Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1931, p. 44

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Walter Reisner, u*itelel A. L......... Morning worship BUoàm: **The Iboir rand lii. Wae" '1%e choir nieets êvery Monday eve- Ding for reheexsi. Te time ta 7:45 The couucill-elect wll b. Instâlled at' the moiing service Suàday, January 18. ie, coucil ,wil mneet -for -organisa- tien Tuesday evening, January 20. The. Luther 1eagw 11il ifeet 'Friday. January 28. &t 8P. M.et tha.homne of the newly. elected '- vioe-Ireiiide&t,- Miss Lueille DalbeMg 419 Gregory « avenue, Wlimette.. The. tollowing new oflcers will serve the Luther Rjeague during the lirst lhait of 1981: Wallace Stark, president; Mi s LUeIlle Da4lberg, vice-president;- làles Beatrice Larson, recording ,secretary; Mtax âuier, .Jr., coIrresponding sec re- ,tery; William Mehbye, Jr., treasurer. Prieb.a«erian, -Church: ýTenth .tMid Greenleat avenue Rel ,SheidanZeUe. D. D. Churcli b' te¶Bak Building * Phone Wtmette M04 Offie hureexet. *.turday 10-12 a. ni. * Reidence: LibraryPlea Nvasto Phone Univ.rilty 8000o. Morning Worship............ il a. m. Junior ('hurch....... ..... il a.m Sunday Seool..........9 :8<3a.n Y. P. S. CE..............5.:0ii.m Prayer Meeting Wednesday,..8 p. i. * We cordially Invite ail without other local church affliations te, worship with us and make their church home wlth un. Y<>u are always welcoine at the Wijniette Presbyterlan church. Our Sunday school at 9 :30 a. mn. eets ln ive debartniente with clases for al «es. TIi. effective work whlch the Sunday school #u 1 ln the 1 lpqpd -of Christian educatiraiis of inesuim"Ie vaiue Parents are Invited to visit and. Ss the work of the Sunday school. * The Church Prayer meeting will be at the Woma's club at 8 o'clock Wed- * nUe4ià' vuig. a series of evening taikea the gcttngpatr Dr. Zelie' wili opeûk this ýweek ýon "110w to Know, the Gospels, of Luke and Jôhn2" O)ur. next commun;ion willl be held Sun-, rt wiii ne The Younp ianidPeeple'g group hèld Its, annual dinner isat 1Tuesday *vening, at the. Shawnee club. A. group et seventy was ln attendance. The Scout troops sponsored by this çhurch meet as follows: Boy Scout Tnoop S-ThursdÉay .evening at 7:30;, Cub Scoyjs-Wednesd&y atternoon after acheel.. Girl Scout Troop 1-Thursday eat 7 p. m.; Girl Scout Troep 2-Thurs- day at .3:45; Girl Scout Troop A.- Tuesday et -3 :45. st Augustine's Sunday, January,18, will1 bé. the sec- ondi Sundav .after Eptphany.. There wil b. Holy Communion at 8 o'clocek In the.morning. Church. achools and Bible clases lilbegin at 9 :45 o'clock and Mojin Payr with .Addreps will b. I%. annuel meeting et the Parish wilb. hl Thurs<lai evuiag, Janu- ery 22, et 8 -o'olock ln the. Parish lieuse. WardoPs. and Vestr for 1981 will b. elected 1as. 9well aa delegateà te' repe gent the parish et thie Diocesan conven- tion in Chicago. February à and 4. ,An- nual re»onts will also b. presented. Retreshments wil b. served et the. close. A <deegàtion trom St. Augustine's attended lb. Diocesan Normal Training school for Church school Teachers last Monday night at Diocesan iieadquarters ln Chlca&o. Kenilworth Union Kenitworth avenue and Warwick noad Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minnister Dr. Wilett's subjeet for Sunday, Jan-i uary 18, *Ill b. "The tjnsung Soldier." Sunday -school meets each Sunday morning et 9 :45. The Womens Guild wIll meet as usual Monday et 10 o'cloek in the Guild rooni of thie church.- A cordial invitation Is extended te aittth. ladies te coome 'tn for as -much time as they can give te this good werk. On Wednesday evening, January 14, Dr. -Wilett began a series etf Wtedneçr- day'evening addresses on «"Some. Mod- er'n Faiths.Y - he firat lecture w2as n BaPitist Churciz Wilmette and Forest avenues .George D. Allison, pastor *,A Church that Cares"D *We .cord.Ially .invit e ail residents of Wilmette and vicinity whe have ne other church cohnnction te worship with us. Doring January Dr. ,Allison ja using for his sermon texts sayings et Jeaus which we find difficult to Interpret and, understand.. The morning worship serviice is.at il1o'clock and on Sunday,. January 18, the sermoh will be,,"Hating, Your Dearest for Christ's Sake,"' Luke 14.. 26. In the. series ef chfldren's stonies about follewers of Jesus, the. one for this Sunday will be, "Johni, the Be- loved Dsil. The *S8unday program opens at -9:3i0 with the Church schôol meeting ln ail departments. 