Scouts of America, to identify him- self with the movement as a vice- chairman of the campaign, it was an- nounced yesterday by General :Wood's secretary. 1.:. Other north . shore résidents ..who have accepted appointments on the temporary campaign organization aire Dr.. Samuel Harkness, pastor of the Winnetka. Congregational church, whio wiII ,head the, speakers' bureau; R. Arthur Wood,, Highland Park, president of the Chicago Stock Ex,. change, who bas been nanie'd chair- man of the central cornmittee. in c harge. of advance' snbscriptions; Samuel Insuli, jr.,- of Liberty 'ille, campaign treasurer;. and Dan G. Stiles, Wilmette, chairman :of the lists comimittee. Gilbert. E. Porter III. of. Lake Forest, will serve as vice-chairman of the central cornmittee, wbile Robert Doepel of Winnetka will head the service club committee. Active supervision of thte àflaign is being * maintained ' by Albert P. Snite, High- l and Park, assisting General Wood as ececutive vice-chairman, and also by the steering committee, composed of Henry, Powler, Wilmette, chair- mnan; Henry K- Urion, Winnetka, and Kari D. King, Wilmette, accord~. ing to campaign heaclquarters, at Highland Park. *The >aiount of $50,000 which is being sought is to be used to pur- chase increased facilities at the coun- cil's suammer camp, Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, as weIl as to sustain Scouting -activ- ities in the. North Shore area until 1932. Towns included in the North Shore Area council's, supervision are: Wilniette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Libertyville, Glenview, Deerfield, Northbrook, and neighboring coin- runnities. The, intensive solicitation of contributions wil take place dur- ing National Scout Anniversary week, February 8 to 15. Hld Baskctball Tryouts Junior Hi athletic dil 's school,ç ts for the -zrai umejo- 1 supervise ar- fair. Last year Here is SOI DComfoýrl V ou bave a good 6oodc à da eep, Spillowed easy chair ... sofi, waïm sIippers end a mellow pipe-an extension teleplione at your $ide completes the picture end gives you solidlcomfort. You canmace or answer calis wth- out Ieaving your ch~air. Extension telephones Iocated in various rooms ini your home give you 1ILLI NO ISIBE L L T E LEPHONE COMPANY Our, policy 15 to furnlsh the best possible telephone service et the lowestcost consistent wih financial safety. - -LCaLCYS. J' social perwdu Will pre-ý cede the talk by Prof essor Ehren- sperger. The Wilmnette Teachers' club is comiposed of teachers,*in thet Public schools of the Village., Miss Marie FxIR pre'sideàît of Ille club. I costu omfce.