Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 27

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Girls" Club...... Harriette Webster Humor................. Davis Lott Inquiring Reporter....... jane Orr Star Reporters: Jane Normian, Ruth Jackson, Wiiiard Kus. JMlor's Note: The~ staff of the New Trier. News FPlashes thauks the -stu- dent -body -for ItW generous support., Tht. là a réal sehool. paper, whlch, It lu' hiope, *II relleet the spirit of the sehool for the benefit of the students themuselves aq the township at large, Students, send ln your questions to the ',Inquirlng Reporter and Your' Jokeè te: the Humer IMitor.. The. staff Is.aise conductlng a uew feature, The Hall of Fame. mach week two persons who have been ef service te the achool willi be admltted. The. two charter members who have been selected by thse staff. are Saily Krlebel and George -Ogan. Sally Krieble -la president of the ýGirls' club and a forméer G. A. A. ofilcer. She was, vice-president of ,her .clasa, durtng .the Presisman year. George Is, president of thse Senior close and was captain of the. footb all team. He -slaiseo prom-. Inent ]n many other activities. Next week. two more students wiii be ad- mltted to thse Hall of. Fame, or "Who's» Whe et New Trier." ATT-ENTIGN, FUTURE VOTERSI One of the reporters from tlie Civ- ics class gave us word -tliat certain coileges are going to offer college- board examinations, -aiong witli American History. They give crédit for both subjecta. But it is excellent to have some knowiedge of tliem be- fore facing an exam. This is sonie- what alarmiug information, to those of us wlio bave not been fortunate enougli to take' the course. In other words "it is just too bad." This subject is essentiai to any stu- dent, wlio intenda to deveiop into an intelligent, voter in the future.' A fair knowledge of thie intricate work- ings of our . Goverument wiii 'un- do'ubedly aid us in selecting au mndi- vidual for au important office, on the basis of capabiiity and experience. This wil lielp) eliminate the foolisi "party-voter," who votes mercly be,-, cause he beiongs to a certain political party. Let us, illustratel . Wliat difference does it make to you, wlietler the County Surveyor is a Republican or Democrat? Or 'do you care especiaily wbhether the,è Countv of the "stronger-sex?" Now that woman's suffrage bas corne' into1 full swing, we may expect almoat afly field of work to be start'ed, managed, and doue 'by womeu. N'evertlieless we feel a nkeéd to adhere to, tradi- tion, especiily 'in this-alima mater,, a venture. will you al nelp it ne not oniy a venture, but a' success as 'well. After. ail it's up to you, readers, to informn the staff what you think of it, and thereby help N. T1. to once more excel, as it always can if it has the wiII to work. Thne Littie Gode y Lady On -the walLl the dim old dwelling Th at belonged to ~grand aunt1 Sadie, There lives in a f rame of polished ýoak A sweet. littie Godey lady.: She. is dresged in correctness exacting, Her :bonnet is tilted just so. EiPery inch -of ber personi perfect- Even douwnto ber wee, tiny toe. Prom the t op of that tiny bonnet. 11To the tip- of the hidden -'hoe, She ïs stately, denure and pro per, Whth a cbarming quaintne.ts, too, Like the stem of a lutne-time lily' Prom thse spread of ber crinoline, Springs. ber wahst, unbelievably siender, Lhke the. wasst of a UasP, I ween. Hiertwee bonds,. iptgauntiels so çtyl:tsh, )Estended wstb gestiore £0 calm, In chu rch kept tise thougbts of her gallauits On somethhnq else tban the psalm. So" she stands in her zwide spreading garments, With iruffles 'set row itpon row, Fier lashes cast down so demjurely; She is cool as tise iew fallen snowv. Were you really so stately, my lady, In your frilEs and your fgrbelowsf