bPuys opecage Soason in Gaines At Howard Sehool Tuesday nlght., Ja.nuary 6. the boys' LMaketbait stdrted off wlth a bang, at Howard uchool. ,Retorees .were. plcked tai aU. the gaines.. Those.chosen wero: bâve H"»-, Frank, Koenan, George <Orten anid Howard Ruif. Koenan and W3asa took care of the sixth and-eighth gradles, whlle Green and Ruff took ýcare of. h0 Uthand seventh grades.. =l.Bu ai played was botwoen :eowag Âa.d. Francis' fifth grade, Howrd wlinnlng 10-2.: The next Saine wsabetween thé. Bruins and, Wildcats, thé Bruine wlnnlng 17-1., The néxt gaewas won- by forfeit, and -Black- hkawinning f ron,, St, Francis.A practice game was tbeiu played betweon tbe Blackha.wks and Rangera, the Rang- er. wlnnlng 10-9 In what proved to be the boat game of the lot;: Outstandlng players of the evenlng -were.4 Douglas. Huck,,SA Hows-rd, ]Ed -Siyder from the _Bruins, Charles, "ICIogUsh" iluofon, from the Wlld- cats, Howard Bail of the -Rangera, and Charles Moreau of thé. BlaokhawksQ. ~Mod*t f thegSaies BliolVd fai te work and good- basket shooting, oxcopt In the WlIldcats' ganie wher. so many aiuots were milsud.--George Green, ffoxard 8B. Workers Nourish Larva To Develop Queen Bec -The queen beecocmes from an egg that would ordinariiy doveiop Into a worker. The workors start large celse at tihe edges or depressions of the comb and put an egg in eo-h. As soon um thm.%vir nto 4Là t.a f~a *kthp1.,..v. over sand. ting to, ostu s-ny',other queens or tes-r down the -cou of s-ny grub princese. This quosu sometimes Jaya sixt eggs a minute or 3,000 a day. The drone Wich' lu not good for s-ny- t.hlng but a mate, but hie wiuýgs ane' strong and they carry hlm ms-ny miles, iu search o! a quoeu. -Tiis drone bs 37,000 tiny nostrile which, can srneil the fragrance of- hie mistress.-Cath- èrene Bows-rdý_Bows-rd 8B. > Grammar Sehool Band Gives 2 Performances Whou 1 got Up Christmas mornhlg. 1. foun d uovers-l nice. presenta 1 iehd né- celved, but the present 1 lkod thé bout us-s a chemnical, set a-nd 1 began mak- tng- experiments. My littýe sister -wynted me to pis-y with her but 1 refused, then ashe got on a chair :and pretencied she fs-inted. Then i1 found some: smelling satts Wîth. my chemicai net add I put it under ber nome. and Up ahe'jumped. It was a. terrible amell.- In the afternoon' some frjenda came overand 1. dldsoine chemicai. changes. At' firet 1 changed water <o wine, and wlne to milk, and water to blood, e-nd, biood to rock. -1 didn't kil anyoue to gçt blood; It was, chemical biood. 1 slau changed a ploce of âteel into a plece o! coppen. Thon I wrote on, a plgeoof papeir witix lernoi Juice s-nd Put a. candi. under the paper, and the writlng turnied black so it - couid ho re-d. -During the lant .few dÉa s ued MnY cheai at >80 ab uch I broko ft-eveu test tubes. There -wene élgbt lu, the chemi cal set when I got ILt 1 hope the onles who got cheiniucal sets- for Chu'istynas enjoyed theini as- *el 'as J did.--John Speredes, 7A Howa-rd. General Science Pupil Sees Meteors Flash *Severai weeks s-go our genenal sci- ence, teacher, Miss Stevens, told us that our esrth was pssing thnough a nunt- ber o!f-meteors, the Loonines, and ifJ we wouid look In the sky - at night we trouid pnobably see- sonie neteors. 1, had nover- seen s-ny meteors, so' .1 de-é clded tus-t tuila wouid bo a good timne to see moine. 1 soc -sny, s50 1 DOgs-r to get Glecourageci when suddenly - I1s-w s- meteor.-:,it wss quite s- long fla-sh,. but it oniy lIsted -a second. 1 Tho second moteor I1s-w* came abouti seven minutes atter tho firet. 'This oee ws-s quite short. The thIrd meteon camne s-bout- seven, minutes salter*- the second. Thise-one, was guito ýa. long Ilish and it hs-d sevenal sps-rke shooting out be- hind. ît was the prettiet 0fthe three. --Jean Perrili, SA Howard. Aurora Borealis Resuits Mercury Considered an Important Element Morcury je one of the most Important elonuente there le. Théo oid ns-me was ilulc-ksilver which ws calied ln Ger- ms-ny, *quick." Quick wae an ancient Teutonic eWord whlch: meant liing"' and it le used ln that senise in .Apostlee' Creoti when we. speak of 'the **quick and the.es-d." Mercury la 1k. silver butt i noves and la alive. It la qulck. The ichemias heid this element in the bighest regard afd gave it the sign of the god, ýMer- cury, who ilew so ewiftiy with ie islit- tle wings on bis heels, and grs-dus-iiy the name Mercury crowded out the old qulcksilver. Mercury