Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1931, p. 45

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State Bank day, and Il nation-wide during lent. unae' A. meeting of parents of children at-. tending. the pastoes clasa of religlous tintsruétion durlnd the week will, be held Wednesday evening, January 21, at 7 7:45 o'clock. at the churých. This meèet- ing la an, annuai affair -and lasfield ln ordeË? to> bring to the attention of par- ' enta the character of the work done ln * these classes and tsiprance. Spe.. cial Invitation will go out to ail %uch parents. ý Others are aise very, cordaly invited to corne. Women Votere invite.> TP. T. A's to Meeting TeWilmette League of Women. Voters wiIl have its next lunc eonô *meeting Monday, january 26, at the Woman's club. Luncheon wxil be served at .12:30. o'clock and in the afternoon. at 2. Col. Harry Hill, chief probation officer of the Juvenile court of Cook *cournty, will speak. The Parent-Teach- er associations of Wilmette are in- vited to be guests at the meeting. Mrs. Donald Maxwell, chairman of -arrangements, is assisted by Mrs. A. W. Hodgkiss, Mrs. A. L. Miller, and Mrs. August Meyer. TROTH ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Schuster of 184 Lakeside Manor road, Ravinia, have annôunced the engage- ment of. their daughter, juliet Marie,t to Theodore Henry Rehn, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Henry Rehn of Wilcox, Neb. 'he announnement was made at the, homne of the briçle-to-be's par- ents at a luncheon given for a group of sorority sisters and close friénds * of Miss Schustèr. AT KENILWORTH CLUB Tonight's dinner dance at the Ken- ilworth club will. have as an - added * attraction, a broiled lobster dinner. Mrs. Jacques de La Chapelle and Mrs. Jules A. Petersen are hostesses. An * entertainment of speci;al iterest .to of .Wilmette, Illiniois,,at the close 'Of business: on the 3lst da y 'of Deècember, 1930, as shown by the annual' report. made by the said bank as a trust comp any, to thé, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant toa law, and filed in the, office of the said Auditor of. Public Accounts on, thé Ninth day of January«, 1931. *Mrs. S.- W.: Gibson (Pictiered hure) , president of the Tentih dis-, trict, Illinois Pederationo'f Worn- ens clubs, twill bu Presentat the ail -day meeting of., the distri ct next Wednesday at the WomàWs club of WVilmette. ,Mrs. Gibson wi«411give, response to the. greetings Mrs. Harvey 'A. Bush, president of the hostess club, %Wll give. During the afternoon's prograrn, Miss Rosalynde B. Flutchinson, whistler. and Mrs. Samuel V.. Robuck, pian- ist, Ùill give, a music >rogram. St. GeoÔrge Auxili- Meets Next tain at bunco and cards after the business meeting.' lhis entertainmfent is free. to ail mothers of St. George boys, and a large attendance is re- quested. Annotincement is made that plans for. the Annual Ca>rd party to be held Friday, February 13, at 8 o'clock, are progressing very rapidly. A very large committee is beijig formied and tickets are being distributed. REOURCES Loans on Real Estate ............. Loans 'on Collateral, Secu rity....... Other Loans........................ Overdrafts...................., U.. S. Government Investments............ Other Bonds. and Stocks ............... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures. FederaI Reserve Bank< Stock ............. Due fromBanks, Cash anid Other.Cash 335,050.1 967,268. 150,00.0 Other Resources................... ...... 44#817.A& Total Resources .. . . . .$,2,61 LIABIL.ITIES, Capital Stock ............ .............$ U0,0E Surplus ............. * *........ * ....*.. 20090MM Undivided Profits (Net).............. 34#=4L5 Time Deposits ....................139»7.64 Demand Deposits ..... ............167847 Dividends Unpaid ..................89052L06 Reserve Accounts...............57,478M5 Other Liabilities *........... . ..,685 Total Liabilities . ....... ........3,423,26417 Par value of securities deposited with Auditor of Public Accounts, Springfield, Illinois, as reqtuired *by law, to secure Trust Deposits...........................$ 5041mI The Bible. and Works of Mary Baker Eddy. and ail other. autborized Chnastian Science Literaturc may be read, borrowed or purchas.d art the Reading Rôom. THES PUBLIC, IS CORDIaLLY INVITED TO &TTBND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIIT TIfS READING RO Subscribed and ,sworn to 1931.i (SEL) No..222. before me, .this' 9th day of. january, H. L. STONE, Notary Public. My comnmission expires, Noveember 7, 1934. I

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