, is in charke.of try- dts and the casting of the parts.. Th~e p!ay is being producc.d* under the auspices of the dramatic, commit- tee of the. club wbicb consists of Mr. atad Mrs. Paul Cook, Miss Margaret Music for dancing will be provided by a tope Harvey orchestra follow- ing the dinner at 8:30 o'clock which will open the soirée. At miclnight à buffet luncheon .will be served. Priincess Tsianina, whose ;name in ber. native: Indian language means, "Wild .Flower," is interitationallv knowne as a concert singer, pianist, and public lecturer. As a muùsician she has appeared in récitals throughout. the United States, and, in -nine* forefign countries., Her interest in the welf are. of her. own race bhas taken ber on ýnation-wide speaking tours as. a social. service worker. The soirée is planned for both senior and junior inembers of the club and their guests, and advance reservations indicate a capacity crowd. Chinese fairy, tales and magic tricks performed by Robert Lotz, magician, will entertin cbildren, of Shawniee at théir January party Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lotz and the cbildren whom he will summon front the audience to. portray characters in the fair.y tales ,which he will relate in connection with his tricks of magic, will be dressed in Chinese costumes. .The 'program will include several stories, ea>cb of which will be accom- .panied by performance of a com-9 plete magic act. Mr. Lotz is a mcem- ber of the Amnerican Society of Magicians. Charles Fleiachmann in .Mu«sic Pro ç,rïaW Sanda g A number of friends gathered at the home:, of Mî tnd Mrs._)Ernest Fleischsnafin, 235 .LIcester road, Ken- ilworth, last Sunday aftersiobn to hear Charles Baron Fleischmana;* baritone, in a musical program. Mr,. Fleischman. was accompanied by Blanche Barbot, a well kn concert acconlpanist who bas trans- ferred her professional activities froni New York to Chicago.~ tra hall, under the auspices of the Dorothy Kahn Club for Crippled Children. Among the patrons and pa- tronesses for the affair are Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Anoif, *Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel. Dunkleman, Dr. I.. Val Freed- man, Dr. juius Hess, Dr. and Mrs, Harry Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.: George Kuirtzon, Louis Kuppenheimer, Dr.. .V.Kahn, Dr. and Mrs. Jack -Mil- stead, Sidney Oppenheim, Mrs. A. K. Stern,. Melvin- L. Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. Max Schiff, Mr. and Mrs. ýS. Steinberg, Dr. L. T. Weins.chenke'r. ..Box hokiers for the. event are, Messrs. and.'Mesdames Waller Bor-.. den, Léopold E. B3locki,,David Baer,. F. Fleischer, Barnett: Faroil, Alfred K. Foreman,:Louis Franlcel Samuel, Insuil, Isadore S., Schuman. Cha 1rles .H. Swift, Mitchell C. Robin, Harry A. Kahn, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Levinthal, Mrs. joseph K. Frank, Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick, and B., E. Bensinger, Frederick Strauss, and Alvin S.* Sandroif. Mrs. Daniel Levinthal is chairnman of boxes and Mrs. Jack Milstead is Patron chairman.. Two N. S. Girls are in Cast for" Play, e"Pinoccbjo"p The north shore again is- represent- cd in. the third production of this, season for the Chiicago junior league's children's theater. Miss Jane Elýiza- beth. McKinny of Wi*mnetka and Miss Esnily Pope of Glencoe have been cast for parts in "Pinocchio," which bas its premiere atC 10.:30 o clock Saturday morning, January 24, at the Harris theater. ' "Pinocchio» is on this year's reper- toire of the junior leagiue theater by request. It is' a play that is ekc- :remcly popular witb children andA When giveni about four seasons' ago, layed to packed bou.ses at evcry performance. In connection with the. Play itselF I i 'J t appear at a concert bunday aiter- noon. Februarv 1. at 3:30 o'clock, at the Civic Opera bouse that wli be given as a benefit for the Olivet in- stitute. Patronesses 'for the affairs are an- notnnced as follows: Mesdames James C. Aines, Graham Aldis. Alfred S. Adamns, Robert Mc-. Cormick Adans Wilhelm L. Banni, Louis. K.,-Bovnen, Jacob Baur, Wal-,, 1er, Borden, joseph Beauttas, Otho* Bail,. Bruce Borland, Walter, Brew- ster, A. F. Callahan. Henry- K. Cha- pin, Rensselaer W. C .ox, Shieldon' Clark,. Frank Dummerford, Rufus C. Dawes, Weslev M...Dixon, Fletcher Durbin, John Esmond, Evan Evans.' Robert Forgan,- Henry W. Par- nuin, W. C.' Grunow, H. B. Hackett, Alfred 'E. Hamill, Qicar C. Hagen, Bowman C. ..ingle, joseph. B. Long.- James Hamilton Lewis, Frank G. Logan,. Edward Litsinger,' Howard Linn, Arthur Meeker, Burt A. Mas- sec, Hays Mac Farland. R. Townsend McKeever, Ivan McKenna, Cyrus McCormik 4joseph E. Otis, Sr., Albert J. Ochsner, William N. Pelouze, joseph T. Ryerson,' Fred- erick' Sto ck, James Ward Thorne, )rville.J. Taylor, Frederic. W. Up'- ham, George E. Van Hagen, Jr., Elarrett Wendell, Peirce C. Ward, William A. Yager, Sulas Strawn, WValter Wolf, Theodore Brentano and Princess Michael Cantacuzene. Albert Gardner of Winnetka and Evan Evans are co-chairmen of ar- angements and Mrs. Albert Gard- ner and Mrs. Charles H. Fargo of Evanston are in charge of the wom- n actively at work for the success f the affair. Tickets may be procured in ad- iance f rom the headquarters for the :oncert, Room 304, North Michigan ivenue. Mrs. C. P. Dubbs of Wilmetteand# &rs. -Peirce Ward of Winnetka, are mogthose wbo. have taken, boxes rteevent. Edith Marquùardt Will Be Mariried Febzwwgy Announcement-is made f t4k. -o-.-English, The Roy Kirtlands of 420 Washing- Shawn.c ton avenue are having dinner guets Mrs. Da at the soirée to be held'at Shawnee wbo le. Çoutitry club January 24. Orja G. was given John. J. ivenue, at 1bonor of, arte, Iowa, liter, Mrs. Mis. James Fairbairn of 3028 Park place, E-vanston, will be hcstess today to members of the Camibridge chap-. ter of the Dàughtcns of tbe British Empire at..its annual business meet-, I

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