wse used as medicines, of great -value. It occurs in na-tur'e chief- ly under the form .,of cinnabar HGS, which la tIje red minerai. -Pure mner- cury wbcn It bas been, âepars-ted from the suiphur le a marvelous iiquid, free tlowlng and silvery, yet neyer wetting s-nyms-tnalwbicb le put Iintà it. lu the oldenl days it was used for the backs of mirrors, but now mirrors are backed witb sîlvér qulcksllver. Mer- oury la used foér -thermomet-ers and irh pumps and othor things. This. flrst sub- stance they. called "prima matons-," and lt was flot mercury as' it la known today, but man thought ths-t ail other elements were ma-de from these two. Later. men became sure that the- world was resliy coinpoeed of about ninety different olements lnstes-d of simnpiy oee single one, and thoy knew that no oe olement could turu into a.nother.-Elea- non Speredes, 7B Howard. Mine s Provide of World's Nickel Its alloye are --cuctlec. Nickel le found. lu ail métoorie etones, but the meet importanit mines 'are lu Sudbury, Ont., from which more th-n bs-if the worid's suppiy le obtalned. Next to the Sud- bury mines, tbe grostest production, le lu New -Cae-donia, but there wenc dis- covo.rles lu lfl8 of great deposite in the -Celebes, which ms-y ilu timerival Vie Sudbury district. -Nickel mixed with brase-lun'vs-ny irg proportion, le now weil known and is-ngely used as Germs-n silven or nickel silver. One-fourth of es-ch Amenican flve-cent piece le nickel. The nemalud-- or Is coppe.-Eleanor Spenedes, Il0*. 1,1'd 7B. Five Bird. Greet' Students as They S Take Science Hike Tuesday, .anuary *6, -a.frlend ,of mine, my sister, and 1 went, on a hike. We were niostly, Interested ilu gettlng things for science so We could gain more points. On the way over to Mar- Jorie's bouse I sa.WW a chickadeei and the way hecocked bis. head at me. 1 was sure that he was wanting me to feed hlm. In a short tree near her house I looked up and, was. rather satried to seeeàa- amali splotch of blue Just disap- pearing among the bushes. 1 looked Wt up later anld found it to be a bluejay. We got ail ready and started. We' saw a bird that was on the trunk of a,.big os-k.tree whlch.we limaglined was a tltmouee. It was,.at rathier drab color and we bardlly noticed ItL Wbile we. were bunting for birds we also -were coliecting. twlgs. We each got fIve differont kinde. .Another bird 1. saw 1 bappenod on quito unexpectoiy. I waz etopped short .ln my. tracks at the si gbt of a brilliant bird. It was a brighit red wlth blaek wings. It ws-s a red-whged blackblr4. The flUth bird we saw was a wood- pecker. He was plcking at the suet somobody had hung on a- nearby troc and was looking as though he were eniJoylng the food. We soon came home and we ail' thought. it hs-d beon quite an interest- ing hike as Weil as- an oducaional one. -Eliene Weakly, 7B. Patrol Leaders of Scouts Listen to Indian Programi Tuesday, Js-nuary -6, s-il the paîtrol leaders of the Boy an~d Girl Scout troops met over s-t Shawnee Country ~club to lilten to a very interesting prograim. The girls ln tbcir green uniforms andi the »boys in kbaki were very excited because thbyF1týëw they were goillgto have a good time. This meeting 1 be- lievo was lu the comps-ny of the Optl-, mist club of Wilmette and their guest was an Indian., This meeting ws-s held to erect a memoriai to the Inýdians who once lived on this ground. le Indian was a de- scendent of Wilmetto's anrcestral In- di-n.. He danced one or thxe Indian dances, sang, and recited two, pooms. 1 arn sure tus-t ail of the Scouts *were very much pieased with this kind in- vitstioné.-Catherine Reynolds, Howaid SB. Kitten Sleeps on Several tanimoua vote, b,>dismoud ahi luto lu ethecn le la ý t8i m -The ye-r s-nd e.--Charles prcuuen sflo howoud b tIi~ COASTEES 1»O»QU ET1WE xt Prie4nt il o'clock the day or During vacation- a frlend aud 1 went B electiOn. That shiows what, rs-pid ýcoastlng s-tthe bea:Uh. If le very mnucb u'munication we have now. - f4n to go whizzing down the lill but, A' long timne sgo they depended upon the snow la -orydOepan neanea naportation.for ail their communij- dresaedi'armily ho l8a spt to get uoaked. ton. it took monthoa to tell ÏWomo- In the way oet the. sled are treos te dy s-cross a few utstes a littie bit of dodge and It ai Vér'y excltlng, for one wa. - Mary LUis, S chaeffer,71 cati. nover tell uhon ho wilI ,run ito one.. ws-rd. - -Richard P'lnney, UmissHarde' om