Dhdn't yiou ind t a bit of a task To always live .u#' to your clothit rro. Eve to tise>.qt4een of tise mozies Women, tbey say, are 'tieseame; Though some of them Iîve in, the lime- lhgb9t And some of tbhem- dzell h n a f ramne. So shal' I believe, littie lady, Vou are surely not suc s ait Perbaps yoi'd be mucis like tise otiser Remember- SThis is your paper-If you have any news, send it aiong and we'ii do the rest. Watch us growl1 Corne on, you jesters, drop your contributions in~ the News' box. Prof : "If oats are given a horse im- mediateiy after li*ard work, or ex- ercise,. what happens?" Coed:, "He cats."' "May our' souls be preserved 1" cried the hamiet as tbe knife slit bis gullet. She. was only. the janitor's daugi-. ter but oh, how she didswe them off their feet!: "Aba! ,-vesdropping again t" ex- claimed Adamn as lis wife' fel'out of a trFee. "wÈat do you mean-they've dis- covered a. neWý kind of eternal tri- augie?". *"Siamnese. triplets, you goof!" "God save the .King" cried tht courtier s-the Queen's' on another bender! Patriotic Our father slipped upon the ice Because lie couldn't stand; He saw tlieglorious Stars and Stripes, We saw our father la'nd. Prof: "Why'doný't you answer me?". Senior* "I did, Prof essor. 1 sliook nxy bead." Prof: "But' you don't, expect me to hear it rattie 'way up_ here, do Sociology Group Gets Local Color in Chicago Tour Wednesday, January 14, the soci- ology ciass, under the supervision. of Mr. Frisbie, went on an ail-day ex- cursion to various points of interee, in tlie city. The first stop was at tlie Juvenile Detention Home where boys and girls from 2 to 18 are kept whule awaiting 'trial. planned to tace 'the bù on another excursion uitry 24. sucyer and Morris osa an exuibiton eventL Deerfield took only 4 -tbirds- The Junior 1nicet was almost as bad- Neýw Trier took 5 first:s, 4 secondup and. 2 thirds. Thei Deerfield Juniors. did hetter t han their, big brother., taking a first, and a second adong with tliree thirds. In :addition, to the, usttal events there .were severai exhibition. evenits.-' The New Trier relay tearn tried, to, beat tlieir'record but faiicd' because OstrumIeft the'start before Wilder touclied the edge of, the tan.-Mor ris tried to beat hbis. own time, but- -did not succeed. ýNew Trier's.swinimersý were aise v.ictorious Igst Saturday, beating Ke- nosha, Wisconsin, state champs,4-1 ýin the Senio r. division. Tlie Green. and Gray. took 6 first, seconds, 'and i third, wie Kenosha was bissy .taking 1 first, 2 second4s, and 4 thÎirds. The outstanding event of the, eve- ning was the Senior diving. Ernie Enchelmeyer took first and Bill Mor- ris second. Botli of tliese boys did some remarkable divi'ng and there was no little do.ubt 'as to which wa& ilie better. King replaced Witt in the bacfc- stroke, taking a third, wlile Joliansen took first. Witt, on account of a re- cent illnese, took part in oniy' one eveut, the medley relay.' Besides the back-stroke, New Trie1r won both re- lays, the forty yard swirn, the 100 yard breast.-stroke, and the dives and took second' in 1tlie dives,' the breast- stroke, the 100 yard swim, Morris not swimming, and third in tlie back- stroke. 'Morris and Enchelmeyer were un-: doubtedly tlie starsof ,the mcet. >While ail tliis was happening New. Trier's Juniors téok Harrison Tecli. for a ride to tlie tune of 43-10. Harrison took no firsts, 2 seconds, and 4 thirds, whule New Trier took 6 firsts,. 3 seconds, and 1 third. mien A~s guest speaker of thec eveulug, Paul R. 'Leachi was introduced. M r. Il the L-çach is an author and 'uiewpaper also mnan of prominence as wei'eU ï a c ciass ognized autliorit.# on politics. Hia jan- latest bookc, "That Man Dawes," bas recently been publied.

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