':30 P. G Uis' p5UetWaAi N (r5'!IUe1 Oi.StôIp gynnaslunm. %îes¾Vlleyball. Baptlgt va. Gym. V-olleyball. ehdstv y Class 1. Howard gymnnaalum. 8 :15 1). ni. Girls' Basketball. Village cI(eknrs va. XYZ. Stolp gymnas- en Volleybali. HÔffinan Florias -il. vs..Bàckha*kë» Howard gym- nasiufl'. Mens VoleybalL. Howard P. T. A., %,s. Hoffinan: Fiorists 1. Howard gymnasium. 9J:05 p. mn. Girls' Basketball. Presti- Mnen 1 vs. DOD's. ýStolp gymnas-. TuesdqyL. JBEU"y se 7:00 .).i. Junior Cheus 1Tournament. stolp achool library. 7:op. mn. Granimar, School gymnas- 7 :0!uni class. Howard achool. 7 :30 p ni.. Senior Chestournament.: Stolp schoo1 library. 7:30 p.- m. Girls' Basketball.' Schultz & Nord vs. Chicago. Stolp, gym- nasiumn. Nien's Horsesboca. St. Johns 1 va.. .Methodists., Howard sehool attie. 3Men's Horseshoes. St.- John's II vs. Congregationals. Howard sohool attic. D*1Men's Horseshoes. WilmÉntte Grocery % sV . iap5i Cab Compiany. Howard school attic. 8 1).ini. Grammar School Gymnasium *Class. Howard gymnasium, 8 :15 p. mn. Girls' Bs.sketball. Brownies vs. SOM. Stolp gymnasium. 8 :30 p. ni. Business Girls' Gymnastuin CIass Howard gymnasium. :5P. ni. Girls' Basketball. TNT v's. Wisconsin. Stolp gymnasium. Wednesday, Jantary Il 7 m . ~. Men's Basketball. Methodist vs. Shamrocks. Howard gymnas- imn. 8 p). in. Men's Basketball. K. of C. vs.' Schutz & Nord. Howa.rd gym- naslum. 9 P. im. Men's BasketbailL Blaochawks vs, Wolff-Grfffis. -Howard gymna.s-, ium. Tharaday, fauary 18--- li m.n. Granwiar Sohool Girls' Gym- nasium Class. Howard gymnaglum. i JuniLor Boys' Basketball. Black- * hawks vs. Irish. Stolp gymnas- 7:30 p. M. IMen's Horseehoes. Hofi- man Fioriats vs. Hornes., Howqrd *sehool ttic. Ilen's Hôrseshoes. Lymasi's Texa- e cs vs. DPW as.. Howard, achool Men's Horseshoes. Ridge Confection- ery vs. Bruinai. Howard scbool flay Photi, Mfrs. Leslie M. Parker. as Mrs. Knightly plays aisOeleof, the impor- tant roles in. Mrs,' Frances ýSher- idan's "The Disýcovery," which will: be repeatcd by tihe Evanston Couit- try- Club players at the -Natinal' *College of Education for the bene- fit of thse Mari! Cranse Nursery school Wednesday evening. The initial presentation of this revival. of thse classic u'as "one of thse big- 'flest hits. n,. orth. shore theatrical Balfour Photo- E. Grant Phihs Ps, 1609 Ridge aenpue, Evanston, wili play the leading role of Captais. McQuigg, of ~the Chicago ~police, departme>sI in thse production of "The Rackett,» to be staged by thse North Shore Circuit tse ater kite this mont h. Mr. Ph illis has appearéd in vani- ous Evanstont Country cub pisays and With otiser, dramatic gromps of.: rett 4EcUuty IJEn ýK-9rWcttr Ui mlJ of Mrs. A..: tarr teît, oundrof Draina Leag4e, o-f-Amines ...or a score of years an' activw ran leader in this country. Se a rofe as the orîiWnato cf he rigipi' 4. ina movement ifi the. United.-iStates For May -Yeu$ s the. posbltes' moving audiences religious y tç~ great trüths :dramatically :-porr4l have béen 1ow , itbo; i if, ~ " interpreted.. 'It .,haià rem*mi-ie o Mirs. Beat arýisticalIy; àp'à, cael to bridge -the ga; bet lýtwe 4tan of' the Pràf esiÔtuia ata. an fli church tbeater; Coupled::.ith a-1 deep--' relious seistroft e ýsàe, pss< draina, a îvast kw"wJ.e t workings 'of drama on .h~pr~s sional stage' Iâ eî.." for. Christian .aeia churchgo4Égpulit fr ,re1iêt1 circies.- - - -t/he orth shore.' Wfi Wildcat Cýagers to Try Mrs. Albert Pick to Play Detec for Eighth Straight.Win for Sisterhood of N. S. by0 In trying for their eigbth straighit Mrs.. Albert Pick,, Jr., Portland rnette nue " vernues have gîven fair iwarning in their games. so far that they are one of the.most power fui' quintets in the con'- ference, and also wiIl have the ad- vantage of playing on their home floor. .The Wildcats. will again be without the services of Bob Lockhart, accord- ing to indications to date, since bis knee ailment is stili tbothering. Bus Smnith, who 'bas proved a first clas ,qilhtitut. velnnpd aCharley horse Glencoie. Mrs. Pick appearedwit'h the San Francisco orchestra under direction of Henry Hadley at the age of 13, and she has appeared in. Chicago with the American Symphony orchestra. She has studied with Glenn Dillard Gunn, Hugo Mansfield and Boyd Wells. She will play a prograin fron Brahmns, Poulene, Chopin and Saint-, Saens, and will be assisted by Leila M. Kingery. Guests will be welcôme. GIVÉ lu Winifred Towuise a groupof -er 8- emble,' January ., Foxdale'-avenue. in who took part were. Amire'Edihzingk, N Jerry Petersen, Rs Alice Sieg, Robert Walker, and Dtncai * - tflr at 315- Greenleaf avenue- Iast - Theodore M Satuirday. Mrs H W eriewb ha - Mr. and Mrs Richard Hamilton his home ti thehos. .H e rsiewson abèen Houghton of 342 CGregory avenue brother-in-law asIll he guest ofhrsnand h's announce the. birth of their son Sat-. Mrs. George. the H.l G. _B;rsies, 16119 urday, January 10, at the Evanston street, * left ti (Grèenwood avenue returned recently hospital. They. have named the baby where he w to ber homneain ZîdoradO, a Richardý Hamilton Houghton, Jr. months. weeic for Murc visit for' seve