Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jan 1931, p. 40

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Service THE LAW. 0F COMPENSATION. mut youàngçters fad- a great, deal of pleasure hiki ng around tlhrougb the wàods and field. The 'great outdoors catis bo them-and tbey lte littlé lime in answering it. And naturally they Iearn quite- a bit of wood lere f ront. Ilrst hand exptrience. Ornt cf the Ursrt essonîs 1 learned was that there is a taw of compensation. Even tht jost helits, have a means. cf protecting themselves freiiragzrmiion. One Saturday morning a numbe rcf us were ont hiking-following a natrow path to rtach a favorite betty parch. Rounding a benid we saw, just ahead of us. squarely bloclt- in g our advance. a suait black animal. with a bushy itait and a white stripe down bis back. Wt knew that he could nlot bite or scratch us-and that a wetl planted kick would' clear the trail. . But we aiso knew that whoever planted the kick.would be asn outcast froui.society until iuch iime as* the resuits of the kick becamne tes objecticusable te humait noues.' Neediets to say, we gave this harmless hit ebeast a wide berth. nie automobile owner who neglects. the warnings cf expierience. and. neyer has, bis car cbecked over., wil ventually fi, d the la* of compensationt rather rough oný bis pocket- bock. A dollar or two spent judiciously on Preventive Service wilt save many an .ex pensive repair bill e)ZZ14mA1N STRIET . CSLOWN A. -B. VAN DEUSBN iL.argest Motor Repair S/top in Wiltnette t NEVER GLOSED ACKýAR[1 ASofe Place to Buy a Ised Ca U SED carsoffered,,by Packard ,have been driven by discriminating .owNers" or- they would flot.have- been turned in 'on such a distinguished car as a new Packard. *You are cordially invited to inspect our stock at any time. The Catalog of ,Packard Renewed Cars wiII improve Oakland's friendly relations with the motoring public, because they unquestionably offer the biggest dollar value in the long history of our company,." Wersted Motor coin- pany, 562 Lincoinavienue, Winnetka, is the, local dealer.> As they flash past, on the highways,. the,.new cars more than ever create, a "_ýclose to the road" impression of graceful power. an d.Iow-.swung length. The m ost apparent external advafice- ments in the stylîing of the distinc- tive new bodies are, found in the, sparkling, .chrome-plated, in-built screens wýhich, conceal and protect the cores, of the çross-flow radiators;- in. the éurved tie-bars supporting the, ,tew: chrome-ýplated' head lamps'; in the long hoods secure dI by a single electro-plated handle lock on' .each side; in k-the, one-piece, fui! crown front fenders carrying chromre-plated, indicator lamps and invisible splash coritrol gutters - îin the concave rflr- ning board aprons smoothly continu- ing, the body contours to the alumi- num-bound, rubber-covered, steel running boards; in the rear splash aprons extending from fender to fen- der; and in, the slope- of the narroW. windshield pillars. New beit mould- ings and new type sun visors add further touches of distinction. Chrome-plated, bumpers of new de-, sign, employing a heavy, single, con- vex bar,. are provided on alniodels eiuue« pas senger comîort bas been ) attained through several iinprove- ments ini the bodies and chas sis o'f both lines. Thé ventilation feature of the Fisher VV slanting windshieldi lias been rendered even more effec- tive. Pedal and control openings are sealed by felt or rubbe 'r pads against the intrusion of unwanted. hot' or EXPERT a DEUfBDATIUC n which hub,- rim and spokes are al welde d together by electricity. into a strong, one-piece construction. «Those who have studied the mod- ern trend in architecture, in furniture and decoration Jand in :art bave. no-, ticed that the -f undamenital idea is to express the. practical etrength, of this sturdy mechanical age in as simple and as beautiful, manner as possible, by siîmpl e rather than by pretentîous' designs," say officiaIs of the Skokie Motor comp any, local Ford dealers.. "With -its clean-cut construction, and straightfoiward simplicity of design, in -which each spoke shows the 'linc of direction of a force, what could b-cý mnore modern than the design ojif the Ford one-piece steel spoke whe e!?. "Engineers- well know the f unda- mental strength of atrage as conx' pareil with the inherent weakness of a square. A. simple illu stration of thia is a square farm gate, which is very weak until we convert it into two tri- a.ngles by placing a diagonal bracc across the gate from one corner to the other. Or notice the triangles in a structural steel -bridge, the roof, trusses.of a barn or factory, or in the corner bracing of a building. "Now let's notice how the scientific placing of. the' steel spokes in the. Ford wheel forms triangles that brace and strengthen the wheel from eve;-.y direction. For example, take two ad-.. jacent spokes, extending outwardly f romn near the .hub cap to the rimn., See how these two spokes florm the sides of a triangle, while that section, of the rim that is between them is the base of the triangle. Or consider adjacent inner and outer spokes, how they form another triangle, with the hub serving as the base. "Th ese triangles ini the Ford *steel spoke* wheel are. so beautifullyv, ar- ranged thateven though one. spoke is eliminated, the, triangles on both sides 'Will stjll be perfect and well, able to, take care of any reasonable load. In fact, to demonstrate the strength of the Ford steel spoke wheel, one dealer deliberately cut away half of the spokes of eaÉh wheel Cao #à# Ued Car PACi.ARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO 9M LINEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS Wimuffli 3M, . Greeaf 6030. K epairing and. Refinisbing (Hat Mattresses and Springs Made to Order H. G.'LINDWALL Higbeat Grade Upholateringl SoSak Strti E st aeIbia.h. -. 18 LPhWin.t a145

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