'Clasâs for ail ages make it Possible for every member of the famfly to fttehd. The Aduît class, under the. leadership et the pastor, Is. discussing "Pathways te Certainty." The little folk are cared for ln the nursery during thus period. The. total errolîment fo!r our sciioci at the. present tme Is 226. Number et at- tendIng membiers present last Sunday, .anuary 11, was 142, oflicera and téach- ers, 24, making a total of 166. T1his is better than one year age the same Sun- day whenthe attendance was 128. How- ever, our goal by Easter tirne la an at- teiiding membership of 250. Beginning with th efirat Sunday in Feiiruary there will b. a contest througbout the Sunday echool stressing attendance and new niembers. Tickets te ttirè Passion PlaY*" 'l1h loomingtoni will be giv.en te tth. first flfteen pupis1 ln the. Senior and Intermediate depart- ments whe attain the necesaary number of eredits. Last year sixty ef our folk took this trip and thia yeaYr we hope to make the number seventy-tlve., The Young Peopils Society meets at 6 'clock on Sunday evening for another' fine meetinlg, thus one to be led bv Asix boys, ln a. discussion of the. tope " What 1 Think an Ideai Young Weman Ought to Be." Last Snnday there were twen- ty-eigbt anesent to hear the tnnfr nr3- Beglnntng Monday, January 26, tixére will be Religlous Education Training gcliool. Meetings will be held ln the Methodist Religlous FEducation building. Call Mr.,Sutiierland or the church office if.-you wisLh 'te enroli. The. followliig Link notices are 'given for thie. Woman'ýs society: Thursday Links;, Link Fi, Miss. Annie Beach, chair- man; lits. Harvey Bush, 721 Green- wood avenue, ho#3tess. Luncheon a t 1 o'clock ..Link, N. Mms Dubbs, chalirman; Mrs. Jr. C. Blaylock, hostess, 1202 Lake ave- nue; 1 c'.clock luncheen. Frid ay Links: Link 1R.; lits,, E. Anderson, chairman; Mrs. P.SG. Sutheir-. land, 1621. Forest avenue, hostesa; des- sert and cofféeeat 1:15. Link Et, MrÉ. S.:C. Bennett, chairman; Mrs. Edward Meier, 910 Elmwoeôd ave- niue, hostessi. One o'clock luncheon.' Link S, Mrs. Harry Kèrr, ýchairman lira. Elmer Claar, 1301 Chestnut. ave- nue, hostess. Meeting at i :5. Tea te be served. Link H, Mrs. Lynch, chairman; Mrs. Frederick Leason, hostess, 1312 Greg- ory avenue. One o'cloek iluncheo ni Evening Link I, Miss Helen Weldon, chairman; Miss Dorothea Smiith, 324 dumnor road, TelWfth, 1hostess. St. John's Lutheran Wilimette and Park avenues, Wihrnette .Herma.n W. Meyer, M. A- paster 406 Prairie avenue Telephene 1396 Churcli telephone 3111 SERVICES Seoned Sunday after Epipiiany 9:15 A. M. First se'rvice and sermon 9:.30 A. M. Sunday schbol and Bible, classes, il1 A. M. Second service and sermon Sermon: "The Sanctity of Marriage" etMEETING~S Monday t7:45.: Choir rehearsal Monday at 6:30 P. M.: Valparaiso U. meeting at St. Philip'a Wednesday at 4: Classes for children Saturday at 9 A. M.: Classes for cli- dren The Young people of St, Johns have decided: this year1 again to have four .mtitona*ry meetings during the year at which-timo the: congregation together' with the Young people wili have an op- portunity to hear.,seme outstandingmis- sionary from ô' ne: of the Lutheran Mission fields The flrst meeting for this vear wuyil behé'ld huI I',pg,,av, vnini ,will méet ini Hi1gh ac-h-ool -depertment (ail, four World-Wlde Guild m~eets Tuesday after- iday evenilnt years) : 12 te 1 p. mi. noon at the home ef Clara and I-Ichen il s3peak on Orvls. r la Ralph Mlra. A. N. Clagett, of 425 Lake ave- nue, wyul eftertaln the nienbers et the There will be a 'querterîy ehurch Neighborhood Circle at an ail-day meet- business meeting Wednesdey, Januqry [d wil i eet Ing on Tuesdey, JSnuary 20. lira. Carl 21, et 8 o'ciock. Mtters ef vital in-. oc thtei Everson and lira. George HarbenghWlll portance to our chu*rch wili be dis- Mpre,,5 b. tthe slatig hoateases. o used, and every member shouid be st iwoa.nted -present. .The. budget ton the coniing ~ nai4n»r adjpe~ingo~ hefiscal yeEr will be Çpreiet.4frtati- 'q n Édnance or Uod, tiiet God's W'ord mnust speak the deciding Word lni this matter at least for ail Christlans. We date net go beyend its rmies, net date we detract troni thein. The pas- tÔr's sermon Sundey, Jenuary 18, willl deai with this Important question.' Tou are invited te attend the service. Tii. annuel convention 'et the North-

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