volume is contrasted to thie 1929 total of $274,875,747, or more than twice that of 1930. Forty-five suburbs within a forty- mile radius of the city plus Chicago itself are included in the survey. The total for the suburbs alone is .$32,082,- 514, for Chicago $79,613,400.. In 1929 the total for the same, suburbs was $72,5U,9470 for Chicago $202,286,800. The construction -volume of forty- Aive suburbs for the month 6f Dec-, ember was ;$20Q09,614,' a loss of, 38 percent, compared with the . ame month of. 1929 wben -tbe. total was $2,85,94.Chicago's December 1930 total of $2,M8,900 is. contrasted With the December 1929 tot of $5,098,800. The' suburbs' showed, an 18, percent gain in the comparison of December 1930 with -the previous month' of November when.a volume of $!',436,;- 684 was registered. _Chicago took a severe drop in this comprison, reg- istering $3.756,M00 in Novemberý and $2A25,900 in Dece-mber. Combining the forty-five suburbs and Chicago a Decemfber~ 1930 total of $4,295,514 is reached. This compares with a total if $7,882,694 for December 1929 andi ~total of $5,392,884 for the prececl- ing month of November, 1930. Twenty towns made gains in Dec- ember 1930 over the same month. of 1929. 0f these Batavia takes first rank with a gain of 3233 percent. Forest Park registered 1868 percent, River Forest 1533 percent, Aurora 1375 percent, Hinsdale 1160 percent. The others were Maywocid, Wil- est and Gary, Nineteen towns showed gains ini Décember over November. Trhe top- notchers in this comparison arc Kenilworth wýith 6435.7 percent, Mount Prset2050 percent, Dolton, 1118.7 Percent, -Wheaton 696.2 percent, Oak Park 519 percent. and Lombard, Harvey, Villa Park, River Forest, Aurora, Berwyn, Highland Park, Forest Park. Homewood. Lakel Nel cson, greatest ligntweignt champion of the era. Monday's program has the sanc- tion offthe Amateur Atbletic Union andi wiIl b e.conducted under-the laws of the Illinois State Boxing- commis- sion., Ed Purdýy.will be the referee. The boxing show will be f or men and'women. ASSISTS T ED SHAWN IÉrnestine Day, .featured member Of the company of Denishawn dancers, will assist Ted, Shawn- in 'the. per- formance to be given in, Orchestra. hall on Sunday afternoon, january 18, under: the direction of Bertha Ott. Miss Day'has beén with the Deni- shawn dancers for,,seven ,years. -In ad dition to gfiving several solo dances, Miss Day will join Mr. Shawn in a- group of duets. Miss Grtrusde Paynie, 221 WÔod' court, entertained fourteen of her friends- fro m ber office at an evening bridge recently at ber home. Mrs. M. L. Paterson of Hlighland Park is sojourning in San Diego, Cal., MR. HARRY SIMMERS WILL PERSONALLY SERYE YOU Permaneénf.Waves Beauliful Haircuts Peicet surprWengliy:moderato 4ýPrivacg You'li Enjoeg" HOURS 9:00: te 6:30'. 65 EAST WASffl'O» ST-' 4 VRFA XK UN '08O - r - r - i You C an the e. Your first instinct is to think- thedecitnal p oint's misplaced. That's. how dArastic we are when we hold forth in a January Sale;. Everything gets slasheci, 20% to 50%.- Think of our loveIy Spode, for instance. ~~- e-E g 1* PLAIDS, --so Of course' you ses the m ber.e t Stevens. in dresses, in silksl- by-tfh.-yrd. Youcn choose imaginative end eovel accessm ory'clors, if one part cf your costume is of plaid.,Try if!, Palm! %Beach over the PIRATESi W idet rousers for beach wear -cf rough h linemi, of jersey. or of flannel. Theré's' anintem.tinq collection' cf trousers and beach pajamas: bers. You Se. Pleated FWa1l Collars even on .Dressesof È- ANGORAý pIwm . «l Ar % origfinafed by Pa mnost heavenly s tachio Green. àA Yellow, Rose R tone. $25,00. Long Coats sports frock, itou, is hoe in. the shades: Corail, Pis.- Amulet Blue. Butter Romantique, Straw- taio Match, $25 Ifln' Boret and ternoon at J :15'o'ciockc Mrs. W. H. Smythe bas returned ta her home at 43 Kenifrrorth avenue, Kenilworth, from. the Passavant, hos. pital where she underwent an opera- tiôn. She is convalescin, saesa torily.ifa:- 517 DAvisSTmmWH BvANsToN GEEBNLw P2450 625 N. Miio»< Ave.L Supnmaia63»' yens and soelI STEVENS of EVANSTONI