ýOn., Your .Desk. and! in Your Pock e. aà good fountain pen wiII b. rayand willng -aid. in note- akn; dth.m.writing. Y.. con gel a Parker set 1k liis wif'h a convertib3le top and a blaick glass bas. W. featur.e *ais. the fin. fouà-, tain pons made by WAHL-. SHEAFFER and WATERMAN. JPirst Fmoor New Low Prices On Theme Poper and Fillers Theme Piper, . Was Now package .....I1Oc 2forI15e Hammermili Bond not*book 110er: 6ê%x3%y ...... . .20c 1 se 0 1 x5l/2 ... .. .25c 20c 7p4x ......... 25c 20c, 91/x6 ......35c 25e IImitation Leather. Notebooks Wih IHammermili Bond tUI -4anta LV, p be the guest o Fiske, and her Day. She expe six weeks. 1 to. heegoi J UST RECEl VED> Ve#RCA SIIPE[t-HET'ERODYNE New standard of perforrn- ancet Yet only $142.50'. Cornein now for a deoeon- strationofthisrnarvelous new Joi Sim .(left) will, have the role Of- Irene Hayes in "h Race, Torth Shore Circuit theatre pro; (luctiofl to be given. in the, *north. shore towns beginning Friday, Jan- _______________________ . ury 23. J. Lincoln Gibson (above) wlbeseen in the role of Nc Scarsi, gang leader. Both are performers of first rank and broad experience in the dt-amatic field. "~The Racket" will be given at the Wilmette Woman's rclub *uesday, january 27, in Jane Kuppenheimer Memnoial hall, Winnetka, Saturday, january 31, and in the Glencoe School auditorium, Friday, january 30. "The Racket," by Bartlett Cormack, a former Chicago newspaper man, às an intensely interesting and thrilling drama, based on Chicago'sý crime situation. Twenity are in the cast, nineteen of whomn are men. Estates Youngsters Have Own Gym Classes Patten gynînasium of Northwest, eru 'university was utilized Iast Sat-. urday for the first time by Bob Sup- JOHN CLARK< AND SONS INVESTMENT SECUXITIES STOCKS, BONDS & MORTGAGES Telephonie Post Office Box 44 Wllniette 2717 Wllmette. flinols toni's weekly àthletic classes .com- posed of boys and girls frôm Indian Hill Estates' families. Trhe boys hiad lessons ini wrestling followed up by a swini. The girls played handball and vol- leyball. "Sup" was a former Big~ Ten Con- ference and A. A. U. wrestling cham- pion. Arrangements have bee4l made to continue the classes. An Indian Hill Estates? school bus collects the youth- fui athietes and .bririgs themn home fol.. loNwing the classes. I. -u ENWSCH Fou*aa, Square Evanston apsu.Oi<Irs Get Prompt VAuul.WIm.f t 7M Phon. Uni. 3474 742 Elm St. 380 Central Ave. ,Wie..ika $474 NigM.u Park 3414 Winn.l&a Highland Park 't 1-9 Itr»l