Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1931, p. 26

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to Last Friday there was a meeting of al those interested in ,àiorking oq the. 1931.. Echoes,. For moit of thèse peple, the editors, "aiâdd y LMr. Ca*rlieter, faculty sponsor, will flnd, a ,osition. BrÎily, the requirements for, a pos .ition on this staff. are as tollows: (1). Cooperatioti - ihat they ýbe *ilfing workers. 7 (2) Ability-they' must have. some maturai. talent ailong some, lines con- ected with the EFchoes, such'as art, writing, business, photograpby, and (3) Singleness of purpose-theyr mst have 'no conflicting actiities dUug the Spring. The Echoes in, former years has bien put out o0ly by members of the thrce upper classes. Priniarîlyr, it is supposeto b. a Seniorproject only, but the help of the underclass- men iw much appreciated, and often the succesu or failure of the Ec hoes lias depended. upon the Juniors and Sophomores c onnected. There is another phase to the Echoes, however.- The Staff mnay put out the beat Echoes in the hiitory of New Trier, yet, if it is flot supported by the student body, it will be a to- tal failure. Thereforc, Seniors, Jun- iors, Sophomores, and Freshmen, get in -it, for someday you may try to ptornte.out; then you will realize Iliat thé upost suce88fu1 a.nnual can easily be a failure if Rot subscribed to by the student body. 1 It is also evident that the Staff * must show coopérationi, ability, and originality in order to put out a ïood book. This bocly.will be picked with carfeul deliberatiçn, and, as wÎime work bas already b een done on the 1931 Echoes, they will get off to a good start the, first, tbing text semester. New Trier's Froih-Soph basketball teatu started off its geason by losing to Country Day scbool's varsity bas-: ketbali team Iast. Saturday. by a -score of 31r24. Cecil W-illiams, the fleeting shadow, as:be somhetimes is calléd, was prQbably the outstanding player for New Trier, 'while Kree .r and Brown di d some. good, playing for Country Day. This was the firît of a schedule of seven pames-. The remainder is as Saturday, January 24, 10 a. m.-Deer- feld at New Trier Saturda_, janipary. 31, 10 a. m.-New ,trier at Zvanston. Saturday, Eýebruary 7, 10 a. m.-Wau- kegan at New Trier. Wednesdgy, February 11, .4 p. m.- New Trier at Deerfleld. Tuesday February 17, 4:30 p. n. Évanston at New Trier. Friday, February 21, 4:30 p. m.-New Trier at Waukegan. Lens Club Plans Picture Journey; Movie Show on Way Saturdav the Lens club will take i annual. pcture-taking hike. This hike was postposted from lait Sattir- day. because there was no snow. Did .yDi knw that the Lens club is planning a motion picture this year? Ail the taiented literary meinbers of the club are writing scenarios in an open contest. The judges will be the club officers and Mr. Van Kirk of the English dçpartment. Mr.. Van Kirk is composjng a .scenario to be judged. along witb the others sub-. mitted. The whole picture will be' a prQd- uct of the students* themselves. Work will begin as soon as a scena- rio bas been chosen. 1* is oknned tn make the picture Journey to Hudson Bayt Guy Robins and Joel Dickinson, two New Trier students, are planning on expedition into the Ijudson Bay country this'winter.. Their- purpose is to photograph as much of the. loi- gingindustry as they can. They also intend to miake, some 'movies of ýtbe Annual DogDerby which starts at EFt. Churchill if they succeedinIt et- ting the .dog derby pictures it will be the first time in history such a race bas, been photographed . They will leave, February 25 by train .for Win- nipeg where they will outfit. tbem- selves From there tey will take the Hudson Bay railway as far north. as it goes and then proceed on snow- shoe to Et. Churchill about forty miles away. They are intending, to preste their pictures as. a gift to New Trier. Start Rehearsals for Student Opera; >Two Complete Casts Many are the operatic aspirations' at New Trier nowl Every two years an opera is given; this year "The Pirates of Penzance"' will be staged. Tryouts bave been held, and the fortunate people are working on their solo parts. The glee clubs are also working on their chorus parts and group dancing. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Cotton, Mr. Rhodes, Miss Jones, and Miss Mickey, are directing the mu- sic, while Miss Stanwood and Miss Grove are directing the dramatics. As always, the loyal and faitb fui or- chestra will accompany the singers. 1The opera will be given two ni.gbts, each with different, casts, because there are sa many excellent voiced students who wish to'be in the opera.- This will give ail seniorsan many underclassmen a chance for operatic achievement and stardom. 0f course, seniors have preference over other Bee<-nsto AUl Who Enjoy Latin Parents and friends of New Trier H4igh ische pupils, who have an in- terest in Latin and Roman histor. and especîailly in Vergil, Horace. and the Circle of Augustus. are invitec and urged. bv the facult y to attend tbe presentation in English. of Lidian Ruth Moore's "'The Mantuan" bv the, senior and Junior classes of the Latin <epartment this. Saturday eveniniz (January 24) at 8 o'clock. The ple is' New Trier auditorium. There will be ino admission. ,A faculty.statement reads:, "The story , cast in dramatic form. portrays the life of the poet Vergil in seveh episodes. The author very deftly, bas. caugbt. and differentiated the characters who-were vital influ- ences in the life of the poet. Sucb flgutres -as-- Augustug, Horace, Mace- nas, Tereintia, Pro1perttls, Livia. Gal- lus, Pollio and others, move acros the stage witb a deflniteness that wil! be Ëefresbing te those who bave made theirý acquaintance in bigh scbool and in college, and .entertain-' ing to those who meet them for the first time. In the light of the ,interest which bas been focused upon Vervil during these recent years it is welI wortb tbe expenditure of an eveninsg te have a living picture of this im-, mortal poet of 70 B. C. recreated for you Januaiy 24, 1931 A. D. "Consi derable effort has been ex- .pended tipon the correctness of cos- tumnes, setting and properties soý that the atrnosphere of the play may be truly that of the Augustan period., The direction of the play is in the hands of Miss Stanwood, director of dramatics at New Trier, and the stage-settings and costumes are un- der the competent supervision o.t Miss Grover and Miss Moschël re- spectively. There is every assurance that "The Mantuan" will be pre- sented with the finish and charni characteristic of New Trier's dra- matic entertainnients. No admission estinu ex- iffli4, ice Ifor the Marion Tubbs, IMary Rogers.' rel IC, j1 uîates ck, and be cho' conteit, 4 . - ..., , li rr .ei4ygaar , ac.'-u' iugly m 4de Scriblers. 1Comee, Cameron Brown,,'and To give the parents an, idea' of 1orris. The subject is: "Wash- what work i5 done by the club, a 's Ideals and Their Place in short story or some poems by the 'n Life." There will 6e a school mnenibers will be read at thie 1ather Lflrst, and one contestant will and Son banquet, and an ode or son- ien to enter the Cook County net is to be composed for the Mother * and Daughter banquet. manne I I

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