Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1931, p. 54

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Xeoe,? Bon *;3» Blckham, , Pleen Burke, Mar- Jorlé'Beubold, Greta Stauntur, Jeanne Stou, B~raWilder, Jane' Horton, Bever 1Balbiityne, Ethel Grahi, Cath- byl" kepbusrZ, Eleanor treisge, IR[eleî F%~ * N~ancy Rutiedge, Sally Zaremù b " ' M at Dickerson, Marion Bar- be*,e. . *nie Borovika, Ali- ion Bure, Mgaret Loom ntllia Me Cleiid, Barbara Mutn, Cora Mompier, JamtePost, Btty Sheidon, yIrginla va w g, etty WestoDorothy (Jraw- fore, 'Batrice Waehtburn 'àWilson Qw ýb eékett: Betty Bout, 1Elé&. Can Omo eloyd, ,34g"Adole Chave, Graèc Dnmond, Nancy Fisher, Judith Fox, CrUxrinç :Hauschgl, .Harniet .Ohman, J.nSearatti, Helen Shepard, VîirglflB Sit, Jane Sunçiiof, Çoceiia Wagner, 1ILC Roll (Photos by Carlos)' Pictured above are, the entries ini the Golden Skates.-Derby, the annual, f a- turc racé of thé Wilmette ice carnival held last Saturday afternoon at thé Village Green. Reading, f rom left to right, they are : Front row-J. Flick- inger, E. Novak, W.* Bystedt, J. -H<ilI- coat, J. Hoçft (wiqner) j F. -Eisman (seconid-place), V. Ronchetti (third place), E. Lipinskî, Sig jablonowski and T. 1Pitzkerald; back row-G. Lind- walt, M. Rudoiph, F. Moore, R. sur- meister and Pbdl Rua.feldt.. At the rlght is a picture of Julius Hoeft, representative of the Henry Athletic association of Chicago, who' won not only the Golden Skates Derby but also the Blue Streak Derby, a two- mile event. His time for the mile was 4 minutes 4O4 seconds and f or the two-nile 10 minutes and 25 seconds. I c~ JILUJI, Haze rS uo V ictor kianson, .5Egéne 1Harper, Stephen Powell, Stanton Schuman. nonoabte Mention Lee Blaylock, L.awrence Buckmaster, Orest Dellaginnis, Bert Falkenburg, Robert Hicks, George Hunt, Edward [ahier, Bert Leason, William Moffat, Zarl Mous, Alex Newton, John Norris, Mablon Sharp, Robert Thorsen;- Robert Whlte. FBESRXAN BOTS -Hfonoa, Roll N. W.Woman's ulay, jauuary 21. A business sessioný at 2 will be followed ai 2:30 hy a playlet, "Light Occupations of the Housewife" with an "ail star" cast. On Saturdav, January 21, the twelfth Annual Bail and Card part-Y will be heId in the Grand ballroorâ of'the -Hotel $herman. Mrs. W.. F. White is ticket chairman, The hostess committee for Januarv consists of Mrs. Edward Vogel, chair- man, and MesdaImes fr.wcyr. Affairs îast i nursciay evening,, what is regarded as the most ditcerning andi brilliant address ever deliver.ed at these annual forums. Proceeding, directly to - bis. state- ment that our present economic strin- gency, which lis 'only onie feature of. a wôrldwide situation, cornes over- wheImingly from -the.se wars, he stated with emphasis bis belief that war and prserity cann1ot exist in the samne rd Shows Coat of Woa, He quote 'd statisties showing that the late Great War burned up1 prob- ably. 200 billions of we alth, equal to two-thirds of the enie atol wealh o th UntedStates, the rich- est nation in the world; that it cost America aJone, 50 billions and cost IEngIand the same;,.that in the histo-, ry of our government is, bas 'dis- pensed more than eight billions in- war pensions; that; nearly three-. fourths of our national revenues goes fer - retrospective and plrospective wars, nearly. a billion annually. The outlook for world peace, he affirmed, is just now brighter than, it has been at any previous time in bis- tory, but' the nations are maintaining more- armaments and more men in arms than ever. Europe, he re- 'ninded, "fairly glistens with the flash of steel." and 30 million men- ten million, more than before the war -are under arms. Europe is spendiig' annuallyon armaments more than two billions, the world is spending more than four millions, and the war lef t England with a war debt of more thai 35 billions which is costing lier an- nuaily close to two billions, and, 'at the present rate of repayment,> wil take 140 years. to be liquidated. Te» Nfluon Wthiot work in the tliree foremost in dustrIal -coun-> tries.- of the wdMd., Great Britain, the- United Statesi and Germany, 1léilliion workèes ae 1de. iguires do flot quote the ,economIc and human waste of, war, he, rembkddthe Aý*.,..,.+iiin f*à MUUs5 do'w otf t] -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -L .-u' a ji ure Or odtuat iglit have ---------core out of the evil of war. IMrs. . E. J. Lipsch of 1501 Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Eýrl Heinz of 2750 avenue Was host to about forty mem- Bernard place entertained a smaill M.Edad.Shpe,83Cn bars MondathevYoung Mthrs lub group of their friends Sund ay eve- tral avenue, ieft on Thursdayfo Ias Mnda eenigning at supper and cards. Pamoechra i i

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